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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Maybe AD knows something you don't?
  2. If you would just give me more details when I ask you what she's wearing, this would be much less traumatic!
  3. Ah, okay....
  4. I don't know many Christians who believe THAT, bro....
  5. LMAO!! I read the first two words of that quote and immediately reacted in my head with, "geeezus, what the !@#$ did I just write???"
  6. LOL....I figured you just got caught changing your thoughts, so I wanted to quote it before you caught it
  7. Damn right! I'm tired of all these fuggers who can't know how to spell!!!!
  8. They have transsexual cheerleaders? Very progressive!
  9. HFT, everyone!
  10. One woman's humanitarianism is another woman's community service
  11. "Others say free schools could gain popularity if the emphasis on testing and regimented curriculums keeps up." Yeah, that's what we need....people with even LESS education running around. I thought maybe these schools were for kids who were like 4, 5, 6 years old....but all the way up to 17??? I don't see how this is even legal. I was a late bloomer academically, but when I did finally bloom I bloomed my asss off. I had to come to the realization that 1) there is true value in education and knowledge, and 2) it's important to have a proper balance in order to get the most out of it. When I was a stepfather, I became an important part of the lives of two small children - twin boys. When they started school, they would literally throw a tantrum when it came time to do homework. What I did was implement a program where we'd work for 20 mins, then I'd give them 20 mins to go and do what they wanted to do. Then we'd work another 20, they'd get 20 of their own, and so on. I helped provide them a better balance to where they got much more out of the time they spent doing their homework, and then they began to realize for themselves - at age 6! - the value of learning. Their grades improved, they acted out much less often in class, and we became much closer as a family. There is also evidence that you better retain what you learn at the beginning and end of a study session than what you learn during the middle. So I think that helped, too. Instead of totally screwing these kids in terms of their viability as productive members of society, maybe focus more on working with children to more successfully adapt to the rigors and challenges that come along with being a student.
  12. I almost turned that flick off after the first 20 mins....but I'm glad I stuck with it, cause it's one of the coolest things I've ever seen. It really helped me see Drew in a different light, too....she's a total sweetheart. I'm 90% sure that guy is a closet flamer, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
  13. The main thing I remember from that year was people booing Jimbo....fuggin pissed me off!!!
  14. Speaking of her sister.....
  15. Now that is one helluva nice pic....her curves are amazing.
  16. Damn fine uniform.
  17. I'd totally do both of them and not feel guilty about it in the slightest. I'd do Laura Bush, too.
  18. I always felt he had a great birth day
  19. I rented a very good film a few weeks ago called, "The Miracle Match". It was about the US National Team in the 1950s and their World Cup appearance down in Brazil. The uniforms we had back then were actually very sharp and classy. I agree that the '94 US unis were kinda goofy looking, though at least we did well for ourselves wearing them. Better than this last one, that's for sure!
  20. Was that the game where Natrone Means ran his asss off against us?
  21. There are a lot of really great soccer unis out there, particularly in the English Premier League. Newcastle United has some really cool ones, and I think some of the teams in the Italian Serie A league are pretty slick. I know most people on here dont' give a flying sh-- about soccer, but still.....
  22. exactly, those are the astros unis that I would vote the worst of all time.....I cannot believe someone actually said, "oh yeah, let's go with these!"
  23. I remember that fugger..... How about these for some cool digs
  24. DAng, Matty, you're like an expert in sh------- uniforms lol
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