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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. nice post, Reed Pretty cool you saw Jimbo!
  2. I only saw his interview on the CBS postgame show, but I thought his answers were pretty succinct, actually. He does seem to have a swagger about him, though....I like it. It's sort of like he had a swagger before, but his inexperience and immaturity made it come off as more of a cockiness. But I think it's evolving Hopefully he'll hang around with Jimbo more again this coming offseason.
  3. great....so much for Roscoe being part of the game plan
  4. You know which Woody Allen film sounds funny to me (just based on reading Netflix descriptions)? 'Take the Money and Run'.... "Music-loving nebbish Virgil Starkwell (Woody Allen) launches his criminal career at a young age, but undismayed by his failure to successfully pull off a single bank heist, he carries on his endless string of botched stickups and jailbreaks even after he weds and starts a family." I'll see Manhattan or Annie Hall first, but what do you guys think of this one? Anyone seen it?
  5. I just looked him up on Netflix, and it seems I have "La Dolce Vida" in my queue already....any comment on that one? They have Amarcord and Intervista, too, so I'll start with Amarcord
  6. fellini is probably the most famous director I know, yet have not seen any of his films. I'll definitley add your recs to my list, though....I'd like to see what he's all about.
  7. right on! I recommend that film all the time, but not many people ever take me up on it....such a shame, cause it's a damn fine flick
  8. He's got a lot of films out there....I had no idea he'd made that many!
  9. lol, I actually have 'The Brother From Another Planet' in my queue....I don't remember why I put it there, but there it sits. I'll have to move it up since you say it's worth a look. Speaking of Jarmusch, have you seen "Down by Law"? I think it's one of my favorite films ever....There is so much charisma and personality on the screen in those jail scenes that it's nuts!
  10. Okay, so TWO people who don't feel that way....lol Even seeing JP in only a few snaps at the end of the game when they switched the broadcast over, it was pretty clear to me that he had come a long way since the last time I saw him. Not saying you'd feel similarly, but what I saw yesterday was an honest to goodness real life NFL QB. A QB who won a game for his team in the last few seconds. For the second week in a row
  11. Yep, I noticed that when I saw the replay too.
  12. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I have yet to see anyone post in the past 24 hrs who feels differently. Well, maybe one.....but yeah, I think the vast majority of Bills fans feel better about JP this morning than they ever have before. I know I do!
  13. DelRio has a hot daughter.
  14. Like Biscuit, Talley, and Wright used to do? I like him better already!
  15. I can totally respect that, too. I don't want to see the studios sterilization of a director's vision, I want to see the director's vision period. There are a lot of amazingly creative people directing and writing films, and I wish they'd be left to their own devices more than they are. I think with the surge of Indy films over the past ten years or so, combined with the ability to make a film for nearly peanuts nowadays, you see a lot more of that independence and pure vision. I dig it.
  16. thanks guys, that will definitely be a great start for my Netflix list! Oddly enough, I've somehow seen Mighty Aphrodite and Bullets over Broadway w/out even realizing they were his films I saw BoB when I was dating a girl who was a classically trained opera singer, so I think we were trying to see films that were a bit more sophisticated than Ace Ventura. I remember liking the movie, but not being crazy about it. Mighty Aphrodite I enjoyed, though I had a HUGE crush on Mira Sorvino. What a babe So I guess I've seen four W.A. films....I'll probably delve back into his really early stuff since I figure that's what helped him obtain his rep as a great filmmaker. I'll have to let Woody entertain me until Jim Jarmusch, one of my new favorite directors, comes out with his next film
  17. I have always had the impression that Woody Allen was a borderline pedophile and a bit of a perv, thus I've never had much interest in seeing his films. That being said, I did happen to catch his last two - 'Match Point' and, just a couple days ago, 'Scoop'. I thought Match Point was very well done, and I liked Scoop enough to enjoy the hour and a half I spent with it. (The very last scene in 'Scoop' had me rolling....great scene!) So, still uncertain as to how I feel about Woody Allen as an individual, I have to admit that I'm somewhat interested in seeing more of his work as a director. I was wondering how the rest of you guys felt about him, and whether or not you could recommend some of his better films to me.
  18. They went for the cookbook? lol And is it possible to blame Lana for any of this?
  19. sure, whatever that means, me and my noodle are game Unless you meant Lana....in which case, she's indisposed....I sent her to bed in shame. SHAME, I TELL YOU!
  20. doh!
  21. 8===D 30 lashes with the wet noodle!
  22. Bills Bros before hos!!!!
  23. Pleading innocent now only to be found guilty later will make your punishment MUCH worse!
  24. Oh yeah, you can go much larger that that too! Fez got me on the projector bandwagon last year, and I'm hooked. For not a lot of money (relatively speaking), you can put together a very nice, and very impressive, front projection set-up. You can get a high def projector for under $1k that will give you a very nice image. Last year I bought a unit that was two models old since the newer units had just come out and lowered the prices on the older ones. I spend around $200 on a special reflective paint to make my screen, and that's all it took. Just hook up a source to it (cable box, dvd player, satellite, etc) and you're good to go!
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