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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Yeah, I agree....and it looks like they're really pissed off at how Bunkley and Justice have done next to nothing so far. I like going to that site cause it reminds me of when I used to listen to Philly radio....always made for some entertaining listening
  2. I sort of agree with VA to a degree. When I read a description of what happens during a late-term abortion, I was horrified. I would probably put that on par with what the article was describing....both are just unfathomable to me.
  3. I visit the Eagles forum every so often to keep tabs on the Eagles and all things Philly, and it's pretty funny just how ready and eager they are to throw some members (coaches and players) of their team under the bus. They make the people on here look damn near patient!
  4. Probably a good time for Green to get canned....some interesting big time college jobs opening up.
  5. "I really really don't see us getting burned by their tight ends. I've never even heard of those two guys."
  6. I never thought she was all that attractive until I saw her interviewed. She's got a great personality and seems like a real sweety. I felt the same thing about Heidi Klum, though I pretty much started drooling after her the first time I saw her. She have a very jovial, fun loving personality....very attractive
  7. Yep, I had added the Red, White, and Blue films to my queue a few weeks ago. They must have just been out on DVD or soemthing cause I'd never herad of them until I went through the release list at rottentomatoes.com I'm glad to hear they're good, cause I was pretty intrigued when I read the feedback at netflix. I've heard of Kurosawa but never seen his stuff....guess that'll have to change too
  8. He's got to be one of the dumbest players in the NFL. Well, one of the dumbest players who USED to be in the NFL
  9. LOL, gotta have your guilty pleasures, my friend
  10. I don't know how it's possible, but it appears that there is a Sly flick that has slipped through the "worst of..." nominations. I think I just have some sort of genetic defect, cause I have enjoyed just about all his clunkers. But anyway, the one I'm thinking of is "Rhinestone". I don't know why, but I found that movie hilarious! lol
  11. I'm fired up for Rocky, too....can't wait!
  12. Sure as hell does! I just heard him do it a week or two ago....couldn't believe it
  13. If I hear him do his, "eh, you see, wha-ha-happen'" line again....or the "cooler than the other side of the pillow" one, I'm gonna seriously vomit. Someone needs to put it in his damn job description that he needs to come up with NEW sh-- to say every so often. As annoying as Kenny Mayne is, at least he's not nearly as much of a recycler.
  14. lol, that's the one I'll be using when I'm posting at 1am on the weekend when everyone else is out doing something indicative of having a life
  15. Oh yeah, I'm glad he's latched on to Scarlett....she's so yummy it's crazy!
  16. Were you not dying at the very last scene?? I am a firm believer that the key to great comedy is the delivery....and his delivery in that brief and final scene was spot-on! It took what was a good-but-not-great film and turned it into one that I found very enjoyable since it was worth the ride to get to that point. I'm really glad that you guys are so well-versed on his stuff....as well as the Fellini stuff, too. I've been in need of some good comedies lately, so I'll probably tap into some of woody's goofier films first, then touch upon the more dramatic. I'm excited
  17. Always nice to have one of those around
  18. Is Kiwaukee Thomas really playing that badly? I've only seen him play for a total of three or four quarters this year, but he was all over the field when I saw him. If he's taken a step back, that really sucks. I figured we had a real solid pick up in that guy.
  19. Agreed
  20. me too
  21. well, I did enjoy Woody's performance in this last one I just saw, "Scoop". I don't think the critics loved it, but it had it's moments. I know I mentioned it above, but the last scene had me rolling....a fair bit of the dialogue was pretty witty, too, and he was convincing in the role he played. So if that's any indication, then I'd probably enjoy him as an actor in his other films. I love all forms of comedy when they're done *right*, you know? A lot of times comics will rely on profanity way too heavily, or be over the top in their expressions and gestures, stuff like that. I know Seinfeld gets up on a soapbox about that sort of thing too, and I agree with him. It just cheapens the performance when they take the easy way out.
  22. For real! Maybe build a giant shoehorn or something....anything to get his ass to the Ralph.
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