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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Which album do you suggest? I can always go for a little faith-based music, though I get really annoyed when song after song is about the same thing over and over and over. And I don't mean that to be a slight on Christianity at all....I mean it to be a shot at the musicians. I think Jesus Himself probably gets sick of hearing about "Calvary" and some of the other overused themes that can be found in damn near every song somtimes. I just think there are many, many ways to express a Christian viewpoint or write about Christian life without using the same buzzwords time and time again. I hope you know what I mean....
  2. So this guy is like an angrier, schizophrenic version of Weird Al, or what?
  3. I'm a slack ass why? I've tried to reverse engineer what you said, but it still makes no sense to me.... No matter....I'll be happy to take (and perhaps even follow through on, if it's not a "slack day") your suggestion. Actually, while I tend to have trouble getting much into Jazz, the samples of traditional Blues music, as well as the more contemporary expressions, have been very appealing to me. You may have never heard of this guy, but I have a few of his cuts on CD and he pretty much dominates the room when I play them. I'm very much into quality sound reproduction and have a very good audio system (not a nice as Lurker's, but still not too shabby!), and this particular genre of music sounds very good on it. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion (sorta).
  4. I still want to know what's up with R.Rich....here I was thinking he formed a leg of our triumvirate, and then he goes and half admits he's not even from Erie! He could be a double agent.
  5. I don't remember a lot of it off the top of my head, but I know that when he was getting some press at the draft there were a fair number of stories on his background. I remember him having a pretty interesting upbringing, in addition to some of his rationale as to why he went away (from Cali) to college instead of sticking around home. JP is an interesting kid.
  6. wow, that's pretty interesting....I'd like to read more about that, actually. I know I've heard about these issues from time to time, but I never realized that they had a sort of "protection" due to the tenure system.
  7. Picked up David Gray's 'White Ladder' and the first Sugarland album. I LOVE the sugarland chicks voice, but I will have to warm up to the music. It's a bit more country than I thought....little too much for me, perhaps. Jury is still out. The David Gray disc is awesome....money well spent. Some really good songs, including one of the best love songs I've ever heard http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Thi...8256A06002B06F3 Good stuff! Couldn't find the AJ Croce disc No worries, though....that's what online ordering is for
  8. I forgot about those guys.....I could go for some of that. And Mannheim Steamroller, too. I've never heard anything more beautiful than their version of silent night (stile nacht).....holy crap is that amazing.
  9. That's probably the only sort of Christmas music I'd ever spend money on, lol.....aside from a kick ass version of "O'Holy Night", I hate that stuff!
  10. Damn right I bought some a short time ago....my music collection has been expanding in size and quality ever since I started picking brains on here
  11. I can go for that, too....just less often in the mood for pure instrumentals. But Steve Carlton is still one of my all time faves, so I'll definitley check him out if you say he's good.
  12. Alright, the blues harp! Right on
  13. Ah okay....well based on what everyone has said about him, including yourself, I think I'm goign to like his stuff. Hopefully bb will have it in stock!
  14. Oh yeah, that guy is amazing! I'm also not ashamed to admit that I really enjoy Josh Groban, too. Talk about great vocals!
  15. My taste is very ecclectic, but I LOVE good vocalists above all else. If you combine great vocals with something emotional - and by that I dont mean sappy, I mean something that affects you in an emotional way and really involves you in what's going on - then I'm probably going to love it. That's why I took to Buckley so quickly....the guy's voice was just sick, and his music/performance is very intense. I dig that. Van Morrison...very unique vocals, great music....can't go wrong with it. I'll definitely check the guy out....I have a whole list of great stuff that you guys have suggested
  16. Did something happen to his voice?? One of the reviews I read indicated that his "sound" now is much different than his early stuff. Any idea what they meant? Looks like the one Best Buy has is "Early On....", which seems to be a compilation album. Will that work?
  17. wow, that AJ Croce album looks like it's just BEGGING to be played on my audio rig....I may have to run over to Best Buy and pick that one up this afternoon if they have it....nice call!
  18. I'm gonna have to start calling you Fezmid II, lol Thanks all for the suggestions! I was actually expecting more responses like Inkman's, but all these obscure bands works just as well....I love adding new stuff to my list
  19. Can you say more about the complete freedom part? Surely the institution won't tolerate bigotry, prejudice and hateful stereotyping, right? If Fuzzy Zoeller had said what he did about the African American cuisine, are you saying nothing would have happened to him?
  20. People who openly put their prejudice on display in public have no clue.... I would have told her to blow me.
  21. I'm game for anything
  22. Okay, so I just got a new credit card in the mail....first one in a few years, since my divorce. I'm going to celebrate my return to credit card debt by purchasing a CD from Amazon. Just cause I'm easily amused and way overtired from having to switch my work schedule back and forth from nights to days a few times this week, I want to make this more interesting for myself. Therefore, I'm only going to buy a CD if there is a clear winner among whatever suggestions I receive. I'll monitor this thread between now and Sunday night. If one particular CD is suggested more than any other, I'll buy it. Ready.....GO!
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