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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. That reminds me....I saw a preview for one of the Law and Order shows (I think that's what it was) where Chevy Chase was a guest star. They referred to him as some award winner....I'm assuming they said "Emmy", but not sure. What the hell did he ever win??
  2. I can't tell if you're serious or kidding, lol, but I'll say that when J.Hudson is on her game, Mantasia can't hold her jock. Hudson tended to be kinda up and down on the show, which is why she got booted off, IMO....but if she has multiple takes to get it right, she'll knock it out of the park. She's got some legit chops!
  3. Thanks, Mark! This actually looks like a much better month than I realized! I've been dying to see Rocky Balboa since I first came to understand that it wasn't a joke, lol. But there are some of my favorite actors who will have films out this month...pretty awesome! And I'll follow-up with what you said about Dreamgirls and go out on the limb a bit....Don't be surprised if we see the very first Oscar Nomination for an American Idol alum....supposedly Jennifer Hudson is just amazing in the role and I wouldn't be surprised to see some consideration for best supporting actress. Though I have never seen her act, her voice is pretty damn good....so if the former is half as good as the latter, I'm guessing she steals the show. And what kind of a title is "The Good German"???? I take issue with that....
  4. You're a doc, aren't ya rubes? Do you agree with me about NPs?
  5. Even though I'm in the biz, I don't recommend that people go to NPs for medical issues. If given the choice, I'd go with a Physician Assistant (PA-C) or a "real" doc. I have looked at the curriculum of the NP programs and I just don't have enough confidence in it to trust them as practioners. PAs are trained in the medical model and are, IMO, in a much better position to perform a competent exam and make proper treatment decisions. While I'm sure there are some NPs out there who are very good, as a general rule I'd avoid them when it comes to primary care. If you're having a baby, then NPs are great....
  6. When I was in school, I was going to a female doc....the best doc I've ever been to, for sure. Well, there came a time when I had a wee bit of a rectal issue (wont' go into details), so she sent me to a GI doc as a precaution just to be certain it wasn't anything to worry about. When she did a digital rectal on me, it was not a big deal at all....just like you guys said. But of course when i went to the specialist, he was this short, stubby older guy with short, stubby fingers. Why someone like that would go into gastroenterology when there are so many OTHER areas of medicine to go into is beyond me....
  7. does that mean it's about time for them to start going for seconds? That just about covers it for everyone's first arrest, right?
  8. You're right....I don't know what I was getting all excited about. It should have gone without saying that sooner or later all we needed to do was bring in an UDFA TE (one who had experience as a d-lineman, too....duly noted), stick him on the line, and we'd have the most important position on our line solidified for the next decade.
  9. I haven't seen enough of him to know if he is or isn't good, but I can't stand that fugger either. Seems like whenever I've heard one of his interviews or seen clips of him on the sidelines, he's got something arrogant and/or condescending to say. I'd love to see him get knocked off his little pedestal before the season is out.
  10. right on, Bill.....the more I think about J.Peters, the more amazing it is to me. Let's say that the guy ends up being a solid starting LT for the next ten years. How incredible is it that, with all the player analysis and scouting, it wasn't until he became a Bill that someone (McNally?) decided to try him out as an O-lineman. How can he go through HS and college ball, and then the scrutiny of 32 NFL franchises, and not have ANYONE peg him as a lineman? I'm not football historian, but I can't imagine there are many examples of this. Maybe someone like Heinz Ward would be comparable to a degree? I dunno, but now that he's actually DOING it at LT, and agaisnt some pretty good opposition, I'm just in awe of what he's accomplishing.
  11. Happy B-day, Nick!
  12. Kelsey Grammer?
  13. Until the Bills either move, or someone else buys them, I will continue to hope and pray that Tommy G one day ends up at One Bills Drive. The guy is a pure winner. He's a leader and he gets things done. If there is a more perfect owner for this franchise, I don't know who it is. If there is someone who could squeeze every last bit of potential out of a small market cold weather team, I don't know who that is either.
  14. I start from the left middle.
  15. Ah, okay....I was about to ask you who you'd been talking to And yeah, I obviously can't and don't take everyone up on their suggestion, but folks do put me in the best position to succeed, you know? There is a huge variation in taste among wallers, but at the same time there is seemingly almost a constant level of quality. Person 'A' may be into Southern rock, while person 'B' and 'C' like Blues and Techno, respectively. Still not sure where Tom and his Jingle Dogs fit in, but that's beside the point But what I'm trying to say is that if I ever wanted to sample something from a genre that I was less familiar with, taking a TBD'ers rec is a pretty good way to go.
  16. How can they have Bernie friggin Kosar and not Jimbo????
  17. I still find myself craving a tuna melt on sourdough from Perkins, with some fries and a side of beef gravy for dipping. It's been a good eleven years since I last visited one, though....they don't have them down here in the south
  18. Looks like the Chili Peppers are in the lead with about 18 hrs left to go! Actually I've added almost all of the suggestions to my list, a few of which I'm very interested in picking up sooner rather than later....so thanks everyone!
  19. ben Folds looks intriguing....and I totaly agree about the Postal Service. i can't believe I actually already own one of your suggestions, but I do! Some of the lyrics are just great....it's been about a year since my last listen, but it was a disc that I listened to quite a bit the first year or so that I had it. Good stuff
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