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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Best manual labor job = UPS Want to get in shape fast? Go unload trucks for UPS a few nights per week. I have never been in such pain as I was after my first few nights working there.
  2. I think it's designed to be that way, actually. The doubt that we have is what often propels us to look harder, think deeper, etc. It is often the fuel for our faith. If we had unwavering belief in God, or flat out knowledge of His existence, then there would be no need for faith. And I believe that it is through faith that God teaches us and helps us to grow into better people. Of course, I could be wrong about that....
  3. Well she sounds like a keeper then! Stay away from the nutty ones....lol
  4. I think she looked worse to me cause I've actually met Patty Sheean....she's a sweety
  5. Yep, sometimes things happen where you just know it can't be waved off as mere coincidence.
  6. need to get this one out there before the man law kicks in....
  7. Gentleman, I give you EXHIBIT A!!!!!!!!
  8. I had a similar experience as you, actually, with a twist. My ex-wife was nuts,but she was also as close to a sexual playground as a wife can get. She was pretty much up for anything. And like your ex, there came a time when she proposed the idea of using her vibrator in my no fly zone. But the worst of it was that when I declined the invitation, her comeback was something to the effect of, "why not? my ex used to love it when I did that"
  9. Does that mean you're getting me something? And I don't have to know any more about you than I do, to know that Christmas for that beautiful kid of yours is INFINITELY more important than any adult you're buying for this year!
  10. exactly....adults spend all their time standing in lines, fighting traffic, wondering if they spent enough or too much, whether to get something for this person at all, etc. Even when there are solutions like "secret santa" or whatever, you still have people pissing and moaning about it. They were talking about that on the radio today....their secret santa game allows them to pick a gift from the bag or take someone elses before they open it. In past years I guess there were a lot of issues that sprung up after they saw what each person got, cause some people WOULD have had the better gift if someone else hadn't taken it from them.....what IS this crap?? lol If we could just stop this sort of madness, we could focus more on the real meaning of Christmas, as USMC suggested. Hell, wouldn't it be more meaningful to spend all that time with family/friends/kids instead of running around like crazy people trying to get everything purchased by the 25th? I was blessed to have some pretty great Christmas mornings as a kid...and I think that we should focus more on giving that to as many other kids as possible....just my opinion
  11. I believe in God, but I think Christmas is a huge pain in the arse. Why adults put themselves through the agony of trying to buy gifts for other adults is beyond me. Let it just be about the kids and relax a bit, already!
  12. I've had good luck with my jobs, but the worst one was not all that long ago. I was hired to a sr. mental health unit (as an RN). They sold me on the position (it's not that I'm special....there's an RN shortage and we ALL get sold these days) as being perfect for me since I have a prior degree in psychology and my preferred population is geriatrics. Well, basically the MD who was running the program was a total !@#$. He himself was certifiable and taking at least three psychotropic meds that we knew about. He was also a very aggressive businessman and very driven in terms of wealth. As it turns out, he was one of the few people who specialized in ECT, or, as many of you may know it, 'electro-convulsive therapy'. You may have also heard of it as 'electro-shock therapy'. From a clinical standpoint, I did some research and found that it DID have value for a certain segment of folks suffering from depression and/or bipolar disease when other treatment modalities (i.e. drugs and therapy) weren't successful. The problem is that the guy was making $1500 per 'zap', so he was basically zapping the living sh*t out of everyone who crossed his path. I even herad there was a nurse who he was zapping from time to time Why did the job suck? Because all too often I would see some poor 90-year old lady whose family was tired of caring for her (or NOT caring for her in most cases....) be admitted to the unit, only to see this assshole doc look at her with dollar signs in his eyes. Families loved this guy cause he's admit their mom, dad, brother, etc....whoever needed a good zapping....get them out of the family's hair for weeks at a time....so they never had any problem signing off on the "therapy". And of course this doc lvoed it cause it was money in his pocket. Once I learned that the hospital system itself was just pretty much letting this guy run carte blanche as long as he didn't kill anyone, I had to get out of there. This guy's practice was nothing but a cash cow for everyone involved and it made me sick.
  13. Panthers are furry, Dolphins are slick. We don't take no Mularkey and Saban's a dick.
  14. Pretty damn stinky!!!!
  15. Oh, yeah, those things can make you run for the border, man!
  16. Must have been her uncle or something
  17. sure you don't....and Colorado doesn't have mountains
  18. Good point. So basically you agree with me, you just have to be more diplomatic since we're on a public message board....I get it And I totally agree with your above statement. I changed docs last year from an Emory educated physician to a country bumpkin who, I think, graduated from Dukes of Hazzard University. I just picked him randomly since I had new insurance and they wanted me to list a GP to get things started. Well the overall office is great...it's a very busy, and apparently well-run diagnositic clinic, which is part of the larger health care system here in Gainesville. But the fact of the matter is, when I went in for a sinus infection last year and he sent me for x-rays, he handed ME the films, basically admitted to me that he wasn't really sure how to read them, and asked whether I had experience in that department Now I certainly appreciate his honesty....but this didn't exactly inspire a whole lot of confidence in me that my care was in capable hands, lol. I don't profess to have the education of a doc....not even close. But I know plenty of RNs - myself included - who have been around different forms of care long enough to know a little bit about everything. That being said, I have basically dictated my own care to HIM the past couple of times I've been out to see him, which isn't really cool. His role is basically to look at me as if HE were making the decisions, and then just sign off on what it is I think I need
  19. geesh, Lana's story is all OVER the place... Just like her gas, apparently!
  20. Interesting....I figured it probably wasnt' for his acting I just don't ever remember them referring to him as "Emmy award winner" Chevy Chase He's made some films that are some of my all time favorites (I still laugh my asss off when I see 'Christmas Vacation'), but he's no DeNiro!
  21. I told Lana to stop with the matches already.....
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