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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Freud believed that people who became religious were doing so in order to avoid entering into a psychotic state. I'd have to say that there are a LOT of examples of people who refer to themselves as Christian who seemingly validate Freud's point. Religious people never truly scared me until I moved down south
  2. How funny....when I moved to Atlanta in 1999, I was staying with family initially and had access to cable for the first time in years. I noticed that there was an IFC channel, and the first thing I ever watched was "Trust". I thought it was one of the best movies I'd seen in a long while, but nobody I told about had ever seen it, nor did they have much interest in seeing it Most of the people I know just want to see whatever is hot at the box office, so it's cool that there are folks around here who understand where the really good stuff can be found! Thanks for the other rec's....I just watched Altman's 'Short Cuts' the other day, I'm dabbling in Woody Allen currently, so I'll have to pick one of these other filmmakers that you guys have recommended next.
  3. I'm more than willing to do the work and the time....I love this medium! Anything I hear about that is good, i want to see it. I think I'll add either Bananas or Manhattan to the top of my Netflix queue for next week....I want to see a few more of Woody's films before I take a break from them.
  4. whoa...
  5. Cool, I love athletic babes
  6. I agree....amazingly surreal. You can see the ghostly outline of the ship beneath the water. When they said that all those who were sleeping when the attack started were left to remain "buried" with the ship, it really put things into perspective for me.
  7. Just finished watching, "Take the Money and Run".... I enjoyed it very much! I enjoyed this lovely lady, too Overally a funny, witty, entertaining flick. Thumbs up!
  8. Has Andy Dick ever done anything of relevance in the entertainment industry?
  9. What about the ass-kicking?
  10. Gonna give us a hint?
  11. Me either.... She looks like the love child of Kirstie Alley and a sasquatch.
  12. I'm afraid to ask him why he would want another pair of silk panties and a crotchless night gown
  13. Work in healthcare for a while and then tell me there are no bad breasts....
  14. I think Fez said he was getting all of us gifts this year, so I figured I'd let him lead the way
  15. I very rarely suggest websites to people when they have medical questions, cause it's often very difficult to know whether or not the information they contain is reliable or accurate. Now that the health system I work for has approved use of this site for patient education, I feel it's an appropriate time to spread the word. That being said, I would like to share with you all a website in which I have 100% confidence: www.medlineplus.gov Some of you may have heard of it, particularly if you're in or around the medical field. It's a fantastic resource and a great example of your tax dollars at work. It doesn't matter if you have a question about herbal supplements, tracheostomy tubes, venerial disease, arthritis, etc., you can find good reliable info here. Obviously this resource is not meant to be consulted in lieu of a physician in the event you need medical care, but it's a fantastic way to get a little more familiar with just about anything and everything related to your health.
  16. .........so, basically you see them well into March and April? People here in GA are so ridiculous with leaving their sh*t up that they had to actually pass a pretty strict law to get them to knock it off
  17. I remember that pic....what a classic!
  18. Only a crazy person would ask that.
  19. Hmmmm....you know what? I think we need to see a pic of Scarlett in the nude so that we can properly compare the two
  20. wow, that's a big statement.....I don't know if I can go there
  21. Could be....lol
  22. her boobs look bigger in that pic....I wonder if one of them is a fake?
  23. dang, she's perfect everywhere!
  24. Oh man, that would destroy me....I've heard horror stories about dogs that are taken onto planes...sometimes the cargo areas aren't properly pressurized and they can die. I can't deal with that at all....I'm too much of a dog lover.
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