I very rarely suggest websites to people when they have medical questions, cause it's often very difficult to know whether or not the information they contain is reliable or accurate. Now that the health system I work for has approved use of this site for patient education, I feel it's an appropriate time to spread the word.
That being said, I would like to share with you all a website in which I have 100% confidence: www.medlineplus.gov
Some of you may have heard of it, particularly if you're in or around the medical field. It's a fantastic resource and a great example of your tax dollars at work. It doesn't matter if you have a question about herbal supplements, tracheostomy tubes, venerial disease, arthritis, etc., you can find good reliable info here.
Obviously this resource is not meant to be consulted in lieu of a physician in the event you need medical care, but it's a fantastic way to get a little more familiar with just about anything and everything related to your health.