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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. lol, I was waiting for that....when I got home I was flipping, and they had a techno nerd talking about the samsung LCD display I'm about to buy! In addition, he had the playstation 3 and the new Nintendo Wii, along with some other gadgets. I just happened to leave it on that channel when I went to take my post-work morning deuce
  2. I know most of you don't care, so I apologize.... But how the hell do you have a coach the caliber of Juergen Klinsmann willing to negotiate for MONTHS ON END to help take a struggling team to the next level, and end up letting the guy get away??? This is absolutely LUDICROUS!!!! The guy lives in California, loves the American lifestyle, took an overachieving German team to the finals of the World Cup, and you just let the guy walk?? Screw US Soccer....I'm now convinced that they don't care about making a serious run at credibility on the world stage. I was 100% behind them until I saw that half assed effort at the WC. Their world ranking was nothing more than an inflated JOKE. Geesh....it takes a lot to really infuriate me, but this did it. This is pure bull sh--. http://msn.foxsports.com/soccer/story/6241726
  3. wow, she's awesome! You've totally redeemed yourself from yesterday, USMC!!!
  4. This is one of the gayest displays of music I've ever seen! Anyone seen this flamers??
  5. Thanks for all the rec's, Dave! I totally forgot about Dire Straits....geesh, I haven't even THOUGH about them since the 80s! And yeah, I'm pretty much into just about everything. I don't think there is a genre of music that I don't have at least one example of in my collection
  6. One? You should know at least TWO! And this is a nice start....the more ways we can keep this franchise fresh in peoples' minds, while at the same time recruiting new Browncoats, the better!
  7. Yep, divorced in 2004 Lana and I are just friends....have been for the whole seven years She had nothing to do with the divorce, if thats' what you were wondering, lol
  8. Ah, I see what you're saying. I guess "goal" would imply that it's a conscious sort of thing.
  9. well, a lot of them can be very stuffy and judgmental, but at the same time there are a lot of really nice girls on there too. It just depends on what sort of girl you want to meet. I'm pretty knowledgable about the faith, but I'm not the best example of a practicing Catholic. There are women on there who won't give you the time of day unless you eat, breathe, and poop the Catholic faith. Not that there's anythign wrong with that...it's just not where I'm at in my life. If you want a nice, down to earth girl who is attractive and happens to be Catholic, then you might be better off at one of the more mainstream sites. I tried that one that the Dr. what's his name is always on tv about....the "40 points of compatibility" or whatever. I forget the name of the site, but I thought it was pretty interesting. There seemed to be some really interesting women on there. But the two Catholic sites I know of are www.straphael.net and www.avemariasingles.com Both of those should be helpful if you go that route. I would just be wary of people who seem to be REALLY into the online dating thing. Like MadCap said, just be smart about it. I've gotten to know a few women who just seemed like they were addicted to the idea of meeting someone new....over and over and over again, lol. But as Tom's experience is indicative of, you can meet someone of quality and someone you're compatible with online just as well as you can in person. If you decide to look around a bit, you should keep us up to date on how thigns are going!
  10. I've dated a few women after meeting them online....and Lanak6 and I met on a Catholic singles correspondence website seven years ago - we've been friends ever since. I think the stigma of online dating that existed a while back is much less of an issue nowadays. Just ask yourself how many really great women you know, and then figure out how many of them are active online. Chances are, all of them! lol
  11. I've come to believe that evolution is a fact. I've seen enough evidence that, at least to me, it's pretty clear that species evolve. I also believe in God. So, I guess the natural conclusion for me is that God created the natural laws that govern evolution. My personal belief is that our human form was evolved over time, and that Adam and Eve were the first 'souls'. Or at least something along those lines.....
  12. dang, really? I loved that movie...weird how I don't relate that scene to the film
  13. I felt that way up until recently....I'm starting to feel that she has a pretty valid shot
  14. I totally agree with you that evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But I disagree that there is no goal of evolution. I think clearly the goal of evolution is survival through adaptation.
  15. I think the only time I saw him was some movie where he was throwing a sex toy party for a bunch of women....he was teaching them proper 'technique' or something. I can't remember the damn movie, though.
  16. Ah okay, never saw that show.
  17. Yep, i wanted Bunkley too. I read some draft reports that Ngata was a lazy !@#$, so didn't want him. Glad Marv's in charge
  18. 1. Play poker in Vegas 2. Write and perform my own stand-up routine and get just ONE person to laugh. 3. Have some sort of part in a movie. 4. See an English Premier Soccer game 5. Have sex with a hot African American woman. 6. Prevent Udonkey from attending as many Bills games as possible
  19. That's how I THOUGHT I'd feel about his stuff, but at least some of them I've really enjoyed. I think it's pretty clear when a screenwriter is THINKING when he puts together a script. That sounds like a silly point, but dialogue can make or break a film, IMO. Take Mel Brooks for example. His films are LOADED with slapstick....silly faces, people falling, etc. But what truly makes his films great, IMO, is the the writing. He's a thinker and he's brilliant.....often times cutting edge. That's what I want out of my movies. I don't want to feel like my intelligence is being insulted. If a writer uses simplistic dialogue, then let it be purposeful. That's something I've really taken notice of as I've gotten older. You know what really amazes me? Sometimes a film is almost entirely dialogue driven. Take "Before Sunrise" for example. I'm not crazy about "chick flicks", but a well done romance film can be very enjoyable. I sat there and watched 'Sunrise' in amazement. All you had were two strong actors, a beautiful backdrop, and lots of great and engaging dialogue. I thought it was brilliant!
  20. That's pretty clever about the ticket thing....my brother is the GM of a Regal theater, so I don't often pay for movies, but when I do I'll try and follow your lead with that. My brother loves movies, but thinks most of what comes out of Hollywood nowadays is crap. Once in a while he'll be really excited about something that is just superb, but mostly he's into the Indy film scene. He always pushes to get a smaller film some run time at his theater, but like you said, money is the name of the game. I agree totally about rottentomatoes....once in a while there will be a guilty pleasure film that the critics hated and that had like a 20% rotten rating, but that I'll still enjoy. But it's pretty rare that the opposite will happen, where a film will have a >80% fresh rating and I won't like it. I love that site. I actually use their release date schedule at least once or twice per month to help fill my netflix queue with new releases for the month. I just read the description and a few brief reviews for 'California S;lit'....that looks like a film I'd really enjoy, so it's right behind '24' I'll definitley check out 'The War Within', too!
  21. If I went there today and saw that, I'd probably make a scene.
  22. " Prepare the meat wad!!!!"
  23. My tastes have definitely evolved and matured over the past ten years or so....I've grown to really hate feeling excited over a film, only to realize that it was done half-assed and to just make a buck off people. That started happening too damn often, which sort of resulted in me seeking out better quality stuff. There are so many great resources out there now, though, including folks like yourself and the others who take part in these sort of threads, that it's much easier to find these smaller gems. One of the films I recommend all the time to folks is 'The Station Agent'. I have yet to come across anyone who's said, "oh yeah, I've seen that!". But I keep recommending it, cause I thought it was a great little movie about friendship and loss...everyone I know who's seen it has loved it. I think when people take a chance on an Indy film they've never heard of, and end up loving it, that does wonders for them
  24. Yeah, there were a lot of Japanese folks there when I went back in '87. It was sort of awkward sitting in the theater watching the documentary presentation with them, I have to admit. But I remember feeling better when we left the theater and headed out to the site, cause most of the ones I remember near me seemed very moved by the surroundings just like I was.
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