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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. There's truthiness in what you're saying.
  2. Difficult to tell....Lana has such a wide variety of deviant apparel
  3. Nipple propellers and fuzzy socks.
  4. exactly....most people don't give a crap about many of the Olympic sports either, but when that four year mark comes around and we're up against the rest of the world, all of a sudden everyone's a fan. I think that's awesome! Too bad the suits at the USSF don't care about that as much as the people do. Fuggers.....
  5. What she needs is a transplant....not a boob job
  6. I love Natalie Portman
  7. Exactly.... John, the site you want is www.adultmatchdoctor.com These chicks are off the HOOK, bro! Just the other night I had a couple hot babes from the site over here....we had a few shots, played some naked twister, and then ended up with our....um.....I mean, uh, I've HEARD that this site may be a good place for that sort of thing
  8. Whoa, she is very google friendly!!!!!
  9. lol, nice!
  10. I remember when I was first exposed to Gandhi and Hinduism. I was absolutely fascinated by it, and it was a huge step in my growth as an ecumenically minded Christian. One quote of his really helped me with my perspective: "The day I meet a Christian is the day I will become one." I love that quote, and while a lot of Christians may take offense to it, I think they should instead use it as motivation to be certain they are living in accordance with Christian principles. IMO, there are a lot of folks down here in the 'Bible Belt' who need to internalize what Gandhi meant when he said this.
  11. lol, not a problem....the fact that my "marriage" only lasted a couple years was a good thing, believe me! I don't wish divorce on anyone, but if you can get yourself out of a situation where you're with someone who is nothing more than a selfish, destructive force, then it's better to do it sooner rather than later! If I were older than I am (Im 34), I'd probably be very bitter that someone was okay with the idea of allowing me to dedicate myself and my life to her and her children, when in turn she was only in it for herself. This way I'm only a 'little' bitter
  12. I agree....this isn't like the Bills where I support them no matter what and couldn't imagine ever changing loyalties (unless they move, of course). I have split loyalty between the US and the Germans....in cases like this, it's a beautiful thing. Just when MLS signs a new tv contract and is about to bring one or more 'names' to the league, the USSF craps the bed. Unreal....
  13. That doesn't make me feel any better....lol
  14. i set the bar, baby!
  15. What about the third sister....Shedid?
  16. Why do you keep attributing these anti-American sentiments to ME? LOL I think the person you want is ED! I'm only on record as saying that right now there isn't an American vehicle that I feel comfortable spendign my money on. I have yet to take it beyond that....
  17. Hey! If I didn't enjoy the often times witty retorts from the "kickball sucks!" faction, I wouldn't even start these posts to begin with. But you're in clear violation of the "sloppy seconds" rule. If you're going to offer up your retort, it needs to be something more original than what was said five or ten posts earlier. Thank you for your cooperation.
  18. There's speculation that Klinsmann wanted more control than that jackass Sunil guy was willing to allow him. Ridiculous..... Why don't we just let Bruce "it's not my job to win World Cups" Arena come back and coach!
  19. You don't know how accurate you are!!!!
  20. but there were gadgets! Gadgets, I say!!!!
  21. I actuallly love classical and operatic music. I'm not very knowledgable in terms of the genre(s), but I love listening to it. Smetana's 'The Moldau' is one of the most beautiful pices of music I've ever heard....and it's a piece about political freedom....weird! My favorite opera was the one based on the Carmelite Nuns, but the name escapes me. And chances are I may have enjoyed the Il Divo performance if they hadn't been on the screen....but the faces and the way they were looking at each other made it comical....in a very gay way....not that there's anything wrong with that.
  22. I'm not sure WHAT the !@#$ we have at this point! Bunch of losers....from the top down through Landon "nothing buy hype and ego" Donovan, all the way to their stupid uniforms. They SUCK!
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