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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Hi Bill For whatever reason, Cowboys games are just what they have aired in the North Georgia region more often than not. And I don't hate Drew in the slightest. I just think he's a clueless, sack taking, interception throwing, no championship winning, sulking, self-absored, egotistical windbag. I agree that Drew contributes at times. But in all honesty, Drew contributes in a very similar manner as our fearless leader who bears the moniker "Dead Horse Beater's Club". From time to time he contributes with something that could be viewed as witty and purposeful, but overall he's just unable to see his own limitations and, quite frankly, you just don't really want the guy around. That is all
  2. Alright, another Sixers fan! I thought I was the only one
  3. with the exceptions of the teams I hate (fish, pats, cowboys, mets, yankees, lakers), I almost always go for the underdog when it comes to non-Bills teams. The story of the world-beating underdog is maybe the greatest theme in all of sports. It's also the reason why I hate the BCS....it totally takes the underdog out of the equation in terms of the college football championship.
  4. this is a bit of a digression, but the points you made reminded me of something I was thinking about the other day: Is there another culture out there that changes as rapidly as our own? You can see huge contrasts between decades in US culture, including our subcultures. Either other countries don't have anywhere near the same rate of change, or I just don't notice it. I think it's pretty interesting, actually. You can look at clothes, hear a piece of music, etc., from a particular decade over the past 100 years and have a very good idea where it dates back to. I wonder to what degree that occurs elsewhere?
  5. The 'Nightengale' days are over, my friend It's a whole new ballgame now.
  6. lol, I'll have to think of something more humorous, but the first thing that comes to mind was when I began a new job a few years ago...I walked into the break room with the woman who was precepting me, and there were about four other RNs sitting around a table debating the merits of 'swallowing' Now a lot of guys may be like, "hell yeah!!!!", but trust me, when you first witness how female RNs can take an otherwise very provocative subject, strip it down into sterile clinical terms, and treat it as if it were nothing different than discussing the weather, it will put you in a very awkward position! lol I'm used to it now after five years, but the RN break room is one of the most unique workplace environments you'll ever come across
  7. I usually enjoy when there are hecklers around, but it's gets tiresome pretty quickly when the heckler himself doesn't bring much to the table.
  8. Pounding away is your forte...stop projecting.
  9. exactly....about a year and a half ago, one of my non-Lana female friends encouraged me to sign up on this free singles site just to get used to talking to women again. I was pretty messed up after my divorce, and she thought this would help me. Well, make a long story short, I signed up on there and while I haven't actually met anyone in person, I've had plenty of opportunities to do so. If I wanted a hottie to take out once or twice, that was available. If I wanted a 23-year old single mother of two who just wanted a 'nice' guy to help her raise her family, I could do that, too. Want a Buddhist chick from Nepal? No problem! lol The possibilities are endless
  10. Head over to the 'off the wall' board and look at USMC's babe of the day....that'll cheer you up. Just ignore the fact that she's from Miami
  11. I'd say he's clearly better than average, but falls short of "great".
  12. Yeah, cause getting liquored up at a bar would prevent something like that from happening People are people, IMO. Everyone I know is online anymore, and if that gives me any sort of edge in hooking up with a chick that I otherwise may not have met, I'm all for it.
  13. Nice job, USMC!
  14. Being that I have had to watch the Cowboys game almost every week this season, watching Drew sulk around and take part in other self-absorbed activities on the sideline has been the most entertaining part of the whole thing!
  15. Thank God you can type all this crap, cause it would likely be near impossible for you to actually say it, being that Drew's dick is perpetually in your mouth. Man love....just say 'no'.
  16. And WE'VE paid for the fact that you've paid.
  17. That's amazing....I agree with 5wide...the kid needs more experience, but it's looking more and more like that's ALL that separates him from some of the better tackles in the game....I still can't believe this has happened with him the way it has. Just amazing....
  18. She wants 18" inches???
  19. I heard you wanted about six more inches
  20. Rarely a day goes by when I don't experience that, lol. It can get a lot worse than BMs, too....if that's all she's "dumped" on you, then she's taking it easy LOL
  21. I didn't mean it to be a commentary on whether it was good or bad....I just said that the appeal would be gone for a lot of guys who fantasize about the female nurse image. they are NOTHING like the fantasy. That being said, I'd be honored to be married to a female nurse Not only would I feel I could completely be myself around her, our earning potential would be very satisfactory
  22. LOL The thing about female nurses is that pretty much nothing is sacred. If you guys were privy to some of the conversations that go on around the nurses station and/or in the break room, I think a lot of you would be very surprised
  23. If you guys knew female nurses the way I knw female nurses, I think they'd lose a lot of their 'appeal'
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