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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Boogie Nights rocked....what a great cast, too! I can usually do w/out Wahlberg, but Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Macy, and Cheadle all in one flick?? Doesn't get much better than that I thought LiT was brilliant. It was so well directed and well acted that it allowed me to have an idea of what it would feel like to be in Japan while you were still in the midst of jetlag and the time difference. Not only that, but great dialouge, awesome shots of Japan, etc.....I know a lot of folks who didn't 'get' or enjoy this flick, but I loved it.
  2. Duly noted, FFS
  3. Says the guy who threatend to put a cap in someone from TBD's ass during the draft
  4. She's damn near perfect....
  5. One of the nurses I supervise was talking to me about the country she was born and raised in - Liberia. She's been in the US for almost 20 years, but one of the topics we discussed was soccer/football. Apparently her husband is a nut for all sports, but particularly soccer, so I told her how much I loved it when people from abroad who have a well-established love for the game come to the US. The more people here who love it, the more those who either don't, or don't know much about it, will perhaps begin to see why we love it so much.
  6. I don't much care for the French, but I have to respect them for their love of the beautiful game! Thierry Henry is da MAN!
  7. How dare you bring that hating crap into my celebration of diversity! BE GONE WITH YOUR HONKY ASS!!!!
  8. I ordered the AJ Croce one and the new Chili Peppers album
  9. Just default him as German
  10. I'm actually pretty interested in this flick....I enjoyed Jennifer Hudson's time on American Idol, she just wasnt' quite as consistent as some of the other folks. But when she's on, she's DAMN on. I love great vocalists, so it would be pretty hard for me to not enjoy this film.
  11. I guess it's supposed to be funny to him
  12. I was hoping someone would offer some feedback about that flick....it looks really good, so glad to hear it lived up to expectations.
  13. damn skipppy! USMC, you're on a roll!
  14. I know....I guess I figured this site wasn't overrun with Asian folk I don't mean any disrespect by not having more choices....just trying to get a general idea cause I was curious. I work in the medical profession, which is VERY diverse. I grew up in a predominantly white middle class atmosphere, so to work and spend time around people from such varying backgrounds is fascinating to me. I'm a huge fan of diversity, and learning from others who come from different experiences, beliefs, traditions, etc. has, in my opinion, helped me become a better person. As my post count indicates, I spend a fair bit of time here, so I was just curious how diverse the members here were.
  15. I listed Africa, but I guess Carribean would fall under "other"
  16. You've apparently never seen a polish magnet.
  17. I hear ya...I mean the 46 with Buddy Ryan actually running it, though
  18. Nice try, but you still haven't told me who all is in the club
  19. Yes....yes it does
  20. That hits very close to home with me. I'm really sorry to hear that you're having to go through something similar I'm off to work in a few, but if you ever want to talk about things, shoot me a PM.
  21. I dunno....let's see if we can pull off this "me, you, your lady, and Lana in a foursome" thing first.....if not, then yeah, I'm in!
  22. Yep, that's exactly the sort of thing that drives me crazy. And then to make it worse, the producers of the show always make sure that the most reckless contestants have that ONE family member or friend who is the voice of reason. The one person that those of us at home with that half of brain are BEGGING them to listen to. But no....they just HAVE to try and squeeze every last drop out of fate, only to end up going home with less money that at least one person on the site (or formerly on the site) would get out of bed for. And they could have had their HOUSE paid off.....
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