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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. That doesn't sound half bad, really....I could even go for some noodles and a little butter...noodles rock. I'd need the Genny light to be cold....DAMN cold.
  2. tuna helper is tha shiznit
  3. I would have rather seen them keep Martin....he would have been much more interesting to have on the show than Frank, that's for sure.
  4. Rosie lover!
  5. Pretty good first episode...Ivanka was looking HOT....some hot babes for contestants....I miss the NYC backdrop, though I can't believe that guy asked to go to the bathroom right in the middle of introductions....
  6. Happy Bday!!!
  7. Wow, was that book out back in the 80s? I seem to remember back in the day, I was all excited about this new Stephen King book that had been turned into a book on tape....but the recording was in "3-D". I'm almost positive that I bought this and listened it, though I can't remember if it was "The Mist" or something else. Have you ever herad of this?
  8. I like that plan....I'm with ya
  9. I enjoy some of the reality shows....I just can't help it. I love to "people watch" as it is, so when I can do it from my own living room I'm usually pretty intrigued. Most of my viewing is with sports and movies, but the reality shows I enjoy are 1. Big Brother, 2. The Apprentice, and 3. American Idol. I watched the first few seasons of 'The Real World' back in the day, but it got stale. Never really found Survivor all that appealing, and I saw 'Hell's Kitchen' for the first time this past season. I thought it was somewhat interesting, but I could take it or leave it. I have a love/hate relationship with 'The Bachelor', as I would LOVE to be the bachelor, but I hate the show. 'My Big, Fat, Obnoxious Fiance' was frickin hilarious.
  10. Heck yeah, I love those films....I never thought I'd say it (before I saw the first one), but Matt Damon is PERFECT in that role. I love the fact that they are filmed primarily in Europe, too. Can't wait for the next one! Mark: Thanks, as always! Looking forward to reading about what's on tap this month
  11. Oh, come on...just because I throw you in the bed, blindfold you, and put various signs across your belly doesn't mean I objectify you!
  12. I keep trying to get her to do the same, but she makes me feel so damn objectified
  13. gratzi!
  14. It's actually pretty cool too, cause some of the lifts/equipment are quite small....I know I was surprised when I saw some of the newer ones....they are very cool.
  15. I make it a point to stay away from pediatric care as much as possible (I'm more than happy to initiate CPR on your kid, but I want nothing to do with his health care! lol), but I can't help but think this approach is WAY too radical. I am a supervisor in a long term care facility and we deal with issues of immobile patients every day. If it were ME, I would never have even THOUGHT about altering my daughter's physiology in order to keep her from growing to a size of 5'5", 125lbs. Instead of spending all this money on hacking up the kid, they could have spent a fraction of it on lifting and transferring equipment and some instruction how to properly care for an individual who is totally dependent on others. I know that may sound like an oversimplification, but the fact of the matter is that many hospitals and medical facilities are becoming "no-lift" these days. I supervise nurses and nursing assistants who are little ladies in their 50s, and they can quite easily bathe, transfer, and care for 250lb male patients. If the difference between 4'4" 70lbs and 5'5" 125lbs is all that significant to this family, then they have yet to be educated on how to provide care for such a patient. I don't really want to debate the ethics of this situation, but the more important factor here is liability. The two go hand-in-hand, obviously, but clearly with the family so gung-ho about this strategy there is little or no liability on the part of the hospital.
  16. Saline shouldn't cause any rebound congestion....Afrin, on the other hand....
  17. I've not had it, but I have a couple friends who have. They say it's well worth it, but the recovery is a beyotch.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Peter, you are a lucky bastage!
  20. John Elway apparently didn't think so!
  21. I digress, but the point you're making is actually one of the reasons I hate the BCS. Sometimes a team is just simply better later on in the season than they are at the beginning. The Superbowl doesn't decide who was the best team in week 3. It decides who is the best team on THAT day when it's all on the line. I love that about sports, and the BCS just craps on this aspect of competition.
  22. Makes no difference to me. They were the best team in the AFC and came w/in a few feet of winning it all. We had them beat. Period.
  23. I can't wait to see what they'll say if MM really is promoted to HC....if that happens, then I'm convinced that there is a God
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