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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. You're that concerned about who sings with Justin Timberlake, huh?
  2. I like him too, but they should really pull back on the camera a little when he's being broadcast in HD. When the first shot of him in the booth came on tonight, this is what I saw
  3. hopefully he and the posh'ster will just use them to advance their careers, not actually join that crazy religion
  4. it was our !@#$in' free safety.
  5. http://nydailynews.com/front/story/488357p-411202c.html
  6. I think he'll go on to be the top selling rep and national spokesman for FieldTurf, Inc
  7. the headband is a nice touch
  8. Ah, okay....shaving has always been problematic for me...maybe that's why I find the difference so much bigger.
  9. well said, I agree
  10. Honestly, I think if he gets himself on Sportscenter with a set piece from time to time, it'll all be worth it.
  11. Hopefully not very
  12. I suppose they'll mess up somewhere along the way, but I have the utmost faith in the MLS management....they've done a fantastic job so far.
  13. I think he might be referring to what the ESPN article said....it mentioned that Madrid owned half of Beckham's image rights, which brought the club millions.
  14. Have you used the Mach III or the Fusion, though? I think you might be surprised at the difference if you haven't.
  15. right on....and with the MLS having such smart, savvy folks running the show, this league is putting itself on very solid footing for a bright future. Between a great championship game this past fall, the lucrative long term deal they signed with ABC/ESPN, and now Beckham, they've had a great year.
  16. A lot of people don't realize, but Gillette spend MILLIONS on research for the mach III back in the 90s. They wanted to basically set themselves apart from other companies by designing the perfect blade razor. I remember the very first time I used one, it was truly a revelation. Anyone who has a 'manly' beard and sensitive skin can relate to how important a great shave really is. I've used a couple of the schick 'multi blade' products cause they send them to me from time to time, but they are absolute crap. I use the fusion because it's just more of a good thing, but the Mach III was such a leap forward in shaving comfort that it was ridiculous. I thought the battery thing was kinda dumb until I tried it...now I wouldn't be w/out
  17. A few flicks of the Fusion in the shower and I'm smooth as a baby's arse. That being said, the only electric I've ever used in the past that was worth a damn was a Braun.
  18. Awesome news!
  19. Well, I was a little confused since he said my reading comprehension was at fault. I was starting to take that personally, but then I realized that it was a sportcenter segment - not something I read. Phew! Call me an idiot, fine....but God forbid someone take a shot at my reading comprehension. That's second only to talking about my mama.
  20. I hope you don't get what I've got, bro.... As far as what Clayton said, I guess the main reason I thought it was ridiculous is because the possibility of Cowher - or any other coach - completing anywhere near 15 years with the same team is slim and none. Just doesn't happen anymore. I totally agree with you that he'll have the world at his fingertips, though....he'll be able to write his own ticket.
  21. In between trips to the bathroom (I have the flu), I just caught Clayton discussing Bill Cowher. He said something like, "Cowher could easily take off a year or even two, and then come back to the game with total control of a franchise for another potential 15-year run. While he may not be able to catch Don Shula's 300+ wins, or (whoever the second guy is)'s 300 wins, but he MAY be able to shoot for third (whatever guy that is) and break 250 wins." Maybe I'm just extra grumpy and not able to think right today, but would this not be one of the dumbest motivations to return to the NFL?? I'm so sure Cowher will sit around his house thinking, "DAMMIT, I just HAVE to get third place in the all time wins list!!!" Somehow I think if and when Cowher returns, he won't be thinking about where he can spend another decade and a half and end up with third place in something.
  22. Why ya gotta go and hold those wings out there like that????
  23. Home audio and Home theater And movies! And online poker! Oh, wait....
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