In between trips to the bathroom (I have the flu), I just caught Clayton discussing Bill Cowher. He said something like, "Cowher could easily take off a year or even two, and then come back to the game with total control of a franchise for another potential 15-year run. While he may not be able to catch Don Shula's 300+ wins, or (whoever the second guy is)'s 300 wins, but he MAY be able to shoot for third (whatever guy that is) and break 250 wins."
Maybe I'm just extra grumpy and not able to think right today, but would this not be one of the dumbest motivations to return to the NFL?? I'm so sure Cowher will sit around his house thinking, "DAMMIT, I just HAVE to get third place in the all time wins list!!!"
Somehow I think if and when Cowher returns, he won't be thinking about where he can spend another decade and a half and end up with third place in something.