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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I agree on both counts
  2. If the Pats do win, I hope to God Indy crushes them next week....I can't handle the Pats in the bowl again....enough already.
  3. I knew what ya meant...I think it's a shame, too. I'm still surprised (and disgusted) at the whole Kobe Bryant thing. I really learned a lot about the guy back when he was in HS and deciding to head to the NBA. The guy is very smart, articulate, seemingly responsible....I thought he was better than to get himself involved in that. Oh well.....
  4. I think this past WC all but pushed him in the direction of Ghana for the next one, in terms of who he'll play for. That's partly why I'm still so pissed about not locking up Klinsmann to coach the US team...I think that would have sent the message to Freddy that we were serious about making a run. I don't know if Klinsmann is high on Freddy or not, but he's a winner, and we need winners here. Ghana played with a ton of heart this summer, and I think that will really appeal to Freddy. I still hope he plays for us, though, and comes into his own as a great player.
  5. That's pretty scary to me....I think if I were famous and trying to find a meanginful relationship/spouse, I'd have to really work hard to not be overly cynical of the women I dated. Thankfully there are some examples of successful marriages. The one that always comes to mind for me is Chris Spielman and his wife. They just seem like they're truly tight, and I really admire that. The example down here in atlanta that you see on the news and such is Keith Brooking and his wife. She seems like an absolute sweetheart, and she's beautiful to boot. They give the impression that they have a great marriage.
  6. That would be great if there was an American born player would became dominant in the sport...we have a couple of pretty good goalies, but Landon Donovan isn't exactly Francesco Totti - though he himself probably thinks he's actually better. Freddy Adu is probably the closest thing we have to a home grown future star, but he's got a split loyalty in terms of his nationality between the US and Ghana.
  7. I think it's clear that simon is very comfortable with Paula, and it allows him to take greater license with some of the ways he hacks on her...that can be a pretty enjoyable part of the show, IMO
  8. wow, no kidding? He'd be a scary homosexual....reminds me of the Eddie Murphy segment from his old routine about Mr. T being gay If he was cheating on her, then screw him...he deserves to lose half his ass. I get tired of hearing story after story of people who can't remain faithful to their spouses.
  9. He was listed as 'questionable', so I'm assuming there's at least a chance he could come back....but I think it's a groin issue, so it could be a lingering thing.
  10. You had to figure that Tony D. would eventually right the defensive ship. Even though they clearly allocate most of their cap to the offense, they have been able to get a few nice players on 'D' and they're playing great ball the past few weeks. I thought it was cool watching Klecko at FB....the guy is a beast!
  11. I think that would be a great story....for a lot of reasons. I think they are in the best position to beat the AFC champ...especially if they get J.Horn back.
  12. These two teams are so damn sloppy....the Saints are gonna beat the hell out of whoever wins.
  13. lol, yeah I've mentioned it a few times, but nobody ever pays it any mind....I take psychics with a grain of salt, but this lady was good! It won't surprise me at all if it actually happens.
  14. Wow, Im surprised you feel that way, Bill. I honestly don't know what to make of this guy anymore. I've mentioned on here before that a psychic back in the early 90's told me that one day the Bills would be the "Toronto-Buffalo Bills", cause she had a vision of the standings in the newspaper where the Bills were listed as "Tor/Buff"...so I guess part of me thinks Toronto will be in the picture someday anyway....but for your 'star' RB to be saying stuff like that isn't cool. I hate to say it, but if he had the heart and work ethic of a Travis Henry, he'd be a helluva player!
  15. Me too....I've always found her pretty sexy
  16. Exactly....I don't get it. I would expect her to get half of his assets if there WASN'T a prenup...sounds like Strahan's legal folks were actually doing HER a favor if the damn thing gave her half anyway. I'd be curious to know why they are getting the divorce.
  17. wow, good thing he had that prenup in place!
  18. I just heard that....too funny
  19. People don't care about soccer to the degree they care for the NBA, NFL, and MLB...but they do care. The MLS has been around for ten years, and they've been operating in the black for a while now. They won't ever be a top sport in this country, and they are barely more than 'niche-status' here....but there's a fan base, my friend. Ratings for the WC were quite good - enough to warrant a nice sized contract with ABC/ESPN just a few months ago. For what it wants to be - and for what it is - they do a very good job of managing the league.
  20. ...and assskicking in the playoffs. Chargers 38 Pats 10 Git'r done, marty!!
  21. Wow, just when I think you couldn't actually be a bigger A-hole than you already are, you call a beautiful lady "stupid". Why do you even come here? Get a life, pal.
  22. That's a good point about the commercials....not really compatible with how we watch our tv here in the states They'll just have to get creative, dammit! I want my EPL and Champs League games too! And we probably s hould throw in the Serie A for Meazza
  23. I agree...they replay the Manchester games on FSC all the time, and the guy is just a beast! And I hope it works out here, too....though the advantage that we have is that soccer being big in the US would just be like icing on the cake. True fans of the game already have a history and scope to the game on the world stage that is just mindboggling. I'd love to see the US interest in the sport maybe get about twice as big as it is now...I think that would be perfect. Then I'd like to see greater access (i.e. media coverage and broadcasts) to the EPL, Champions League, etc. I don't have a lot of confidence that all this will actually happen, but a man can dream!
  24. Oh yeah, I've probably seen Rooney play as much or more than any other top player, and to my eyes he's definitely one of the top five in the world. The guy has it all....with a nasty demeanor on top of it. The MLS didn't need David Beckham to put on a great championship game last year. And I don't think it's about Beckham's play much at all. I think it's about 1) the image of the league, 2) bringing in new viewers to at least take a look at the product, and 3) raising the level of play of non-Beckham players. I think having a multi-million dollar player around is going to do wonders for some of these other guys. What was a third-rate league in terms of play just became a place where they have an opportunity to make a buck. Does that mean we'll see Beckham-like contracts doled out all over the place? Of course not. But as they say, "the rising tide brings all ships to the top". There is not a single player in MLS who should be upset about the Beckham signing. With Beckham comes the spotlight, and with that comes opportunity. The only players who won't benefit from the greater exposure and opportunity are the really crappy ones, and we don't need them anyway. Long Live MLS!!!
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