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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Wow, the previews for tonight's show look like we're in for a classic! As for the first episode, I thought it was actually pretty damn entertaining. Jewel was looking HOT as hell (hotter than I've ever seen her before), there were some pretty funny contestants, some pretty girls, and a couple of inspiring stories to top it off. It's funny cause usually when these rejected contestants are all upset and sad, I don't feel much of anything for them. Either I'm laughing at them or just feel it's tough love and they're better off in the long run. But then you get someone like that 16 y.o. kid with the big red zit on his nose. When they showed him calling his mom to tell her than he made it through, it really touched me. He's falling down to his knees after hanging up with her and saying, "she's proud of me".....I can admit it...that got to me a little....SUE ME!
  2. Back for another great season! I haven't watched it yet...just got home from work and have it on the DVR....can't wait!!!
  3. I was about ready to slap her....she was annoying as hell! And the difference with Wayne so far is that he seems ready to just give Jack cart blanche....I get tired of people trusting him one minute and then second guessing him the next (or having him arrested! lol).....Wayne learned his lesson, and he gave Jack the reigns as a result.
  4. Yeah, they should have just taken him down but not killed him....though he did have a gun and was - if I am remembering correctly - firing at the CTU guys. Anyone else think that new CTU chick is a total babe? I'm guessing she's second in command under Buchannon, and I think her name was Nadia. She's no Michelle Dessler, but she's pretty easy on the eyes
  5. lol, that's a shame that they can't see past the imperfections....I know I've seen a few problems with the ER show since I'm in the medical field, but I couldn't even tell you what they were now. I don't know why people want to be so critical of entertainment sometimes, but to each their own. All I know is that this is a good fuggin show and it goes above and beyond every single episode!
  6. I think you're probably going to have a hard time NOT watching if you've seen the first four episodes of this season....I know it would be hard for me! But I'd probably agree with Meazza....start with season 1 on DVD and go from there. I'm sure you could just watch the current season and enjoy it just fine, but if you think you might want to watch the earlier seasons anyway, I'd just start from scratch. Some of the characters share a fair bit of history, and I think it would help you get more out of this season if you had already been through the previous adventures. It's a lot to watch, but I bet you'll end up loving every minute!
  7. This show never lets me down. There has yet to be a single episode of any season where I wasn't completely riveted for the entire sixty minutes. Listening to some of the commentary tracks from the first couple of seasons, it's clear to me that the writers have the utmost respect for the viewing audience. They want more than anything to entertain the sh-- out of us, and they try their best to mix things up and keep us guessing. IMO, they do a great job of it. With five seasons under my belt, I'm pretty much able to call this one of the greatest shows I've ever seen in my 34 years. It may be the greatest action/adventure show ever.
  8. Right on....Indian women are right up there with Mediterranean babes as far as my tastes go...wow, they are beautiful!
  9. I have a friend who is afraid of Abraham Lincoln.
  10. Guess I picked the wrong profession!
  11. I recorded both of 'em....I enjoy the Apprentice still, but '24' was AWESOME man. Supposed to be pretty intense tonight, too. But back to Trump...I thought for sure they were going to ditch that pink suit that Carey came up with before the show, but I guess not. That was pretty damn stupid, and Carey seemed like a sharper guy than to allow his own personal taste in swimwear get in the way of targeting a market. I wish they would have said how much the other team sold in the men's swimwear, though. I can't believe that people bought 40k worth of that stuff! Not a bad show so far, but I still miss NYC. Just not quite the same.
  12. That's a new one...
  13. Yet another reason to hate the French!
  14. very sobering post, Bill....I feel fortunate to have 'escaped' my divorce relatively unscathed. It was emotionally very difficult, but you heal from those wounds in time. My brother was not so lucky since he has a little girl. He got a raw deal from his ex, and the state of GA favors the mother in nearly every case, regardless of the circumstances. Marriage is a very scary proposition these days...
  15. And Nick, thanks for the clarification
  16. san Diego is a stupid football team....
  17. Fuggin' Pats....
  18. Maybe a little Michael Turner now and again, too....looks like he came to play.
  19. Yep, I was really getting frustrated that they haven't been able to take advantage of this field position. Thankfully they got it together. With the talent that SD has, NE can scheme all they want to and it shouldn't make a bit of difference. SD should be able to beat them up physically on both sides of the ball and win this game.
  20. That's what I thought, too! But I know Fez has been messing around with this site for a while now, and when he told me they just started a poker room I had to sign up. My deposit went through just fine and the site is great. I don't know why this one is any different - if it even is - but I got to play poker for a couple hours late last night, and I'm gonna fart around with some bets this week too.
  21. That makes a lot of sense....Fez just talked me into signing up at sportsbook.com, so I may need to try that if they win today.
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