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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. lol, yeah, the warrior was just a big lug....I admit to geeking out when he'd hit the ring, but I eventually got tired of his schtick. I'd rather see Rude do his 'insult the males in the crowd and hit on their women' bit anyday. That reminds me, didn't Curt Henning pass away recently, too? He was another one of my favorites.
  2. Last I heard, Mr. Wonderful was pooping out pieces of his testicles
  3. Time to introduce your sister to one Jonathan Paul Losman....enough of her Brady love!
  4. Willis is the problem. While he may only account for around five percent of the total payroll, he is responsible for at least 92% of the team's fornication.
  5. Yeah, doesn't do much for me, either....Orton sometimes shows flashes of being a throwback, perhaps because of his lineage, but Cena is nauseating to me. When I read about Bam Bam passing away the other day, for some reason I started thinking about Rick Rude (since he also passed away somewhat recently). I think this was one of the more underrated wrestlers, even though he had a fair bit of success in the ring. I used to read about him when he was in World Class Wrestling, and then I became a fan when he hit WCW (he and Manny Fernandez were a badass tag team) and then WWE. All the guy ever needed was a micrphone to get the crowd all riled up before a match, and he always put on a good show. I still keep tabs on what's going on in the WWE, but it'll never compare to how it used to be.
  6. Thurman Thomas would have hauled in that Manning pass that Addai dropped.
  7. I wanted the Saints to win....but DAMN I love football outside in the elements. Reminds me of being back at the Ralph....
  8. I think it's more of an issue when he's !@#$ing
  9. Football contract? Or are they helping him draw up paternity papers?
  10. The Road Warriors were the two guys who scared the most sh-- out of me as a kid....anyone who only knows them from their time in the WWE has no clue how devastating these guys really were. Back in the early 80s when they were in the NWA they would just hit the ring in start throwing people around like rag dolls. Fake or not, I wouldn't want to have been on the receiving end of what those dudes were dishing out. I definitely agree that wrestling back in the 70s/80s was awesome....I used to look forward to picking up my wrestling mags each month to see where everyone was in the standings. Good times....
  11. Can we set the over/under on the number of Euro-babes Pete hits while he's on his trip?
  12. At least theoretically
  13. With all due respect to Cincy, I'm with ya there, Lord!
  14. Has Obama actually taken a position on any major issue yet?
  15. That may be the biggest understatement in history
  16. Hillary Clinton isn't a man?
  17. Very cool...thanks for the info, guys!
  18. LOL....what kind of car does Totti drive?
  19. Very cool! Can you give me an idea of what routine maintenance is like on your car? Are you able to do the basic stuff on your own (e.g. oil changes, belts, plugs, etc), or does the car require a technician for even routine stuff? I'm a proponent of taking the car to the dealer service department for scheduled maintenance, but I dn't want to have to be going back and forth every time I need a damn oil change. I know that the A4 is considered an entry level "luxury" vehicle, so I didn't know if that meant more headaches with regard to maintenance. Would you buy another one?
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