Yeah, doesn't do much for me, either....Orton sometimes shows flashes of being a throwback, perhaps because of his lineage, but Cena is nauseating to me.
When I read about Bam Bam passing away the other day, for some reason I started thinking about Rick Rude (since he also passed away somewhat recently). I think this was one of the more underrated wrestlers, even though he had a fair bit of success in the ring. I used to read about him when he was in World Class Wrestling, and then I became a fan when he hit WCW (he and Manny Fernandez were a badass tag team) and then WWE. All the guy ever needed was a micrphone to get the crowd all riled up before a match, and he always put on a good show.
I still keep tabs on what's going on in the WWE, but it'll never compare to how it used to be.