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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. When they were running Rhodes so much in the end of the game, I told my brother that I felt as if they were doing that to water down Addai's performance enough to where they could justify giving Peyton the MVP. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not, but I felt Addai deserved it over Peyton - even though I'm a Manning fan.
  2. House of Sand and fog had some of the greatest acting you'll ever see in a film. Great choice. My choice will be "Life is Beautiful", which also happens to be my favorite movie of all time.
  3. Thinking that the halftime show sucks is just an indication that you haven't had enough beer! GO COLTS!
  4. You're picking up the snow and farting on it?
  5. Ah, okay....great film
  6. It's kinda weird cause I know my family watched the games when I was really young, and I seem to have broken memories of what we did and what was going on in the games. I know I used to really like Drew Pearson, Tony Dorsett, Danny White, and Randy White....and I can recall lots of times when I watched them play, but I can't remember if that was during their second SB against the Steelers or MNF or what....oh well.
  7. Thanks, Mark! There are a few in there that I'm looking forward to checking out....even though I've never seen the tv show, I'm dying to see that 'Reno 911' flick. When a preview can have me lauging out loud, that's a good sign - as long as the preview doesn't contain ALL the funny parts of a movie. On a side note, Flyboys just came out on DVD a week or two ago, and I wanted to give that film a quick thumbs up. Lots of great action and based on historic events prior to our involvement in WWI. I really enjoyed this one.
  8. I'm on record as saying if Bledsoe was replaced by Romo this year - the THIRD time he'd lose his job to an unproven young player - there would be no chance in hell he'd ever make the HOF. Bledsoe is nothing more than a journeyman QB at this point...
  9. The first one I REALLY watched was Eagles-Raiders, but I do have memories of the Steelers last two SBs in the late 70s.
  10. I fear you've said too much.
  11. That pic doesn't do Michelle justice....I think they're both hotties, but I like this pic better: Michelle
  12. He and Curt Henning were a pretty good "face" tag team back in the AWA, too. I used to watch the broadcasts on ESPN whenever I had the chance. I didn't have cable for a while, so I would have my aunt back in Erie record them for me and then send me the tape in the mail. It was pretty cool to get like 12-16 hrs worth of wrestling in the mail every month or two.
  13. I thought her name was Nadia?
  14. It's better on DVD, man....I'm actually glad that this is the first season I've watched week to week. When it's on DVD, and you have the time, you can just get all caught up in it like you're on a high and ride it until it's over....and then just when you've had a few minutes to recover, you start wanting to see the next set of DVDs I was okay when this season started cause they did four hours in two days, which was JUST enough....but this one episode per week stuff is awful.
  15. You mean the HART Foundation? I agree I'll throw out a vote for the Koloffs, too....Ivan and Nikita. And also Rick Rude and Manny Fernandez.
  16. Darn right....especially among the Hollywood types! Eva is the total package
  17. but I DO! I'd rather have an average looking chick with a great personality than a hot babe without one
  18. She's so beautiful....and her personality is just as awesome as her looks
  19. It's hard to believe that a missing earpiece could result in him sounding that bad, but if you heard him rockin' out last spring then I feel a lot better....can't wait to hear the new tracks!
  20. That's really awesome, Gary....you are truly a blessed man!
  21. Yep, I was really embarrassed for him...he had no range, he was off-key, and just sounded like a washed up has-been. I put on my GnR Live 2-disc album from time to time, and they used to put on a helluva show. I really hope Axl can blow a little better than he did during that MTV show....I've been a fan of these guys for 20 years just like a lot of the rest of you.
  22. How is Axl's voice holding up? Last time I saw him was on the MTV music awards a couple years ago, and he sounded awful. I didn't know if he was just ill, or if the years of all that screeching had taken its toll.
  23. wow, that's pretty cool, cause the next night there was a show/tv taping at the Rochester War Memorial, and I was there....before the show they announced that honky tonk had won the belt from Steamboat a day earlier, and we were all in shock! lol Good times....
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