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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. really?? I didnt even notice that....how cool!
  2. I have nothing to contribute....I just wanted to say that I'm about to sign papers on a Tacoma tomorrow, so I'm glad to hear that you guys like yours. Mine is just a bare bones regular cab, pre-owned, 2002 w/ 50k miles on it, but it will get the job done for the time being. I'm excited to take delivery on it! I think the tacomas are the sharpest looking sport truck out there.
  3. yep, great episode....I love that show
  4. Did you watch 'The Office' last night, by chance?
  5. Wow, I only got 8/10, and only knew five of those definitively.....it's been forever since I've seen the show, so in a way it's good since it will be like seeing a lot of the episodes for the first time
  6. That wouldn't surprise me.
  7. I love the fact that this sport is becoming more mainstream. It's so much better than boxing it's not even funny. To me, it's arguably the purest form of competition in sports. I could watch this stuff all day.
  8. I think part of what made this show great was the fact that they had interesting and entertaining characters, but even more brilliant was the way they interacted with one another. Geesh, I can't wait to see these episodes again...
  9. I've always loved soccer, but my love has been rejuvenated over the past year or two. MLS is doing a fantastic job of carving out their niche in this country, coverage of the euro national leagues is growing, and this past world cup was in HIGH DEF, BABY!!! Soccer is the one sport where I could know nothing about the teams playing, but I'll sit there and watch the game anyway. I love great passing and ball movement, great saves, great goals, and the overall look of 40k people focused on the pitch. The NFL is still number one, but soccer is more of a 1.b than it is a 2. As for the beckham signing, I think it's fantastic for the league, and any of the Galaxy players who are bitching and moaning about it should just STFU. As I've said before, the rising tide brings all ships to the top, and any of the players who don't understand that should be sent packing, IMO. The league needs visibility, and Beckham brings that in spades. Brilliant move. PS. My team is Werder Bremen....I don't follow a Premiership team specifically, though I lean towards Arsenal since Thierry Henry is one of my favorite players.
  10. Count me in for this....WKRP is one of the greatest sitcoms ever....can't wait to revisit these great episodes!
  11. Wow, that was awesome! Almost on par with Rodriguez' trap and volley goal from the WC....that may be the best goal I've ever seen.
  12. HFB, Dean!
  13. Oh man, the first fight was great...Krazy Horse caught him with a vicious punch and then spent the next twenty mins gloating about how great he was...this guy is a trip. I enjoyed the chicks more than I thought I would. It helps that one of them was awesome looking, but they really could bring it, too. I was very impressed. I don't remember her father, either. I agree about Silva....that guy can move for a big guy, and he's got those long, heavy arms to just pound people with. Very scary. I'm still not sure what I think about the Shamrock v. Gracie match. If the guy seriously has a concussion, then it's good they stopped it. But even on the replays it didn't seem like Shamrock did anything out of the ordinary....Gracie just didn't move his frickin head after the first blow.
  14. Come on over here....let's wrassle!
  15. Anyone watching this guy? I'm dying listening to him offer some in-ring commentary on the knock out he just delivered to KJ Noones.... This is some entertaining sheeat! EDIT: Wow, this Gina Curano chick is HOT! http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...%3Doff%26sa%3DN
  16. Happy Bday, Stojan!
  17. Awesome flick....I was watching Pulp Fiction for the first time in a while last night, too...Another classic!
  18. Happy B-day, brotha!!!!
  19. Dude....we've not been in the playoffs for how many years now? When I hear someone in the national media giving us props for the upcoming season, I get excited. Reason being, this team hasn't given us a whole helluva lot to get excited about this entire decade, so if I have to rely on Jaworski to give me a little hope for next year, I'm damn well gonna do it. The reason why some peoples opinions change on these media people is because we're BIASED FANS OF THE BUFFALO BILLS. We're not required to be consistent....
  20. He said he was lifting it and then using his back hole....I thought that's what he meant
  21. Hmmmm....I dunno, man. I think if Jaws says they're his pick for a surprise team, then that pretty much guarantees it.
  22. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=59311
  23. Michael Irvin picks the Packers....Jaworski picks....DA BILLS! Let's go Buffalo!!!!!
  24. I agree...three out of four of our SB games we played the team that pretty much wiped their asses with the rest of the NFL.
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