I've always loved soccer, but my love has been rejuvenated over the past year or two. MLS is doing a fantastic job of carving out their niche in this country, coverage of the euro national leagues is growing, and this past world cup was in HIGH DEF, BABY!!!
Soccer is the one sport where I could know nothing about the teams playing, but I'll sit there and watch the game anyway. I love great passing and ball movement, great saves, great goals, and the overall look of 40k people focused on the pitch.
The NFL is still number one, but soccer is more of a 1.b than it is a 2.
As for the beckham signing, I think it's fantastic for the league, and any of the Galaxy players who are bitching and moaning about it should just STFU. As I've said before, the rising tide brings all ships to the top, and any of the players who don't understand that should be sent packing, IMO. The league needs visibility, and Beckham brings that in spades. Brilliant move.
PS. My team is Werder Bremen....I don't follow a Premiership team specifically, though I lean towards Arsenal since Thierry Henry is one of my favorite players.