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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. lol, I can't take credit for that one, just always thought it was hilarious when others called her that Here's one of the biggest dbags in the house, btw.... http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=BBMedia&Number=19502869&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=31&rc=&fpart=1
  2. I hadn't heard about these bigoted comments until today, but honestly it doesn't surprise me at all. There are some major dbags in the house right now. As for tonight's show, so much for my boy the Hairship Enterprise...at least he gave me one more "lol" moment when Chenbot asked him why he thought the houseguests turned on him...after some audible rattling noises coming from his head, he looks at Julie and says, "well I dunno...I mean, I'm pretty smart..." Catch ya later, duuuude....we hardly knew ye!
  3. oh wow, yeah, Gary was the one who was involved in the controversy at the end! I was annoyed by him in the beginning, but by around the middle of the season he had grown on me.
  4. Okay, I'm already hooked on this season. The Pizza guy has taken over the house and this surfer dude is so stupid that I was laughing every time he was on screen. I really don't think he has any idea where he is or what he's doing, he just knows there is free food and hot chicks. I am now officially "pro-dude".
  5. I was late to the party with that show, so I binged by renting the discs from Netflix...what a great ride.
  6. Oddly enough, HBO has been showing reruns of the Sopranos lately, and watching a few of those from the first couple seasons just puts my current tv viewing in perspective. It's one of the main reasons I finally pulled the plug on Falling Skies, and it's caused me to really take an inventory on the shows Im spending my time with. The hour just flies by when an episode is on, and when its over it's just like, "ahhhh, THAT'S what it feels like to spend an hour with a great show...."
  7. That's a good point, and it serves as a good explanation for why I reacted to some of the pedophile themes of the show. It struck me as being an unnecessary plot device given how much other potentially cool stuff was going on, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Nurse Jackie is one of my favorites, although I was getting frustrated this season when the show started focusing on parenting issues and jackie's dating. I like it better when they keep it in the ER...just a personal preference. Morris Chestnut was a great addition to the show and things are just more interesting when they stay in the ER, IMO. They seemed to hint that jackie was going to fall off the wagon next season, and that would be a welcome development...the show is just more fun when she's poppin her happy pills. Since I binged on Dexter I don't have the same sense of how long the show has been on, but I know that others have echoed what you've said about the show getting a bit long in the tooth. I'm glad we're in the final season, and I hope they leave us with some great memories of Dex's final days. I tried to get into Californication, but never did anything for me. I watched/binged on the first few seasons of Weeds, but by the fourth season I started feeling as you did...that the show was just being stretched out well beyond what it should have been. Homeland I binged on last year and liked it, but I don't see it as the best show on TV at all...like you, I've heard others put it on that pedestal, but I don't see it.
  8. Interesting about the Sopranos comparison...just based on the first episode, I can sort of see a couple of parallels there. I can't see this show approaching that level of quality, but then again Sopranos is among the elite. Agree about the Dexter vs Doakes thing. I was late to the party with this show and binged on the first seven seasons, but he was my favorite opponent, too. Here's a link to the pilot, along with a listing of some feedback from a handful of critics. Keep in mind these people have apparently seen multiple episodes, so hard to get a feel for where the series is going given all the variation among the reviews. I liked it enough to keep watching through at least the first several eps, so hopefully it'll be worth the investment. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/63091
  9. The one weird thing about Dexter last night was that the episode ends with a bit of a "holy s**t!!" moment, but then in the preview for next week's show it sort of gives an idea of what happens. Very odd. Nonetheless, I'm excited to see this final season...I love how they are contrasting this season premiere with those of seasons past. Typically Dexter is in control of his environment and he's just out looking for a fix. This season starts off completely different...he's in control of nothing, which sets the stage for vulnerability and sloppiness. Can't wait!!
  10. Pretty solid pair of shows on Showtime last night. First, the season premiere of Dexter started off strong and introduced a couple promising story lines. After that, I watched the series premiere of Ray Donovan starring Liev Schreiber, an actor I consider to be a little underrated. By the time it was over, my head was spinning given the amount of material and the number of characters they threw at us. I thought there was maybe a bit too much of pedophile/tranny stuff, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I found the main character interesting and I'm eager to see where some of these story lines go, so I'd have to say that episode one gets a thumbs up from me. Gotta love the casting, even with just Schreiber, Jon Voight and Elliott Gould. It will be interesting to learn more about Gould's character, Ezra, as Ray referred to him as "the most important person in my life". In this episode we found him a bit out of sorts as he was burying his wife and failing to shoulder the burden of guilt over past actions. When the show ended I immediately felt justified making the decision to stop watching Falling Skies two weeks ago. Not that they're mutually exclusive, but you know... Anyway, anyone else see it? Or plan to see it?
  11. Happy Bday, my transplanted Philly-lovin' brotha! Going to enjoy with a cold brewski and some good local music?
  12. I was listening to Rob Cesternino's podcast about the BB premier, and he and his wife were going one by one through the houseguests and the impressions they made. When they got to this guy, they said that he was annoying because while "arrogant and smart can work well, arrogant and stupid just doesn't...at all" lol.
  13. Was running through some of my podcast subscriptions and found that Colin Cowherd interviewed Jozy yesterday (6/27). I've always sort of had an inkling that Jozy was a very cerebral player, maybe more so than his years would lead you to believe, and hearing this just confirms it for me. I think this is actually the first time I've ever heard him interviewed. Usually I'm reading quotes in print, so it was great to see what he had to say. He touches upon where the team is in relation to the world powers, the impact of Prima Donovan deciding he's now into soccer again, and a few other topics. I love that Colin put him on...I didn't realize that he was pro-soccer. Seems that he and his family are fans of the game, even though based on a couple of his questions I'm not sure how much he really understands it. Nonetheless, I hope we hear more of our USMNT guys getting national time. http://sports.espn.go.com/espnradio/podcast/archive?id=2799707
  14. That's a bummer for the young'ns... A bit of an aside here, but is anyone else sick to death of friggin Spain? I really wanted Italy to win that match today, but now I have to watch Spain in the finals of yet another tourney. Hopefully Brazil will close the door on them, but enough with the Spanish. I'm glad they have mastered the art of passing and they play great team ball, but dammit man, it's time to knock them off the throne. Looks like Prima Donovan will soon be back on the MNT...I hope he doesn't disrupt our Klinsi Mojo
  15. She was very pretty when she entered the house, but when she did her hair and makeup for the "fashion show", holy WOW is she beautiful. Yep, very disappointing that they didn't have more variation and diversity. There have been times when the older house guests have been the most interesting. I don't know why they casted it this way. Yep, it's a summer ritual for many of us each year I hear ya. There is definitely a lot of the melodrama, especially in the early part of the season. I like the psychological aspects of the show, personally. The whole thing is one big social experiment, especially once it gets going, and it's pretty interesting the way the relationships can become intensified and complicated. Being stuck in a house with zero contact with the outside world, among others you may or may not gel with, as the power shifts up, down, and sideways among the house guests. People often times get stripped down to a pretty raw state of mind, and that's why I become fascinated. Sounds like your sister wants badly to be able to share and enjoy this show with her brother!
  16. Yep, I was excited to see they were doing a show together again, but I'm bored too. I guess it's good in a way, cause there are so many casts that I still want to check out, if I enjoyed EVERYTHING then i'd never get through em all. I have four or five that are on my must listen list, but it's slow growing.
  17. I think this season is starting off much weaker than last, but too early to tell. I don't know if your sister has seen the Big Brother Canada show that ran from February of this year and ended a month or so ago, but every episode in its entirety is available on youtube. That's how I watched it and it ended up being a really good season. It had a very controversial ending that had everyone up in arms. If she hasn't seen it already, I feel pretty confident she'd enjoy it. Just out of curiosity, how come you dislike the show? Just not your cup of tea?
  18. It was bound to happen, but this is officially the first season where every house guest is younger than me...very weird feeling! I first started watching this show back when I was 28, and slowly but surely I've felt older and older as each season passed lol. Anyhow, the cast isn't very diverse, which is a disappointment to me. It's basically 8 high maintenance barbie types, the token gay guy, the token black guy, and six white guys in their 20s. Not very inspired casting, if you ask me...the more diverse the better, that's how I see it. So far there has been one twist announced for this season, and it could end up really being a significant factor. Essentially the HoH will nominate two house guests for eviction, per usual, but this season there will be an "MVP" each week based on the viewers votes. The MVP will be notified secretly and it's his or her discretion if they want to disclose their identity. They will have the ability to nominate a THIRD house guest for eviction, and this will be made known to the house prior to the veto competition each week. BB15 airs Tues, Wed, and Sundays each week. Also, for those who like to watch Big Brother After Dark, the show is now on some channel called TVGN (wtf?) and airs from 12 midnight until 2am EST. So...who's watching? **This thread allows spoilers, but ONLY as they pertain to something that has already aired. If it's something that hasn't happened on the show yet, PLEASE use spoiler tags**
  19. Amazing interview with Brian Banks this week. If you don't know the name, he's the guy who was falsely accused of rape when he was a senior in high school. Just an unbelievable path this guy's life took following the accusation, and even more unbelievable is the way he's handled everything and how he came out the other side a better man. Just be prepared for your blood pressure to rise as you hear his account of what all went down... http://richeisen.nfl.com/2013/06/25/rich-eisen-podcast-brian-banks/
  20. I don't know why, but I get annoyed with Sal when he's hosting. Seems like a nice enough guy, but don't seem to have much of a tolerance for him. Very odd. Get back soon, Murph!!
  21. Replacing Springer with Cannon made zero sense to me at the time, but I totally agree, he's one of my favorite people on the show now. Seems like a genuinely good guy and he's always good for a laugh. I really couldn't imagine a better host now.
  22. Once I found out how he did the trick, I lost interest as well...I just get a kick out of the reaction lol I'm not sure what was up with these two brothers doing gymnastics in their underwear...can do without anymore of that I've always thought Mel B should have been "sexy spice"...she's uber hot. This is the first time I've really gotten a dose of Heidi's personality, and she is very likable.
  23. I'm really enjoying the show this year...and I'm glad Sharon is gone. This grouping is doing a good job. I've watched the clip of that special head guy several times now, and the reaction of that guy in the audience cracks me up every time.
  24. Thanks Jack, I'm going to pick this one up for sure. I was a huge fan of wrestling from the first time I saw the Road Warriors on TBS in the early 80s (and proceeded to forcefully shart myself in fear) all the way up through my high school days. I love reading the books from these guys who discuss the life from a behind the scenes perspective. It's not only incredibly nostalgic, but also very entertaining. Hopefully there is a kindle edition.
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