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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. wow, that's absolutely amazing.....totally unthinkable a decade ago.
  2. I rented this one from Netflix over the weekend and thought it was hilarious! The second half wasn't quite as good as the first, but it's basically a combination of satire and toilet humor....right up my alley! It was written and directed by Mike Judge and stars Luke Wilson and Mya Rudolph (SNL). Any of you guys seen it? If so, what did you think?
  3. That's a great point...the marketing is so good that I even find myself getting into the hype momentarily....then they bring out the actual product and I start wondering what the hell I'm watching this for. But I definitley give them kudos for the marketing aspect, cause even though I don't watch a lick of it, I still feel like I have some idea what's going on in the world of NASCAR. Unfortunately what I find most interesting about the sport is all the stuff that goes on outside of the actual racing part.
  4. Yeah, I know it's not PC....but I just don't see a lot of sports where women post higher/better numbers than men, you know? And I'm not necessarily saying that men are TOUGHER than women, cause I know some pretty tough ladies....but when it comes to pure athletic ability in a physical sense, I don't see how anyone can make an argument that women are the equals of men.
  5. Nope...that's the opposite of what I mean, lol.
  6. I feel that women and men can both be athletes, but generally speaking, men are superior athletes to women. Thus, if both men and women can compete in a given sport w/out having their own divisions, then the sport must not require a lot of athletic ability.
  7. lol, I forgot about that one....nice cameo by Jimmy Fallon there!
  8. Good call on the Ludircous show...I thought he did a great job with that. I, too, hadn't seen the Timberlake show, so I was glad to catch it this past weekend. The junk in a box skit had me rolling....funny stuff! The show may not compare to its glory days, but I still find it pretty entertaining.
  9. I don't think you're really understanding what I'm saying.
  10. You have no idea how much I'd love that!
  11. I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, necessarily....I simply don't think it requires any sort of athletic skill.
  12. mmmhmmm...and how many times did you call me this weekend???? HMMMMMMMM????? I should make you number NINE!
  13. Hey, it could be worse....instead of saying, "hey, Lana!", I could just say, "yo, number eight!"
  14. I haven't seen any data on it yet, but for some reason it just seems like fewer players are blowing out their knees and being shelved for lengthy periods of time over the past few years with serious injuries. Anyone have any facts and figures on this? I'm just wondering if this new FieldTurf stuff has made a positive difference in the safety of the game.
  15. I think NASCAR is a sport - one that I have little to no interest in - but I dont' consider them athletes by any means. With all due respect to the women on the board, any sport where females can compete in the same competition as males pretty much indicates to me that it doesn't take an athlete to perform. You don't see WNBA players competing in the NBA. There are no women NFL players. I have yet to see a female pro tennis player beat a male pro tennis player. The list goes on and on. I know it's not "PC" to say it, but men are physically superior to females when it comes to athletics, and when Danica Patrick can equally compete with Jeff Gordon or Earnardt Jr, then to me those are not athletes.
  16. Not replaced, just adding another one to my collection of beyotches
  17. did you happen to see the skit earlier in the season about the Fox news coverage of Hurricane Katrina? They had a guy playing Geraldo, and then they had others playing people like Sharon Stone, Aaron Neville and Sean Penn. Bill Hader did such an amazing impression of Pacino that I bet the audio playback would have been damn near indistinguishable from Al himself. It was pretty awesome! Also, this chick is from Rochester, and for whatever reason I am hugely attracted to her
  18. Yep, and I remember you telling me how afraid you were of the farting ants, too.
  19. Manning and Rivers were more "pro-ready", while the consensus on JP was that he was raw with a ton of upside. Well, thankfully JP immersed himself into the job and the city, and now he's on the verge of taking his place among the better QBs in football - not to mention his draft class. I really waivered on JP until Jauron came out and admitted that they were forcing him to stay in the pocket and adapt, and then as they gradually let him loose he began to really shine. I, for one, think he'll continue to evolve into a top QB, and I think he'll be here for the next ten years.
  20. I fear anything that can kill me. Sharks, poisonous snakes, crocs...etc. I think bats are cool, dont' really mind spiders or other creepy crawlies....just don't like the sh-- that can take me out.
  21. You may want to tune back in and give it a shot. Some of the young'ns are very talented. Andy Samberg and Bill Hader are particularly good.
  22. For those who don't know, this is the guy who plays Dwight Shroot on "The Office". He's a brilliant supporting actor/character, and I expect this to be a very solid show next week. That is all.
  23. wow....that scared the sh-- out of me....
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