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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I had a similar thought during the show...I thought it would have been great if Jack had had his way with that Russian beyotch the minute that her husband went to get the sat phone. Either that or go back and bang the hell out of his brother's wife...she could just a good Bauer bangin'
  2. Awesome! Another one for the TBD soccer community!
  3. Exactly...I"m the same way, and I think that just comes with the territory in terms of enjoying the show. BTW, I think Jean Smart (Martha Logan) was looking damn hot last night....
  4. Congrats, my friend! I may have to run over to Oregon and knock up Lana now!
  5. I can't say it really bothers me, either...it's not like he's physically competing in some way....it's purely cosmetic. This is akin to J.Depp getting caught with a doobie....bfd.
  6. I like the Rock Star shows, too. I think one of the main differences is that those contestants are a LOT more seasoned than the Idol ones....generally speaking. Some of the Idol folks are in bands or whatever, but the Rock Star folks have a much greater stage presence and are much more clear on who they are and what they bring to the table as musicians. Just my opinion.
  7. I"m not sure I understand how this refutes my point? I'm saying that the fan base is being created DURING the show, and is already established once the records are released. The fact that they already have a feel for who should start working on albums before the season is over further shows that they have an idea of how the fan base is developing. I sincerely doubt they started working on a Clay Aiken album back when he auditioned. IIRC, he only made the finals because he was a wildcard vote by one of the judges. Then from there his fan base grew and grew, and I'm sure it was pretty clear well before the finale that he was going to be viable in terms of a recording artist. Now contrast this with Clay Aiken pre-Idol, trying to get some recording deal while he's teaching school or whatever he did before the show. His voice is the constant, but I guarantee you that if some studio had signed him as an unknown that he'd never have sniffed the success he's having now. AI takes the raw materials and molds them into stars....that's the part I find fascinating to watch.
  8. I agree. And not that any back wouldn't benefit from a better line, but a TT-esque back in particular NEEDS some beef up front to shine. Now that we've got some O-line guys on board, I'd love to see us find Thurman Jr.
  9. Oh, I co uldn't agree more. That's partly why I've become so interested in a guy like Amos Lee. He has these podcasts on youtube where he describes his experiences with writing his music, playing with the guys, performing, etc. It's really interesting. He'll talk about how one of his songs ("night train", I believe) was inspired when he was sitting in a hotel room in France and just watching things go on outside the window. I love that he writes his own stuff and is passionate about just making music and sharing it with others. There's no cookie cutter, "pop star in a box" crap going on here.....I think this guy is probably more along the lines of what you'd admire, even though you may not have heard of him. He's just a good, pure musician with a great story. I dig that. And that's also why I like to get invovled and/or start music threads on here, cause a lot of you guys know a lot about music - GOOD music - and I love to get direction about where to look myself. So I totally understand where you're coming from, I guess I just can't help but find the AI thing interesting at the same time.
  10. Oh, I'm sure he'd just want to know 'how much?' You'll get that after you see the film
  11. LOL, nice job!
  12. Lots of the former contestants have had hit records, actually. But the visibility they're gaining from the show and the likability that their cultivating has paid dividends big time for a lot of them, too. That's why you see them branching out into so many different areas of entertainment. I still say that one of the most popular contestants ever was Tamyra Gray from season one. She could do it all - sing, write, act, and she was beautiful on top of it all. You don't hear much about her today, but I promise you she's been very successful.
  13. That was supposed to be your job! lol
  14. I have my own definition of what great music is, as I'm sure you do too, but what creates great (i.e. successful) POP music is the public. Like I said above in the thread, the genius of the show is that they bring a bunch of nobodies with marginal (for the most part) talent in front of the American public, give us all (yourself excluded, of course....duly noted) a chance to get to know them, and then after a few months there exists enough interest in more than a few of them to where they can cut albums and make money for all involved. Do these folks define for me what great music is? Hell no! When someone audioned with a song from my favorite musician a month or two ago, Randy didn't even know who the hell Amos Lee was....and he's a successful record producer! Do you really think that the musicians you consider great today will ever be as popular or visible as someone like an American Idol winner? The show isn't about great music, but pop music itself isn't about great music. It's just like film....a LOT of what tops the box office charts pales in comparison to what you can find on the indy scene. A large budget doesn't define a great movie, you know? But it doesn't mean that from time to time I can still take enjoyment from that particular genre.
  15. Let's call in Mulder and Scully! It's all one BIG GIANT CONSPIRACY!!!!!! AAAARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Yeah, but even though it's gotten much more out of hand, it was still a HUGE element of the show six years ago. To me, it's like saying "well, klingons were one thing, but now that the BORG has shown up, this is just getting ridiculous!" I just feel it's pretty much to be expected that a show requiring us to suspend our disbelief is going to sooner or later really get crazy....it's got to go SOMEWHERE, right?
  17. Have you seen Borat? If so, what was your take on that, just out of curiosity? A good friend of mine and I are both Catholics....he's the much better example, but my faith is still very important to me. I loved Borat and pretty much can't get enough of the guy, whereas my friend refuses to even see the film.
  18. Must be one of those Sopranos-like jobs where they say they have a garbage business or something.
  19. So much for subtle innuendo.
  20. I sort of feel the same way. I'm not sure what the criteria are when it comes to that sort of thing, but I would tend to agree with you.
  21. That's DISGUSTING, Lana! What has gotten into you lately??
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