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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. As I was watching them, it's as if I could hear them saying "DAMMIT, this is some GOOD FUGGIN TV!!!! I'm gonna keep yelling and hopefully he'll yell back and we'll be EVERYWHERE with this!" Of the two, I think Geraldo is the bigger idiot in this case, though.
  2. Oh, MAN! Well, the good news is that it's all documented at www.tonyhomo.com
  3. I'm pretty sure this was the obvious answer....
  4. Ah, that was my second guess Glad you're back, though!
  5. Where've you been lately? On tour with the Stones again?
  6. Thanks, bro! I figured I couldn't think of how to top your 10k celebration a while back, so I thought I'd just let it pass quietly lol.
  7. The flame isn't quite as hot as it used to be, IMO. I remember back when I was getting caught up on the show (renting from Netflix), there were times when I would feel like I had to recover after an episode. Maybe this second mini-season will be better than the first part of season 6, but I'm lukewarm to the series at this point.
  8. Typically the only people they will throttle are those who are returning them at such a rate that they're likely just burning them and shipping them back. Even with the slower turnaround times at my old place, my success rate for having the new releases each week sitting in my mailbox on a tuesday, before blockbuster even opens, is very high. There have only been maybe a handful of times since I've been a customer (I've been a customer since 2002) where I didn't get a new release I wanted and had to wait for it later on. And now that things are fast again, I can't even keep up with them.
  9. Lana's almost as bad as I am!
  10. You mean the "bird in the hand is better than two in the bush"? lol
  11. True, it could have easily been a neighbor. I guess I feel that much of the value from the service comes from being able to walk to your mailbox each day for the discs instead of having to drive them somewhere else, so I think aside from a few occasions I never sent them from anywhere but home.
  12. I'll just have to make sure she's IN the movies....the whole "two birds" thing
  13. About six months ago, I noticed that my Netflix films were taking a bit longer in transit. Sometimes I'd put a movie back in the mail and it wouldn't show up as Netflix having received it for like 3-4 days later. It was really becoming frustrating, but I just bumped up my subscription to accommodate the slow turnaround time. Eventually I still got annoyed by it, so I called them up and bitched about it. I told them that I KNEW they were throttling me because when I lived at my prior address the turnaround time was very consistently one day each way. The guy apologized, but swore up and down that they weren't doing anything of the sort. It continued being slow for the next few months, but I just dealt with it. Well, I've been at my new place for a month now, and all of a sudden it's back to a one day turnaround. I was on the 7-at-a-time plan, but I've since taken it back down to 5 since I can't keep up with all the films. To make a long story short, I'm convinced that one or more of my postal carriers were screwing with my returns. If not that, then SOMETHING out of the ordinary was going on, cause there's no way it would range from 1-4 days for a film to get back to a distribution center that was only fifteen miles away. I don't know what was going on, but I"m convinced that Netflix wasn't the problem. I'm back to loving this service now more than ever....
  14. Fezmid has been encouraging me to check out BSG for a while now....I've been holding out hope that Firefly/Serenity would be rekindled in some manner, but since things are kinda quiet on that front I may need to start up with BSG for my sci-fi fix.
  15. Kinda nice seeing the ball come flying out of the RBs hands on a couple of those Willis hits....we could use some of that
  16. This is all Mularkey's fault....always yelling at our RBs for not hitting the hoes hard enough.
  17. I'll throw out some support for my brother-in-poker.... I haven't seen him in concert, but I had his disc in house a couple weeks ago and thought it was some really good music. I think this may be the sort of artist who has a great deal of staying power and will re-invent himself from time to time to stay ahead of the curve. He's definitely a talented dude.
  18. Nice! Wish I could have been there!
  19. Ah, Im glad you mentioned that....I had a HD/DVR and loved it. But then I moved into a new place where there was a new cable provider, and they only had HD boxes at the time. I looked into picking up a tivo unit from CC or BB, but they are ridiculously expensive....what should I expect to pay for a tivo unit that can record in HD? And how exactly is it connected in order to keep up with channel listings? I keep trying to pause a program when I go to take out the dog or whatever, and am continuously hit with the reality that I don't have my dvr anymore
  20. Wow, that's even worse than I thought....six damn questions in a friggin HOUR?? Could you imagine watching that show after an episode of '24'?
  21. Cool, thanks...I do get that channel, I just always forget it exists lol
  22. This was the algebra question: If y=3x and 3x=12 then what does y equal?
  23. I will usually turn off a game show when it seems to take an hour in between questions. Why do we need an entire segment of the show to figure out the adverb of a sentence? It's the same with that 1v.100 show with Saget. I like the concept there, but the show moves soooooooooooo slowly.
  24. Even worse is that she was a "specialist" in the military.
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