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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Not a problem...she's a free agent
  2. That is truly a blessing...congrats, Campy!
  3. Hey, if you guys want me to start a thread about American Idol, Reality TV, Soccer, or gay humping dogs, just say the word! I'm a diehard TBD'er and will always work to help out my fellow Bills fans!
  4. Agreed...that's pretty amazing. To have an 800 lb wild animal be so excited to see you for reasons other than making you their lunch is pretty incredible.
  5. http://youtube.com/watch?v=WMXOuh_oPB0 Is this it? Or this? http://youtube.com/watch?v=vl8Us8W_aWU
  6. Dang, I never even saw this post....thanks for the bump Mark! Looks like there is already a lot of interesting stuff for me to catch up on!
  7. They have zero chance of making it, but I"m pulling for Denver. I'd love to see AI get a ring, and it doesn't hurt that Carmello went to SU.
  8. HBD, bro! We've gotta get another poker game up and running at some point down the road....you're due for a win!
  9. What silent bob said! And Happy Bday!
  10. I just checked out the predictions at dialidol.com, and they have Sanjaya at the bottom for the first time all season....could this be the day Sanjaya goes b.harami? Of course, they haven't been right about anything this year, so for all we know Sanjaya had the most votes
  11. Have you considered the possibility that Jack IS Chinese?
  12. lol, well that's certainly more plausible than the fact that they psychically predicted it!
  13. I'm going to go out on a limb here.....but the timing of the Chinese guy's phone call MAY have had something to do with waiting until Jack and CTU actually HAD the bombs
  14. Um, do you see where in my post I mentioned why neither Lakisha nor Melinda winning would be good for the show? Because they are not MARKETABLE. I understand exactly what this show is, and that is exactly why I am intrigued by it.
  15. GEEEEEZUS Sanjaya sucks.... Anyway, the main reason I am so enamored with this show is because I love watching someone go from total unknown to legit pop star. I've been fearful that either Lakisha or Melinda was going to win this season, and I think that would be a huge setback for the show. Not that they aren't talented, because they are....but they have ZERO marketability and, quite frankly, they're both boring as hell. I'm now convinced that my favorite from day one, Miss Jordin Sparks, is without a doubt the performer with the most potential to really be a star. She's got the youth, the personality, the looks, and a great big voice to top it all off. She's really coming into her own, and I think she could really become popular, particularly among teens and the top 40 crowd. Jordin is just plain awesome....
  16. Depends on which one of the two moves slower....my vote would be for the actual Bledsoe.
  17. Tonight may be pretty interesting....the dialidol.com website has Lakisha and *gasp!* Jordin as potentially being the bottom two. Even though Lakisha has maybe the best voice, I'd much rather see her go...I don't think she's marketable at all, and I find her performances pretty damn boring. Jordin has much more potential, IMO.
  18. Yeah, it's definitely on the downswing....I'm hoping it sticks around another season or two, though, cause I still get a kick out of the Trumpster. Besides, I think Ivanka is a major hottie
  19. Any idea how the ratings have been? I'd really like to see the show go back to NYC, cause I miss the backdrop. LA is okay, but it just didn't feel as intense to me. I totally agree with you about the final four...I like what Stephanie brings to the table, and she's very easy on the eyes, but she's not all that entertaining. I can't really see Trump having someone like Frankie working for him, and I think Nicole is too flaky and hyper. James made a pretty strong impression this past task, so he may be the frontrunner. Trump likes stong, attractive women, though....so my money is on Steph.
  20. I loved that scene. They pan from one dead guy to the next, finishing up with what's his name hanging by his neck from a chain (a la "Karl" in Die Hard at the hands of Bruce Willis), and then Ricky drops the two words that said it all....good stuff
  21. Trump was whoopin' ass last night....I was loving it. I was surprised that Heidi was so far off her game, but Frankie took full advantage of it. I loved when he accused her of changing her story five times, then she looks over to Don, Jr seeking his support, and he says something like, "yeah, I kinda feel like you're doing that a little, too" I think that was my favorite boardroom of the season.....good stuff.
  22. Wow, what a thread.... What I found interesting about the article is his mention of C.S. Lewis - my favorite author. His books - particularly 'Mere Christianity' - really helped me to find some solid ground in terms of how science and faith related to one another. I remember reading Mere Christianity and just being amazed that he was using the process of reason to determine where he stood on matters of faith and the existence of God. I consider myself a Christian, but I get tired of the "rah-rah" type of Christian authorship and rhetoric that is nothing more than an appeal to your emotions. I suppose that has its place, but I think there are a lot of people with brains who want something a bit more intellectually meaty. I'm always mindful of Freud's position on religion and the psychology of those who latch on to ANY sort of identity for desperate reasons. I think examples of this sort of thing are everywhere. C.S. Lewis was the antithesis of this, and I consider his writings to be among the most influential of my life.
  23. So illegals can stay as long as they don't commit felonies?
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