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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Wow, everyone I know who has seen Pacific Rim already has just raved about it...I'm so stoked! I'm going Monday night for sure. Do you guys think the 3D version is the one to go with?
  2. When I was studying for my BSN, there was a nursing shortage at the time. It was pretty amazing how much interest a new grad could garner. Then in the middle part of last decade, at least here in Georgia the shortage had dwindled to where it was becoming more of an employers market. I honestly haven't been paying attention to the climate, but apparently there is once again quite a shortage. I've put a few fliers out and I'm feeling much better about the predicament based on the preliminary feedback I've received just in the last 24 hr or so. I really thought that I had found my "end game" in terms of settling in, because my company is very well prepared for adapting to the new healthcare environment. If not for the fact that this account I've been working on for the past 3.5 years is just so DAMN HUGE, I could easily get picked up by another account. That's the fly in the ointment here. So anyway, the point is that I could feasibly do exactly what you did and not even think twice about it. I don't want to burn this bridge, cause I do like the way they take care of their RN staff in general and I enjoy the "pay for performance" concept...but of course this is one area where most of us would rather be in control as much as possible. Thanks again for all the responses, guys...honestly, it seems as if there is NOTHING that could happen in our lives where we couldn't find others to help support us through it, while at the same time having a few laughs...you guys rock
  3. Should I get her on my web show?
  4. I have to admit, I'm finding Rachel's sister surprisingly attractive and un-annoying.
  5. No doubt...it makes me sick to my stomach when people start up with the racial crap...one of these days clueless barbie is going to say this stuff in front of the wrong people.
  6. lol, hey guys...thanks for all the posts, I've really enjoyed reading through them. The teleconference was really sort of odd. Basically there was an article in the Atlanta paper where the reporter got hold of a leaked power point presentation, indicating that our customer (the largest customer we have) was ditching us and going with a competitor. This was supposed to be official by now, but as of today there has been no official announcement. I've heard different theories on why that may be, but the bottom line is that as much as it would be nice to have some clarification one way or the other, it ended up being a "we really appreciate you and we're going to do everything we can to keep everyone in a job" rah-rah session. To their credit, they were answering questions from the staff very candidly and they were more transparent than they had to be, but I guess I'm just going to have to reconcile with my "dead job walking" status a bit longer. And I'm certainly not complaining, cause it could be much worse than it is...seems like I'll at least have another month or two of guaranteed income, so that will add to the cushion I've already began. Just sort of weird...never been in this position before. I guess that's what I get for taking my profession and trying to fit it into a corporate environment...it's not exactly a match made in heaven! So...how you guys doin'? lol bastard
  7. Okay good..glad I missed that. Last thing I want to hear about on my Bills show is some guy throwing Brady in our faces.
  8. Wow, you hit it right on the head, Buftex..."the stress of knowign something bad was going to happen, but not knowing exactly when, was just too much for me". I actually feel better hearing you say that, cause there have been some rumors circulating for the last few months, and since that time I've really been experiencing a significant amount of stress, which usually I am able to remain free of. You're exactly right about how hard that situation is, and it's going to get a little worse on my end since I may or may not be able to shift over to another account. With this account having over 400 RNs and ancillary staff, there just won't be enough spots, so I really will have to make some tough decisions. I really appreciate everyone's responses, and I'm glad it's not coming off like a "woe is me" type thing. I know most of us are dealing with this type of crap nowadays, it just helps to talk about it a bit. Thankfully I started savign up for a car several months ago, so I won't end up under a bridge right off the bat lol. I'm actually thinking that this may be an opportunity for me to finally have the time to focus on my health in preparation for my next position...a few months of intense gym work and some long overdue dietary changes may be in order. Anywho, thanks guys... PS. Buftex, that must have been badass working for Tower Records in the 90s, eh?
  9. I just finished watching episode 2 and I'm really enjoying the show. I have the same criticism that I had after ep I, and that is that the pedophilia/sex aspects are a bit much, but I find the Ray Donovan character very interesting. Jon Voigt has truly immersed into this role and the conflict between him and Ray is making for quite a bit of tension and suspense. It may be that even if the show fails to maintain this standard, I still will find it enjoyable given the subject matter. So, two episodes in and the thumb is still up.
  10. What do you normally do? Shave 'em clean off?
  11. Thanks mama
  12. Thanks Gents...not sure I'll be able to sleep between now and the 9am teleconference...stress is flowing through me like gas!
  13. So John is finally back? Good, time to start listening again...you da man, 26CB Actually I heard a promo that they were having some dude on who wrote a book about how Brady was the best QB of all time...sounds, uh, great....NOT
  14. Thanks brother...one of these days I may be giving you a call lol That's going to be a real challenge, cause right now I feel like completely blowing off the job lol...going to be a struggle to keep up performance standards, but as long as the checks still clear...
  15. So I just found out in a bit of a strange manner (newspaper got hold of a "leaked" power point slide) that my position at work now has an expiration date. I work on the largest account at my company, with over half the RNs working on this one account. So even though I haven't been officially notified (we have a mandatory meeting in the morning), apparently some time between tomorrow and Dec 31st I'm out of a job. Anyone else ever been in that position? I'm sure I'll hear something more concrete tomorrow (hopefully), but my stomach sank when I read this and I'm feeling sort of odd. Thoughts?
  16. I had some fun with Rob C's podcast when he interviewed David, the first evicted houseguest...got a mention at the end of the interview when he asked David my question. Was pretty funny.
  17. Got my first mention on a podcast...woohoo!!!
  18. Did the Premiership change it's name again?
  19. Dang, we may need a "TBD Old Farts" forum soon
  20. Thanks, PTS! Glad to hear the GOOOOOOOCH is back.
  21. I've noticed that, as well...if I find a weekend version, I'll let ya know. BTW, if anyone is a Dexter fan, the cast called "Dissecting Dexter" is great.
  22. Sir, yes SIR!!!
  23. Dwight...Fitzpatrick?
  24. So for the last half an hour, I've been on the toilet. What's the big deal, you may ask? I mean, 30 min is about right anyway...time enough to get comfortable, start the pre-dump activities, find the appropriate reading material, get in a good power wipe at the end, and then hit the soap and water. Well, the problem in this instance is that for the last 20 of those 30 mins, I was asleep. I've dozed off in some odd places before, but the toilet?? I woke up and my legs were both completely asleep, so I had to shift my butt side to side to let the blood flow get back in there...then I stood up just in time for the pins and needles to hit, which is always fun. I turned41 in May, and I guess I was sort of waiting for that one important moment that would just epitomize my transition to the "later" years of my life, and I think this may have been it. Anyone else have a story of when it first became clear that they'd hit the point of no return?
  25. Totally. I'm sure his Cherokee ancestors must be very proud of the way he's honoring their tradition...
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