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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Bernie's definitely a great guy...I just hope he's keeping his paws off the gals on the track team these days
  2. Aholes...
  3. I have people working on that
  4. Dude, you abandoned your own revenge plot like two posts after suggesting it to me once you saw the guys pic...lol
  5. lol, too funny... I'm just glad that it was someone with a passion and appreciation for the throwing events who broke the record, and not just some joker who couldn't care less about the sport. If you ask Bernie, he'll tell you that back in the day, I took issue with him for not spending enough time coaching me and helping with my technique, and had even threatened to throw for Pittsford my last two seasons. We argued about it for a short time, and he basically admitted that I knew more than he did about the shot and disc, and he wasn't sure if he was really ABLE to coach me. I appreciated his honesty and stuck it out, but there are times when I wish I had had more leadership and coaching with regard to throwing technique and the weight room. I guess what I'm saying is that part of the reason why the record meant so much to me was because I have a few regrets in terms of not reaching my full potential during those years. Bernie does credit me for rekindling interest in the throws back at HF-L, and that is something I'm proud of...so I'm glad you continued that effort while you were there. Anyway, here's to ya for real...I hope you hold the record for 13 1/2 years!
  6. Was b.harami unavailable or something? Way to go, Tater!
  7. The beauty of it is that the "bullies" are the ones who still work in the mall or the local pizza joint by the time the ten year reunion comes around, while all the nerds and less popular kids in HS end up running the world. I didn't go to my HS reunion, but a few friends did...and when I heard some of the updates, all I could do was laugh. This kid is awesome...I hope he wins it all
  8. Quit getting in the way of my fun with Lana!
  9. Looks like he's quite the tipper, too! http://www.tmz.com/2008/04/13/michael-john...rom-down-under/
  10. It's over by the mullet forum.
  11. I want to see Trent... 1) improve his red zone performance 2) learn to make good decisions when he audibles 3) protect the football 4) continue to evolve into the leader of this team 5) avoid late, game-changing turnovers...those two or three he had last season were not pretty. I don't much care about his passing yards, cause I think we're going to be a power running team this season. Trent is supposed to be a very smart player, so I want to see him use the experience of last season to play smarter football this season.
  12. HBD, guys! Even you, Chef!
  13. That's partly why I'm glad I do most of my shopping at odd hours due to my work schedule...that sort of thing would truly make me insane!
  14. Yep, I loved that show when it was first on, and I agree that the inside look is pretty interesting. It actually made me feel more in touch with what's going on with the Jags, so they became a more interesting team for me that season. This past year there was a series on the KC Chiefs (I forget if it was on Showtime or HBO...) and it was pretty good, too. Then you had the Ravens being followed the season after their SB win...all three productions were pretty good, but I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to NFL programming.
  15. I just hope that JP goes to a team like Green Bay, where I can still remain a fan of his. I've seen enough to know that I prefer Edwards over him, but I still think the guy is great for the community and I wish him well in his NFL career. Heck, maybe he'll end up down here in Atlanta.
  16. They need to forget about the express lane and start a tech-tard line. One of our local chains here is Kroger, and they have the self scan lines, which I like...only problem is that I prefer another store chain (Publix) for their most excellent deli and bakery...they make you wait
  17. Oh man, I can't STAND that sheeat! I can sort of understand if we're talking about a 70 year old grandmother who still has a rotary phone and has no idea of technology, but for the love of GOD I cannot stand watching someone stand there writing out a check, taking out their drivers license, waiting for the cashier to stamp it, etc, etc....
  18. I ruined her for all other men.
  19. I still can't believe we lost that game...
  20. Mods: Can we move this to PPP?
  21. Sometimes when I watch some of those old clips I realize just how good the guy was! I miss those days
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