Wow, you described that feeling perfectly! I couldn't have said it better
I remember the last time I had to work on the first day of the draft, it was April 2003. I worked in a hospital in Atlanta on the day shift (12 hr), and we had a few unoccupied (with patients) rooms on the floor. There are pretty strict rules on what you can do in an empty room as far as sitting on chairs, sitting on the bed, etc., cause once the housekeeping folks clean it, you better stay clear until the patient gets there. Well, I found an empty room back down in the corner of the hall - one with a door that had non-squeaky hinges - that had a good tv...I set it to ESPN, turned the volume to just the right position where I could hear the commentary yet still here the activity outside the door, and I would stand just inside the room to watch the proceedings.
About an hour into things, I had just finished my rounds and was heading back to the room to see what all I'd missed. I opened the door, started walking in, and realized that someone else was already in the room! I looked at him, he looked at me, both of us with surprised looks on our faces. As it turned out, it was the maintenance guy who had pretty much the same plan I did, lol. I walked in, introduced myself, we disclosed team affiliations to one another, and then both of us just stood there transfixed by Chris Berman and Mel Kiper. He was a diehard Cowboys fan, but he was very respectful of the Bills (particularly the SB losses), so we actually ended up having a very good discussion.
If someone would have had a camera in that room, they'd have seen two grown men sneaking into and out of it about every ten minutes or so for the next five or six hours...we got to see our teams' first two picks, and neither of us ever got caught