That's a very cynical view, IMO. Sure, many people take recreational drugs because they enjoy getting high, and bad things happen. They know what they're getting into and sometimes you play with fire a bit too much. But not everyone has selfish reaons for using drugs. Some people have anxiety issues, sleep issues, stress issues, depression issues, etc, etc that only medications have proven to be effective, and these people often times have bad results, too.
When I think about Heath Ledger's death, I think about his little girl who will never have her father for the rest of her life. To me, that is tragic. I don't really see anything funny about it...that's just me. I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite, though, cause sometimes when someone posts a Darwin award story I find it funny. I guess I tend to take it situation by situation....and having seen his daughter in photos, that's what I think of.