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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Hellboy was a better film than most give it credit for...I wasn't crazy about the Xmen films, but definitely enjoyed all three Spideys. The last Superman flick was a disappointment for me...there was quite a drop-off in charisma from C.Reeve to B.Routh, IMO. Can't wait to see Iron Man, Dark Knight, and Hellboy the deuce.
  2. Thanks, Mark! I'm looking forward to a few of these, for sure. I've got mixed feelings about the new Indy flick, but I'm hoping it's worth the wait. I've been really wanting to revisit 'Raiders' on my home theater, so this will give me a chance to do it in anticipation of seeing the newest installment. Even though it'll probably be a rental for me, I'm really looking forward to the new Narnia flick....I loved the first one, and CS Lewis is my favorite author. Love me some movies!
  3. Maybe it was Ryan Perrilloux.
  4. I've only had a taste of it when I went to Biloxi last year, but I can't wait to go back. I can see why a lot of top online players do well live, cause it's much easier to get a read when you're among real people. I spent most of my time fumbling around with chips and trying to get used to the physical part of the game, but now that I'm over my initial stage fright, I'm ready to BRING IT, BABY! BTW, anyone living near Cherokee, NC, the Harrah's casino there has just decided to get table games. Supposedly by the end of the year they'll have some semblance of a poker room
  5. May 21st...Chelsea v. Man.U...let's get it on!!!! Rooney and Ronaldo are gonna git-r-done!
  6. There's nothing like sitting down at a live table in a casino at 3am with a handful of other people and using skill, tempered a bit by luck, to take figure out how you can take more money from them than they can take from you. I know this has nothing to do with the schedule change of the WSOP, but I felt like saying it anyway.
  7. I'm not sure it's THAT similar, but I'm all about self-deprecation
  8. Three more months????
  9. When does this damn movie come out, anyway? Enough with the foreplay...
  10. This is (one of?) the official 1989 trailer: http://www.movie-list.com/trailers.php?id=batman
  11. I would expect nothing less from a seal beater
  12. Well, if I viewed someone as dumb, as not loving their kid, as having wasted "the good life", etc, it would probably be easier to make fun of that person. I don't have that particular view of Ledger, so I guess that's partly why it's not all that funny. It's also because I spend forty hours a week on the other side of it, and a lot of the time the victims deserve a lot more credit than they tend to get. Aside from that, I tend to see the humor in as much a possible
  13. Exactly...people do things all the time that place them at risk for an untimely departure. It doesn't mean they aren't trying their best to fight their demons as best they know how, or that they don't love their kids as much as they should, etc. Anyone who knows me knows I'm the exact opposite of someone who is pessimistic and sad...it just surprises me sometimes how people can laugh at things. I still remember back when Selena was killed...I was riding in the car the next day listening to howard stern, and he had gunfire noises going off in the background. It gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. I laugh at a lot of the stuff you say on here...the sense of humor among TBD'ers is probably what I like best about this site. I just didn't happen to care much for your most recent joke, and it got me thinking...sue me!
  14. That's really messed up! Someone is a lazy bastarge!
  15. Hey man, I've already called myself a hypocrite in that regard. So I'm prepared to piss my pants over it and there's not much you can do about it
  16. I'm actually not meaning to defend anyone. I don't know the guy from Adam. I just said that I don't get what is humorous about people's tragedies. You guys are the ones who seem to know the guy pretty well
  17. there was no "blow" in his system....only prescription and cold meds.
  18. I don't know if you have kids, but I'll bet you $100 that if given 20 or 30 minutes to interview you, I could come up with at least 3 things you're doing right now in your life that cavalierly place your child at greater risk for being fatherless than you should be doing. I would bet you another $100 that when I tell you what those three things are, you'd tell me that it doesn't mean you love your child any less because of it.
  19. That's a very cynical view, IMO. Sure, many people take recreational drugs because they enjoy getting high, and bad things happen. They know what they're getting into and sometimes you play with fire a bit too much. But not everyone has selfish reaons for using drugs. Some people have anxiety issues, sleep issues, stress issues, depression issues, etc, etc that only medications have proven to be effective, and these people often times have bad results, too. When I think about Heath Ledger's death, I think about his little girl who will never have her father for the rest of her life. To me, that is tragic. I don't really see anything funny about it...that's just me. I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite, though, cause sometimes when someone posts a Darwin award story I find it funny. I guess I tend to take it situation by situation....and having seen his daughter in photos, that's what I think of.
  20. No kidding...he pulled that on Ramius in the Chris Ellis draft thread, too. I know that TBD'ers can be a-holes sometimes, but no need to take it to that level.
  21. I've always found it curious why people find humor in the tragedies of others. I guess I just don't get it.
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