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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dogs2bo4.jpg
  2. HFB, Pete! You're definitely one of TBD's best And to you other two guys, as well
  3. Maybe most people are fearful of that "Canadian armed rebellion" that he spoke of in the article. Can NHL fans ever discuss the merits of the game without feeling the need to point out how much another sport sucks? GEESUS, man....how often do you see the NFL or even the MLB folks trying to convince you that they have an entertaining game if for no other reason than the NBA (or MLS, or MMA, or MILL, etc, etc) sucks? On that note.... Go FLYERS!!!! Briere rules!!!!
  4. Free b.harami!
  5. I agree about Destro. My brother and I were HUGE into the GI Joe action figures growing up, and I'm actually sort of looking forward to this flick. I noticed that they have Arnold Vosloo in the film as Zartan, but I actually think he would have been much better in the Destro role. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, cause I thought the Heath Ledger casting as the Joker was pretty odd, and I've seen more than enough of him just in the previews to realize it was pure brilliance. This guy they have in the role just looks a bit girly, though...Destro needs to be badass.
  6. HBD Ed!!!
  7. Hopefully he left before you did!
  8. I agree on both counts, particularly with your second point!
  9. Happy belated Bday, you two!!
  10. Only 2.5 months until training camp
  11. I do too, though they did make some improvements to their Dline, which was one of their major weaknesses last year. Our defense should be much better overall, though, assuming we stay healthy.
  12. Hopefully he underrated us by one spot...I want to see us playing in january this year!
  13. You know J.Peters was an UDFA, right?
  14. Yep, you could watch soccer all damn day on DTV if you were so inclined....DTV rocks!
  15. This is the year that this gets updated!
  16. My problem with the NBA is that fouling is a part of the damn game plan. Ever since the advent of the "hack-a-shack", I've gradually lost interest in the game. The fact that you can basically have one of your players dedicated to fouling the hell out of the other team's best player is asinine to me. I also think there are too many teams that make the playoffs, to the point where you have teams with losing records in there from time to time. Regular season games in the NBA are almost meaningless. At least in baseball you only have four teams from each league making the post-season, so every one of the 162 games can be viewed as important.
  17. Yep, and our RB also faced a lot of 8 and 9 man fronts because we had a rook QB and an O-coordinator who had an audible-phobia. Things should be improved in Trent's second year...hopefully.
  18. I'm sure it has something to do with it, though I don't think the last few Olympics have exactly been ratings champs.
  19. They don't have team hopscotch? Most of the time when we have a soccer thread, the soccer fans keep it to themselves...then someone comes in and starts busting balls (which I think is great when something is actually brought to the table and not lame), and then we're put in the position of talking about why soccer is such an awesome sport. I don't think soccer folks are thrusting the notion you cited on anyone...most of us are pretty content being a niche sport with some potential for growth, and appreciate having a bit more access to the matches - both here and abroad. I just think that saying the "cheap and easy" thing is WHY soccer is as popular as it is is way oversimplistic, and it takes away from those aspects of the game that we all love. And I hate to tell you, but soccer ratings are already better than the NHL and the NBA at certain times. That doesn't mean I expect soccer players to be getting commercials and have the same visibility in this country as some of more marketable players in those two leagues, but I remember articles from 2006 citing the world cup ratings in America as being higher than both the NBA and NHL finals. If it never got any bigger than it is now, I'd be pretty happy with that. As for hockey, I've never played it other than in gym class, but now that it's in HD I find myself watching it much more often. As with the NBA, I love when it comes down to the playoffs and finals...especially when my Sixers and Flyers are in the mix as the both were and are this season. I don't just love one sport, and I think there's room for all of the sports we love on the national stage
  20. I knew what ya meant, I just can't remember the guy either
  21. I was a bit surprised that we went D-back...I'm on record as being a fan of D.Greer and T.McGee, and would have rather seen us add more Dlinemen. Seems like a lot of folks are pretty high on McKelvin, though, so I'm just going to take the wait and see approach. Thanks for the laugh about "Corner", btw....that's pretty damn funny when you put it that way As for coming up, things are much more calm this year than last, so I'm gonna do my best...I'm gonna show up for a garbage plate meeting, and do some mad tailgaiting with my Bills bros and sisters
  22. Now I want to know which guy you're thinking of...I don't remember a Miami OT
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