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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I did...I used to buy W pop by the friggin caseload. My buddy and I from back in the day had a place outside Rochester and we kept the fridge stocked with Wpop and Labbatts. Good times!
  2. I think you need another "spank'n'bang"
  3. And that pronounced feminine swagger!
  4. He's like a younger version of Michael Johns! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOTTTTT!!!!!!!!
  5. I remember how I felt when he said it, and it was coming off like he was defending himself to someone. For some reason, I think it was Tom Snyder, but I'm probably wrong about that. He certainly could have been joking, but at the time it did seem like he was serious.
  6. I would tend to agree with you, BUT....clearly the one woman Howard was truly devoted to was the Virgin Mary. IIRC, she told him in a dream that he was a noble spirit and doing God's work by helping people burdened by a cruel and hopeless world find the time to laugh for a few minutes each day. I've always been a marginal Stern fan, even though he's gone a few places I thought were uncalled for.
  7. Just ordered that CD...thanks!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YEXMU711y0...feature=related
  9. My first exposure to him was as an actor, since Jim Jarmusch loves the guy. He was in my favorite Jarmusch film, "Down By Law". I'm not all that familiar with his music, but I'm definitely wanting to delve into it a bit. Seems like a pretty cool guy.
  10. Same here...except '24' is the only one i watch. I can't wait to see this!
  11. Yep, same here. I remember the smell of fresh bread permeating the air of Super Duper every time we walked in there. My aunt used to take me there for lunch at the little restaurant counter inside when I was a kid. Good times!
  12. Loblaws, silly!
  13. Dude, only one choice for Upstate/Western NY.
  14. Maggiano's just off the Ashford Dunwoody exit near Perimeter mall (one exit from the 400 on ramp). Awesome italian grub. I'll also second the vote for the Varsity. If you want some amazing pizza, head over to Lawrenceville (off 85N) and go to Cosmo's Pizza. This guy had the most respected and well-reviewed pizza joint in downtown Atlanta for years, and then decided to relocate to the quiet life in the burbs earlier this decade. This may be the best pizza I've ever had.
  15. It's nice to see "experts" giving us props from time to time, but dude, we haven't made the playoffs this entire decade.
  16. http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dogs4ik5.jpg
  17. That's my slave beyotch
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