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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. You guys may not admit it, but any REAL sports fan can't help but have interest in this game. We're talking the best of the best, on the world's largest stage, and the world's most popular sport. This is tha shiznit!
  2. Moscow at night....never seen that before! What a scene
  3. Guess I need to quit hoping for Klinsmann, huh?
  4. Do we even have a friggin coach yet??
  5. Amen, brotha...Ronaldo is probably a little B word in real life, but you can't help but love watching the kid when he's got the ball. Rooney is far and away soccer's quintessential badass, and the two of them are MONEY. Can't wait!
  6. Holy sh-- I'm so psyched for this game today...I worked all night, but trying to stay awake for the 230p kickoff.
  7. lol, exactly
  8. pffft! Your idea of a rebel is someone who stays up past midnight!
  9. http://goallineblitz.com/game/replay.pl?pbp_id=3538477
  10. Have fun payin' four bucks a pop!
  11. He must have just taken a course at the Sean Penn School for Scumbags.
  12. Yep, I won't have much interest in it until they get to the HD and 5.1 availability, but this is damn exciting. I've been a Netflix customer since 2001 and it looks like I'll be one for a long time into the future.
  13. Hardy seems REALLY fluid for a big guy...I hope he keeps his guns in the closet and keeps himself out of trouble. This kid could really be good.
  14. Maybe not by you it isn't.
  15. :standingovationsmiley:
  16. Yeah, cause the Patsies won those SBs by such HUGE margins....I agree with you, it's a very dubious assumption.
  17. I think it's interesting how people (mainly those in the media) continually refer to the Pats 2007 season as being so great. Do they remember only what happened up until the middle of January and forget the SB? Everyone on the team, and everyone in the media, said all season long that going 16-0 would be fine and dandy, but that it wouldn't mean squat if they didn't win the SB. Well, guess what! Maybe when Tom Brady was laughing under his breath at the notion that the offense would score "only 23 points" during the pre-SB interviews, he and all of the media remained in la-la land that they were unbeatable. The 2007 Patsies got beyotch slapped in front of the world by an overachieving underdog. Why people seem to forget or minimize this little piece of information is beyond me.
  18. That must be one hell of a mattress!
  19. Nope, she worked with me on the ortho/neuro/tele floor. She was a really cool girl...awesome personality, loved to party, great big heart. You know someone in L&D from Buffalo?
  20. It has a lot to do with the American Idol exposure, too. He was a featured artist on there a few weeks ago.
  21. Almost the same with me...I worked with a really cool girl from Buffalo who was a diehard Bills and Sabres fan...she actually just took an offer from an Erie county hospital to go back, so now I'm back to not knowing any again lol.
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