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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. At least the Bills are doing something bout it! lol I agree, though. One of my usual criticisms is that we just don't take enough shots on goal, and when we do, we rarely put it ON goal. This game, they seem content with just dribbling and seeing how long they can last before one of the big bad guys in the white jerseys comes and steals the ball away.
  2. ouch lol
  3. I don't either. I'm tired of watching uninspired US soccer. They even had a great chance at the top of the box, but instead of having options for the guy with the ball, they were all together in the same place like you'd see in a pee wee match. Spread the fug out, avail yourself to the pass, and THINK about your play.
  4. They're making us look like a bunch of women. At least what we lack in skill and ability, we make for with stupid fouls
  5. LET'S GET IT ON!!!!
  6. Would have been more convincing if his head had come off.
  7. I really don't care for the guy, either. He's a primadonna who doesn't ever seem to do anything for us in the big games. He appears to have a largely inflated view of himself, and I just assume he stay home for this trip.
  8. Dang, sometimes I forget how talented the English team is on paper...this will be a strong test for us!
  9. I can't wait, either! U-S-A...U-S-A...U-S-A!!!!!!
  10. Jabari is Playmaker Jr. He'll knock you out.
  11. The latter Those scenes were friggin absurd, even for an Indian Jones film lol. I laughed at some of the scenes "Ox" was in, and when he said it dropped three times, but the actual drops themselves were pretty nuts.
  12. At least the waterfall scenes were realistic, though. I was happy about that, cause at first I thought they were going to be ridiculous.
  13. I just saw National Treasure 2 the other day. I had to check the DVD sleeve to make sure I wasn't mistakenly sent National Treasure 1.
  14. Rant away, my friend....I always enjoy your takes on the entertainment industry. I totally agree about the original Matrix film. I have pretty much convinced myself that it was the only one made anyway, cause it was THAT good. I remember watching it in the theater for the first time, feeling a bit uncertain as to what was going on in the first twenty mins, and having that give way to wanting to give this movie major props once I figured it out. It's one of my favorite films of all time, and it's a shame that the second and third films were nothing more than a money grab designed solely to capitalize on the success of the original. The idea of turning Neo into a superhero was asinine. If they would have allowed that concept to remain within the confines of the Matrix, then maybe the sequels could have had something. But they dropped the ball big time, IMO. The first time I heard someone use the expression, "George Lucas raped my childhood", I damn near sharted myself. I was (and am) among the biggest Star Wars marks that existed...but those people who actually state this with a straight face are ridiculous. I love movies as much as anyone, but sometimes people need to remember that when all is said and done, they're meant for entertainment above all else....those who take it too seriously need to heed the words of the great William Shatner and "get a life".
  15. Any pro athlete, let alone a #2 QB in the NFL, should want to grab as much glory as possible during the very short amount of time they have to do so. Anyone who is content being a back-up, no matter how good their team is, is a Billy Volek...i.e., a loser.
  16. Have you ever seen the second and third Matrix films? lol
  17. Jeremiah Johnson....awesome flick!
  18. I still think they should let us play in the Euro tourney, just like they let us play as guests in the South American tourney...that would be very cool. Thanks for the reminder! I'm interested to see if our national team is advancing or regressing.
  19. I saw it today and was pretty disappointed by it. Actually, it was really annoying. Ruskies catch them, they escape, then run away. Ruskies catch them, they escape, then run away. Ruskies almost catch them, they escape, then run away. Ruskies catch them again, they escape, then run away. The end.
  20. C.Ronaldo could probably out-walk Roscoe, too.
  21. Wow, so Sci-Fi network has done so well as to justify another similar channel, eh? Not bad!
  22. Easy AD...I think Pete's just developed a Pavlovian response that's triggered by your presence in any thread pertaining to the word soccer. On that note, my money's on C.Ronaldo
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