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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Speaking of John Ritter, how about "Skin Deep"? Just an okay movie, but had one of the funniest scenes of all time...the infamous condom/light saber scene....hilarious!
  2. lol, you know my views on remotes
  3. Dude, that sort of sh-- would make me crazy. I think you handled it just fine. Obviously it's hard to talk about people you don't know on a message board, but it seems like your sister is just out of touch. As I read what you wrote, I found myself relating much more to you than I did your depiction of your sister. I'm not all that much of a materialist to begin with, but even if I were, I wouldn't be so condescending to family like that. Most people I know put God and family first in their lives...I tend to stay away from people who put washing machines and remote controls in their top five,
  4. Someone just give the B word 25k and let's get back to focusing on the upcoming season Honestly, if I needed money and wasn't nearly as ethical as I am, I'd figure out which car was Marshawn's (or some other high profile individual with cash) and go run into the fuggin thing myself.
  5. Freeway scene is at about the 2:00 mark.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=dL7fnQ5U3Cc
  6. I had a patient recently who was a Navy Seal. He was telling me how whenever he ended up in a foreign land, he always ate whatever was customary for the culture. Apparently one time he ate monkey brains, and although he admitted that it was freaking him out to no end, once he ate them they tasted like warm orange sherbet.
  7. The irony is that when she says, "I trust the American people will do the right thing", she's completely oblivious to the arrogance of that, while at the same time there are millions of Americans who are completely oblivious that they were just insulted.
  8. Pretty sure the requirement is that you have to be a lesbian. They can't have unspoken for virgins running around in the afterlife...that would be a PR nightmare!
  9. You are all a bunch of Chicken Littles... Have you not heard that we're in the process of passing landmark Alien relation and peace initiative legislation in Colorado? I think it's pretty safe to say we're a few steps ahead of the Chinese.
  10. That's interesting...I didn't even think about the Scientology connection until you just mentioned it. I totally agree with you about the brilliance of it. I love movies that have humor on several different levels, you know? There was a tremendous amt of wit, but the physical comedy was also there in spades. My brother got this DVD for me last year...I need to get it out for a re-watch
  11. Definitely underrated! Critics loved it, but flopped at the box office, IIRC.
  12. How about Waiting? Anyone mention that yet?
  13. HFBD, bro!!
  14. LOL, I just read through the whole damn thread to see if anyone else said it...I laughed my ass off at that film
  15. That was his forebrother
  16. http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/LC/lcfrontpage.html You'll want to stay in the same size head if you're a baseliner and just getting back into it. I prefer closer to 100" or even smaller (my favorite racquet is the Wilson Pro Staff 90"), but the larger head is more forgiving. It's also good if you need more power, but you probably can supply most of your own like me. PS. If you want to narrow things down from the get-go, stick with Wilson. They're my favorite brand, and I think they offer the best overall products on the market...or at least they used to.
  17. Man, 35 felt a lot younger than 36 does, lol... Thanks again, guys (and gals)
  18. At least you're amorous! I'm beatin' on a damn quaker oats drum
  19. I must have been drunk when I said that...yep, that's what it was!
  20. lmao, thanks guys!
  21. Post more, homey! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Thank you! Now it's time for my birthday spankings....bend over!!
  23. Did you see how often they were clumping up on the offensive end?? What the hell was going on with that? Is that some new "glob" strategy they're experimenting with? How do they expect to generate scoring opportunities when they are all in the same ten yards of each other? That was just plain awful.
  24. Couldn't agree more. I'm tired of this FreddyPhobia they seem to have...PLAY THE KID! It's not like anyone else on this team is doing a frickin thing anyway. There was such a stark contrast between the two clubs today that I could barely stomach it. There were times, such as with the Gerrard goal, where they were basically just toying with us. We had absolutely no business even being on the same field as them today. Sometimes I feel like some of us have more enthusiasm for the game on a message board than these bastards do in real life.
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