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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Finally someone else realizes the truth about Lana! I'm tired of being blamed for her odiferous eminations!
  2. I completely understand that criticism, but Anchorman is a modern-day classic!
  3. For those of you who, like me, though Anchorman was hilarious, here's some good news: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2008/06/04/steve...chorman-sequel/
  4. I think that's part of the problem...he's already earned the money, cause the lion's share of it was guaranteed. If he actually had to go out and earn it, that might be different...who knows. This guy is a disgrace. And wasn't he the one who was in tears when he was drafted??
  5. Dude...
  6. The guy's a multi-millionaire...what does he care?
  7. Same here. That guy's been there all of my 36 years helping me learn about and enjoy sports growing up. I always enjoyed his broadcasts and commentary. RIP, sir!
  8. If someone isn't comfortable helping, then I totally understand that. And it's definitely not reasonable to expect others to intervene when there are bodily fluids present. My problem with the video was how people were scurrying away from the scene as if they didn't even see what happened. That's pretty sh-------. The cop who showed up was apparently responding to another call and just happened to be driving that route, so who knows if 911 was even called? I dunno. I just think you see an old guy get taken out after buying some groceries or whatever, you at least stay at the scene and do something proactive.
  9. Wow, great find! Watching that makes me realize how well Jason Scott Lee captured his playful personality when he starred in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story.
  10. I was really surprised by it, too....had to keep reminding myself that these stunts were done "as is", with no special effects...they are VERY precise! Gotta love the Radiohead soundtrack for the montage, too
  11. Wow, this is really a surprise to me... I'm interested to dig through more of his stuff now to see what he was all about.
  12. I hope she kicks as much asss in life as she did in HS...congrats!
  13. I admit I'm not that familiar with his stuff...I'm gonna check him out since you consider him that talented
  14. It's definitely way past due for a Caddyshack viewing for me...I haven't seen it since the late 80s!
  15. Wow, seriously? My only real exposure to the guy was on Too Close for Comfort. Was he really THAT good? Okay, I just looked at his IMDB list...looks like I'm wrong to be giving you crap...he has a pretty impressive resume!
  16. Ted Knight? lol I just typed "Ted Knight" into the IMDB search engine, and it came back with, "Ted fuggin Knight? Are you serious with this?"
  17. Head 1: "You know, I really wish you'd show your face, cause I'd sock you one!" Head 2: "Eat shiit." Head 1: "I don't really have much say in that, now do I?" Head 2: "Yeah, well it's not exactly a day at the beach when you start with the gas, so just zip it."
  18. That movie made me wish I'd grown up in the 50s
  19. Pic "Hey buddy, how 'bout you get YOUR ass outta MY ass? Assshole!"
  20. Photo "DAMMIT!!! ...left the seven biker."
  21. It is pretty damn sick...watching people quickly remove themselves from the scene as if to portray the fact that they never saw what happened is sad and pathetic.
  22. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/36973
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