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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Pretty sure that was KDinCT who said that...nice GUESS there, KD! Silly boy...
  2. DAMN you Croat bastards!!! No worries...we'll still come out of this group, and the cup is OURS!!! NO CUP FOR CROATS!!! Italy better have a strong showing against Romania tomorrow, or Meazza is going to shat himself.
  3. Good point...you can argue both sides of it for sure...that's what's great about this country, is our freedom to choose. I pray that I'd never have to actually discharge the weapon, but knowing it's ten feet away from me does give me a slightly enhanced sense of security in the event of something unforseen.
  4. Why wouldn't you at least want to have it available in the event you have a fighting chance to get to it? We keep a gun here, and chances are a situation may transpire where I'm cut off from it, but I'd still rather have it available than not.
  5. It only takes one instance of unpreparedness to result in a lifetime of regret. I agree with you.
  6. Especially rapists who are overrated in terms of their "greatness". Somewhere, Shaq is staring at his Miami NBA ring and laughing his ass off.
  7. I agree...Celts are growing as a team right before our eyes. James Posey is the new Robert Horry! The dude is CLUTCH.
  8. Thanks, man....I was having a hard time trying to figure out if this was a good guy or a bad guy. For the record, I am pro-death penalty too, particularly in today's world where modern science allows for much greater precision in terms of forensics. This sick fuk should be made to suffer every day for the remainder of his life.
  9. Thanks... Just out of curiosity, if you guys knew that someone had a preexisting psych condition and was in an acute phase of that particular illness, would that have any bearing on the approach you take? Or does it still all boil down to the same protocols that have been described here?
  10. Yeah, I imagine that's a pretty big fear for them...I know it would be for me.
  11. Focker will have a Season 3 highlight reel longer than John Holmes' manhood. Make it so, number one...make is so.
  12. Thanks, that does help. Between what people here have said and what I've read at the police forum I linked to, most of my issues/concerns/questions have been addressed. The only thing I'm interested in hearing the officers address further is the issue of the taser beign in the possession of the assailant. Given that in this case he was apparently zapping them with it directly, I'd be curious to know if their approach would have been different if he were not able to be within arm's reach, and if the taser had already been discharged. Sounds like it wouldn't have made much difference, though.
  13. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang The Savages Love Liza Grandma's Boy
  14. Maybe heart is the wrong word (though the Lakers did almost pull off a pretty big comeback), but I wasn't all that impressed with Boston's ability to close the door in either game...particularly last night's game, for obvious reasons.
  15. Dan: There are two types of tasers in use with the police force, and both of them can only fire their wires and probes once. If the guy was tasing the officers, he was holding it against them, which - as I stated several times in this thread - causes pain, but does not incapacitate them in the same way the probes would.
  16. I think Michael Moore touched upon that exact issue in his "documentary" about gun control. I don't remember the name of it, and I don't really care for Michael Moore, but it was interesting.
  17. I think it's great that you have EMS experience, Lori, but no, it wouldn't really be the same as hearing things from a cop's perspective.
  18. Well, there was one obvious difference, but aside from that, it was pretty much like you said.
  19. Yeah, I was interested to hear their views...pretty cool that they have a forum like that!
  20. After watching most of the first two games, I think there's a really good chance that LA will win the series. To me, it just seems that Boston doesn't quite have the heart to have a closer's mentality. It's easy to say that after watching them almost blow a 30pt lead or whatever it was, but in game one how many shots did KG miss in the fourth quarter? I don't know, if LA gets their act together, I could see them winning this series 4-2.
  21. Here's a link to a discussion I started with some online cops... http://www.realpolice.net/forums/showthread.php?t=80686
  22. I'm not trying to be difficult. I just see things differently than you guys do, is all.
  23. Yes, and I'm sure it hurt like hell! But it shouldn't incapacitate the officers.
  24. Dude, all I want to hear is someone in law enforcement tell me what their protocol is when there are three officers and one unarmed assailant. I'm sure that my ignorance, naivete, foolishness, and whatever else I'm exhibiting can be solved pretty quickly...I just want to know what they are trained to do in this sort of situation.
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