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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. So these 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets on Amazon should be pretty good?
  2. lol...come on, man...I have to sleep in the daytime...I want my bed to be comfortable!
  3. ...I would like to know if any of you have recommendations for good sheets. I've been sleeping on a twin mattress on the floor for a little while, and finally got around to ordering my new mattress and platform bed today. I need to order some sheets to go with it, and I don't know "sheet" about this. Does higher thread count correlate with greater comfort? Is there a particular material I should get? I don't mind spending a few bucks on sleep quality, so I'm not tying to go on the cheap here...I'll spend more if it's justified.
  4. Portugal's keeper lost them the game. I'm glad they lost, but that dude was absolutely pathetic.
  5. He pushes off whenever he can, for sure. I'm a bit biased, of course, but I'd rather a player try and get away with an advantage over his opponent as opposed to writhing around on the ground until the stretcher comes out like Ronaldo was doing yesterday. I love watching Ronaldo play, but that replay where he's looking around waiting for the ref to look his way, then going into his histrionics for no reason, was just pathetic That being said, how about that second goal by Portugal? Talk about a great goal! I can't believe how fast they set that up...perfect cross into the box, perfect header into the net.
  6. Saget's in Half Baked? I have that in my Netflix queue...time to move it up!
  7. In honor of my fellow Temple U alumnus, I give you....this! *Probably nsfw due to language.
  8. It's a Schweinsteigger world and we're all just livin' it in, baby! Germany moves on!
  9. Well said...ever since I was a kid, soccer has always been the one sport where I didn't need to know anything about either team. I just loved to watch the game being played. When you factor in national pride and you get to see people rally around their countrymen during these games, it's really something special. My favorite match this year was easily the Champs League final in Moscow under the lights (wow!!), but I've really enjoyed these Euro '08 games, too. If I can find a way to get myself to South Africa in two years, I'm SO there. I can't imagine how amazing the WC scene must be when you get up close to it Vive le futbal!
  10. Don't be a dick.
  11. Yep, the George Michael thing...
  12. I missed it too, but looks like Turkey was down 0-2 with 15 mins left in the match, and came back to win 3-2...wow!
  13. Very nice tribute to him....definitely tough to watch at times. To whatever degree I've been engaged with politics in my life, I owe a lot of that to Russert. I've always enjoyed watching him on Sundays, and it's really hard to imagine him not being there anymore
  14. Yep, that was an awesome goal
  15. The Dutch were sharp as hell yesterday. I missed the game against Italy, but they really impressed me against France. Not to keep bringing up the US team, but one of my criticisms of them has been their tendency to clump up like a pee wee team until the ball gets taken away by the other team. The Dutch were amazing at maintaining proper separation from one another, one-touch passing, and keeping the D spread out until they get the shot they're looking for. It was a very nice display of passing and strategy. On top of all that, they had the orange and powder blues unis, lol...how can you not love that?
  16. Wow, this is awful...I always enjoyed his work
  17. WTF? Tim Russert?? Is this a joke??
  18. Was wondering where the fug ya were!
  19. What a friggin save by Buffon...Romania choked on the kick for sure, but still a great save.
  20. There were rankings that had us as high as #4 in the world, and a lot of people, including myself, bought into the hype. I was busy getting married during the 2002 WC, so I didn't get to see much of it. I expected to see a strong showing in '06, but it never materialized. If you never expected them to advance anyway, then it wasn't a let down for you...I expected them to come out of it with Italy, however. Hell, i still remember that big bald bastard from the Czech Republic pretty much doing whatever the fug he wanted inside the box...it was damn embarrassing.
  21. The US National team is lousy. They play with a lack of fire and exhibit an overall lack of skill much more often than not. Regardless of the draw against Italy, the 2006 WC was a huge disappointment and let down. We were exposed for being completely overrated.
  22. I hope the US squad is watching this ROM/ITA game...the Romanians are playing aggressive and physical, and their goalie is all over the place. You can tell they came to win.
  23. I'm a fan of the Netherlands team too, just cause I think they have a player named "Van der Faart". You can't make that sh-- up!
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