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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. You guys who only watch mainstream films need to quit yer bitchin' and put in a little time checking out the indy scene. Having a marketing budget and/or big stars does not necessarily equate to entertaining movies. It's like someone who listens to only top 40 music stations complaining that there's no good music to listen to. That being said, Anchorman RULES! PS. For those of you who haven't seen Band of Brothers, Amazon has the entire series on blu-ray for like $30. I'm on episode 8 (of 10) and it's very, very good.
  2. That kicked ass...thanks, Navy
  3. He's pretty good at being a major league douche, too. That being said, I'm looking forward to seeing the film.
  4. #26 for the Cowpokes just got OWNED
  5. No problem....pretty damn good game, too. Ravens have some balls.
  6. http://www.ustream.tv/videoplayerpopup/channel/406008
  7. http://www.justin.tv/kvicks916
  8. Looks like the feeds are getting shut down What happened to Trent, btw? I was out on a food run, and when I came back JP was in there. Trent too cold to play?
  9. http://www.justin.tv/madcowcanada
  10. Honestly, I moved into a different place at the beginning of this month, and had to give up DTV for the time being. These justin.tv links are so good, though, that I don't even miss it. It would be nice to have NFL Network back again, cause I pretty much leave that on 24/7 when I have it, but I'm good just being able to pick up an internet broadcast. Gotta love technology!
  11. Hopefullly they won't make us wish we'd never found the feed lol
  12. http://www.justin.tv/sportsmedia
  13. Most underrated wrestler of all time: http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/profi...buzz-sawyer.php
  14. Wow...pathetic effort by the Germans. Slow, uninspired soccer. Congrats to the Spaniards...they were clearly the better team and earned this championship.
  15. Friggin Lehmann is going to screw this up....I can feel it.
  16. Can't wait...no David Villa today, I don't think...Klose and Schweinsteigger will put on a CLINIC!
  17. Could not agree more, AD.
  18. Carp Heaving Donkey
  19. HBD to you both!
  20. I'm pretty sure that I'm of the opinion that it comes down to the installer. I had DTV briefly just after I got married and we bought a house. It didn't seem to take a whole lot to make the picture go out, and sometimes it was out for hours. Where I'm at now, the guy seemed to know a bit more about what he was doing, and aside from a very brief few mins where a few of the HD channels went out (it was hailing outside, and the SD channels remained viewable), it's been perfect. When installed properly, there's no way I'd ever go back to cable, but knowing a little of what it's like to go through your experience, I can understand the frustration when it doesn't work as it should. Cable would probably be more appealing to me in that situation, too.
  21. Just out of curiosity, why do you have no desire to go to satellite?? I had cable for years, but now that I have DirecTv, there's no way in hell I'll ever go back.
  22. Yep. No clue.
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