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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I heard her main advisor is Dr. Evil.
  2. Perkins>Waffle House>Dennys>Picard
  3. We have at least one player that cries when it snows. Nuff said.
  4. Didn't they give Holmes the MVP like twenty mins ago? lol
  5. that's one of the benefits of AZ not winning...friggin Leinart won't schlep his way into a ring.
  6. Wow....well, at least it was a great play and not some stupid penalty.
  7. w......t.......f
  8. When did Holmes turn into such a clutch receiver? Have to give the guy credit for that....catches almost everything.
  9. It's fuggin infuriating, isn't it?
  10. YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  11. Oh, no doubt about that, dude....friggin Penalty Bowl 2009!
  13. Any play with Mark Kelso...very haunting.
  14. I can't believe that's the same woman
  15. Jeff Reed appears to have some sort of nervous disorder.
  16. Yep, big time.
  17. They did, but Hartwig pulled his clunky ass into the endzone
  18. How do you leave him that wide open? Especially when he's not 100%
  19. I'll take an AI contestant over an overrated stuck up attention whore (e.g. Faith Hill) any day!
  20. They always lip synch.
  21. Silva SUCKS. Should have just stayed at home.
  22. I can't believe this Bonner guy is still standing, lol.
  23. Thanks, Navy
  24. I was just caught in the proverbial "drinking a beverage at the same time you read something that strikes you funny" act just now. Thankfully the dog took the brunt of it, thus saving my keyboard from any mountain dew-related malfunction.
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