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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Hell yeah...I'm just glad we've moved on past all this Next Generation crap and we're back to the greatest Trek character in history...Captain JAMES TIBERIUS KIRK!!! This reboot looks awesome...can't wait!
  2. This was a pretty cool thing to do... http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/04/06/early-...n-austin-texas/
  3. I don't get NFL Network anymore, but Schefter and Mayock were the two guys I always tuned in to see. I'd love to know what Schefter pulls in annually and how it compares to some of the other guys in the biz.
  4. I've been an unabashed fan of this show pretty much since it came on the air however many years ago. I'm really just having a hard time getting into it this year. Last year I went from thinking, "why the hell did they let this guy through to the finals", to "holy crap, David Cook can bring it!". Usually each year something happens that makes me want to hear a performance again, or even *gasp* buy an album. This year? Nothing. The only one who's come close is Matt Giraud. I think if that guy gets the proper direction, he could put together some pretty decent performances. Beyond that, I definitely think Allison's got some nice chops, but I have yet to see her do anything that's made me want to hear more. Lil Rounds is totally overrated and, as much as I hate to say it, somewhat "token-ish". I've enjoyed Scott whenever he's been on the show, except for the times when he sings. Gokey is someone I really expected to have a few "moments", as Simon calls them....but I'm still waiting. Anoop is boring. The skinny white kid that all the chicks are going gaa-gaa over is boring. So that leaves Adam. For me, Adam is like that singer or group that everyone loves, but you just can't get into them yourself. I recognize that the guy has talent, and I really enjoyed this week's performance (reminds me of that way cool "Gears of War" commercial a while back....), but I could still take him or leave him. Oddly enough, I actually really liked Flo Rida's performance tonight....even though I still stand by the opinion that he has the dumbest name in all of rap.
  5. Festooning? lol I like that...I'm making that my word of the day, thanks!
  6. This is what I've been using for the past few months...does a great job! http://www.neilmed.com/usa/sinusrinse.php
  7. All I know is that there's no way I'm spending $4.99 per movie with On Demand....Netflix already has plans, and is well on their way, to offering BD quality downloads/streaming....whatever direction the market goes, they'll be there baby!!!!
  8. They have a certain percentage of their titles available via streaming....it can be done through an XBox360, a box you buy from Netflix, or certain Samsung products (and other items) have this capability built in. I don't know much about it cause I still like the physical media, but Netflix is moving in on the the "on demand" market for sure. You can also stream to your laptop.
  9. That was actually a shot at Fez, but he's not taking the bait lol
  10. Dude, Netflix is already streaming HD quality movies right to the TV, and it doesn't cost $4.99 to do so. On Demand is a friggin rip off!
  11. That wasn't a Wrestlemania, but I know what you're talking about....that's the most incredible match I've ever seen. Foley is one crazy fugger.
  12. If only sony would have played fairly and HD-DVD were still around, we wouldn't be dealing with this!
  13. Maybe if they hadn't intentionally run aspects of their business (e.g. their online rental program) at a loss and stole proprietary software in order to put Netflix out of business, they would still be viable. You break the laws of competition and you pay the consequences. F:You, Blockbuster! Long live Netflix!
  14. This cleaner is pretty damn inefficient....it's been like half an hour now and only a marginal improvement. Sorry Dean, but your suggestion just didn't hold up to scrutiny this time.
  15. I know, it's really weird when they show some of the 80s footage from Saturday Night's Main Event and some of the early Wrestlemanias....those memories are so fresh for me that when I see them as they are presently it sort of freaks me out. I can't believe 20+ years have passed so damn fast.
  16. Happy B-day, KRC!!
  17. I'd also like to thank you for your service...God bless the armed forces and the USA!
  18. Space Cowboys?
  19. Happy B-day, Cincy!!
  20. With Marv as his new agent, I think a deal will get done soon. About damn time, too!
  21. Thanks, gringo....setting the DVR now.
  22. Pretty sure our new back-up QB scored pretty high on that test.
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