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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. If Mel disappears for a few days, we can probably assume she busted out her yellow belt karate skills, raped him senselessly and made him her love slave against his will.
  2. Drew Bledsoe! Oh, sorry, thought you were asking a question. I heard "cement", and, well....
  3. Totally agree, man...that was definitely the best part of the film! And I hope they don't mess with a re-make, either....I just know they'll screw it up
  4. I've heard the books are very good, but I got suckered into watching the film and absolutely hated it.
  5. "The 32-year-old Viktor couldn’t have known that the woman was a yellow belt in karate." In terms of skill, isn't a yellow belt the one just above "I watched The Karate Kid"?
  6. Yep, I haven't seen them, but I heard that the Japanese version of both those films were far better than the American ones. I'm already expecting to hate the re-make of this one, lol
  7. Amen to that!
  8. They're actually re-making it for American audiences, set to be released (tentatively) in 2010. Hopefully they won't completely ruin it, and whoever gets their palms on it will stay true to the novel and the first adaptation. Not a whole heckuva lot wrong with this film! FiC: I would definitely agree with that take...I've been thinking about it a LOT since it ended, and I think this is one of my favorite films of the past year for sure. There are a lot of themes to ponder here, and I think your take on the symbiotic thing is the same way I see it. I thought the ending of the film (last 15 mins, in particular) were fantastic!
  9. Well, given the main character is a 12 y.o. vampire, thankfully no
  10. I've been wanting to see this one since I first heard about it a few months ago. Watched it this morning at around 330am. Forget that "Twilight" crap that's all the rage, check out this one instead: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/lat_den_ratte_komma_in/ *Disclaimer: If you are ADD and only like the fast paced, action style vampire flicks, then don't even bother. This movie is deliberately paced, and very appropriately so. It's a film lover's style vampire flick...and it has subtitles. Here's the red band trailer: Let the Right One In
  11. The song from once is called "Falling Slowly", and it's a GREAT song from a GREAT little film. It was also my favorite performance of the night, with Anoop a close second. Adam didn't do anything for me this week...just a bunch of high-pitched screaming and running around. Allison was good, not great. Danny was a little better than good, a little better than not great. Matt was off his game, and Lil just plain needs to go.
  12. Hell yeah, I'd hit that.
  13. HFB, Chef!!
  14. How you respond when it's all on the line is what separates the men from the boys and winners from losers. Giving your best and still getting beat is one thing. Having the opportunity staring you in the face and failing to take advantage of it (i.e. beating yourself) is another. The guy had basically three opportunities to finish the game today: First, when Tiger and Phil's respective charges fizzled out....second, when he had to simply maintain his 2-stroke lead over the final two holes, and third was during the playoff holes. Cabrera was in the fuggin TREES toward the end but Perry still couldn't finish the deal. He can say that he's not going to hang his head all he wants, but in my life I've been in a position where I had success staring me in the face and I choked, and also occasions where I gutted out my best effort and succeeded. To this day, the former situation still eats at me quite a bit, and that was on a high school stage that only a few people witnessed. To imagine how I'd feel if I let that happen on a national, even INTERNATIONAL stage? Ugh....I'd feel like absolute crap...especially since I'd probably never again have that shot. I agree with you when you say that few people are dependable in terms of the mental toughness/killer instinct thing...and that's a big reason why I think Tiger is one of the greatest competitors in the history of sports. The guy's mental game is amazing, and that's what separates him from the pack.
  15. Is she smokin' or what? The pics online of her don't even do her justice...I DVR The Apprentice mainly to watch her sexy ass (and legs, and everything else) each week....very NIICE!!! /Borat
  16. Well, Tiger had a great round today....one of the best of all 50 players. In the end he came up a little short in his charge. K.Perry had his worst round of the four days, I believe, and all he had to do was finish +1 or better on the last two holes to win. My take is that K.Perry is mentally and competitively weak. I think it's great he's a nice guy, and I believe in sportsmanship as much or more than anyone. But even in a sport played by mostly non-athletes such as golf, until the final hole is played, the other participants are not your friends....they are obstacles in the way of what you want. K.Perry doesn't seem to have any sort of closer's mentality, and clearly lacks any sort of killer instinct. If you can't finish, you can't win...and I really do feel that today was probably a microcosm of his entire career at the major events. He has the rest of his life to be a "nice guy", but he could have had an achievement to look back on for the rest of his life and he blew it.
  17. That would have been awesome...if just one of them could have gotten into that playoff, it would have completed an amazing round of golf, cause I'm sure they would have won it all given who they would have been up against.
  18. Yeah but Tiger was in a position where he had to play aggressively to catch up. All KP had to do was hold on to the lead he already had. Given he would have been the oldest player to ever win a major, it's pretty likely he'll never have that opportunity again. I think his collapse today proves why he's never won one in the past...he's good, but not ready for prime time.
  19. lol....sorry. Seriously, though, if I knew the guy was going to be this insistent on GIVING the damn thing away, I would have made the 2 hr drive and signed up to play! lol Homey has a 2-shot lead going into the last two holes and can't finish the deal...for his FIRST MAJOR EVER. He's like the exact opposite of Tiger in terms of his mental toughness.
  20. Kenny "Norwood" Perry
  21. GEEZUS these last three guys suck...
  22. yep, Phil went into bonehead mode....had a great charge today,but you can see the fork stuck in his ass. Same with Tiger...he's using the trees as bongos....he's done. Let's go Campbell!
  23. K.Perry may have just won the tourney on a HUGE putt at 12.
  24. Tiger and Phil both just nailed two great approach shots to set up eagle opportunities for both on 15...awesome! Tiger.....missed. Gets the birdie. Phil....missed....AWFUL putt, Phil...damn lefties. Gets the birdie.
  25. Looks like a beautiful day at Augusta! Phil and Tiger both w/in striking distance and playing much better than the leaders group behind them. Could be an interesting finish!
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