I went to a relatively small school, but myself and a buddy of mine were both among the biggest in our class. We were both 6'2" and over 225lb, and we tried to get the better of the other one nearly every day. Unfortunately for some of the smaller, more frail kids in the class, they were usually getting caught in the middle of the ongoing competition. On dodgeball day, we sent more kids to the nurse with huge throbbing lumps on the side of their heads than you could possibly believe. It's not that we were aiming for their heads, cause usually it was a head-riccochet that someone else inevitably caught to get one of us eliminated. We always aimed low, but the dumbasses would duck and get their head in the path of the ball instead of just taking a torso shot.
This one poor kid still had a raging acne issue deep into senior year, and he took one to the face so hard that all the zits were just pulsating on his swollen red face. I still remember the sound the ball made when it made contact...lol
Dodgeball rules.