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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. What am I? lmao
  2. Just in case anyone has some HD-DVD titles they'd rather have on BD, here ya go! http://www.aintitcool.com/node/40845
  3. That's why I respect and admire someone like James Carville but get nauseous when I see a guy like Bill Maher.
  4. Probably because that particular "judge" was a pole-smoking flamer who enjoys drawing penises on the mouths of celebrity photos that he posts on his website? I have no idea...
  5. I saw that clip too, and I have no idea what the hell was going on. The chick was damn hot, though. (I'm not off-base about that whatsoever.)
  6. Well, at least now Trent Edwards can breathe a sigh of relief.
  7. I completely forgot about how they wanted the first round to be closer to a prime time event, so now I'll be stuck working a shift while the draft is going on
  8. If we draft Ayers at #11, I'll never hear the end of it down here. Living in SEC country, the consensus is that Ayers is completely overrated, and that his rise up the draft board is a complete joke. It's bad enough I have to listen to this Herschel Walker-coattail-riding-hillbilly-jackass (Buck Bellou) on the radio down here diss Buffalo every so often, if we're the ones who make this move it'll become even more nauseating. SEC football is bigger than anything down here, and if they say Ayers is crap, then I tend to trust their view a bit more than the Bills F.O.
  9. Larry Sanders and Hank Kingsley!
  10. I want to trade him in for Michelle.
  11. Can't wait....sometimes you just need to chill with a film that is nothing but balls to the wall badass in order to relax
  12. I felt the same way. I want to see Jack out in the field kicking ass pushing the envelope with his death wish....not hanging out back at the house accepting his fate like a punk.
  13. She's so damn hot...
  14. They been using Propofol for twilighting a long time, Rubes? Only time I've seen that was in a drip in the unit....amazing medication! First time I heard about the five minute half life and then witnessed them hold the drip so the doc could assess a pt, I was amazed. I didn't realize they were using it for conscious sedation/twilighting now. Cool!
  15. Been in on what?
  16. I've assisted with a couple of these at the bedside....usually by the time I twilight them with 75mg of Demerol and 2mg Versed, they are feeling pretty good. I usually have my pts drink the GoLytely on ice...that seems to help it go down a bit more easily. It's refreshing to see a doc being enlightened to what the pts go through now that the shoe is on the other foot, lol. Not all docs would admit that.
  17. You sure you're not confusing that with the time you spent with your HS teacher who had you over to watch porn?
  18. Hell yeah, I read Harry Knowles review at "Ain't it Cool News" and it got me fired up to see it. I loved the first one, and this one is supposed to be even more balls to the wall. I typically really enjoy Statham movies, so I'm looking forward to this one.
  19. LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! um, I mean....that's AWFUL!
  20. Most of them were made of a pretty soft rubber type substance, but a few of them were a bit most substantial lol
  21. I went to a relatively small school, but myself and a buddy of mine were both among the biggest in our class. We were both 6'2" and over 225lb, and we tried to get the better of the other one nearly every day. Unfortunately for some of the smaller, more frail kids in the class, they were usually getting caught in the middle of the ongoing competition. On dodgeball day, we sent more kids to the nurse with huge throbbing lumps on the side of their heads than you could possibly believe. It's not that we were aiming for their heads, cause usually it was a head-riccochet that someone else inevitably caught to get one of us eliminated. We always aimed low, but the dumbasses would duck and get their head in the path of the ball instead of just taking a torso shot. This one poor kid still had a raging acne issue deep into senior year, and he took one to the face so hard that all the zits were just pulsating on his swollen red face. I still remember the sound the ball made when it made contact...lol Dodgeball rules.
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