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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. No offense taken...totally agree! Do you have any idea of the bluray transfer is any good? I've been wanting to see this again, cause it's been years since I first saw it. I think this was either Roger Ebert's favorite movie of all time, or one of them. I remember him always praising it pretty effusively.
  2. lol...last year this topic came up on an audio/video forum that I lurk on sometimes...there were a few people who were trying to say that parts 2 and 3 were amazing, even though they didn't really offer anything in support of why. So I decided to start searching around online for blogs, articles, etc from people who wanted to try and explain the brilliance of the story. I found this article/blog thing that was literally pages and pages long, attempting to link every obscure element of each film to some broader, but abstract "meaning" that apparently only enlightened people could grasp. I read the first page and the last page, and the only thought that went through my head when it was over was the Wachowskis looking back at me, just laughing their ASSES off at how much effort this poor bastard put into trying to justify his opinion that these films were three perfectly coherent parts of a greater narrative, and how ridiculous it would be if they ever attempted to put THAT much effort into every small detail of their projects. They were laughing so hard that they were using hundred dollar bills to wipe away the tears...(all I had was a five). Look, I'm all for people who want to take poetry, art, even movies, and offer up explanations of how they inspired them, or how they themselves interpret the meaning of this or that, but to say that it goes beyond that and there really is something cohesive here but on a much higher intellectual level, I'm not buying it. And let me say this, I think the Wachowskis, particularly Lana (the one who had the gender surgery) are both extremely intelligent, creative people. If they didn't put out a part 2 and 3 given the success of the first film, they'd be IDIOTS. People were dying for more after part one, including myself, and it would have been financially absurd to not cash in on that. So it's not THEM that I'm critical of...it's the people who write the nonsense like the blog I described above....they just want so desperately to find a valid explanation as to why Neo could become psychokinetic outside of the Matrix that it comes off as embarrassing lol. Truly, though, the first film was just sci-fi perfection to me. I've seen it time and time again and I love it every time. Every character is integral to the story and even though they clearly borrowed elements from other films and stories (hey, innovation is just as valid as invention!), the film felt very original and it just worked on every level for me. The sequels were great in terms of their CGI special effects and all that, but that's where it ends in my book.
  3. lol wut? Wow, that's impressive...I bought those new ones for dress shoes, but I can already see myself ordering some for the sneakers, too...I had no idea these would be this effective. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Let's see how he cuts a promo next!
  5. That's lame as hell...I agree it probably won't any difference...but if it does, the difference is likely going to be that we play even harder to support him. USA 4 Panama 1
  6. It's already in the black in worldwide gross I think, so I'm hopeful that we get a sequel, as well. I think it may have some box office legs since the word of mouth is getting around, along with the excellent critical reception. I can't believe people would rather spend their money on Grown Ups 2 when a film like this is showing...
  7. Hell yeah!!! I'll keep an eye out for him now that you shared that. He looks like a Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho hybrid...at least based on that short highlight reel he does.
  8. This. The original Matrix is one of my favorite films of all time. The others were cash grabs that require people who fancy themselves as smarter than everyone else to come up with convoluted, often times absurd explanations as to why they were brilliant and above everyone else's head. This, too.
  9. You're back!!! Where have you been, man??? "Thought I lost ya, boy!" (movie quote game...where's it from?)
  10. Have any of you guys used these insoles? I just ordered a pair after doing some research and they arrived today. Only had a few hours to try them out, but so far I'm extremely impressed. I think these may be the real deal. http://www.superfeet.com/
  11. lol, I"m just messin with ya Yeah, those of us who were around at the time saw this film become an absolute phenomenon...huge hit!
  12. I think if it were me, it wouldn't be so much that I was feeling old that bothered me, but the fact that I was actually able to quote something from Dirty Dancing
  13. You sure it wasn't Lana trying to enroll for Summer term?
  14. Lana's just mad at her local paper for taking this photo of her last weekend and putting it in the local paper...
  15. I'm not just any Focker...I'm a super focker.
  16. Thought I'd post a quick update on my situation... So yesterday I'm sitting in my cubicle working hard wasting time, when all of a sudden I hear our team lead on the other side of my cubicle saying, "okay AJ, meeting with Glenda (the big, big boss) in the small conference room in back in ten minutes". Maybe some of you guys catastrophize a bit less quickly than I do, but I essentially heard, "in ten minutes the site director is going to fire your arse in the back conference room, so don't be late". Needless to say, I sharted myself immediately. Thankfully I soon learned that the big boss wasn't even on site...or even in state, for that matter...and the small conference room was just one of many rooms they were directing our team to in order to have access to a conference call. We're not supposed to discuss the content of the meeting, of course, but when it was over let's just say I was still pretty sure I would be needing a contingency plan come December. Well, literally just a few minutes ago I happened to be checking out the local paper's website, and I came across this article that shed new light on the situation entirely. I'll link the article below, but maybe the "good guys" will prevail after all...I really enjoy working for this company, so this was a very welcome development from my perspective (and from the perspectives of my teammates, I'm sure!) Anyway, for anyone interested... http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2013/07/25/7304118.htm
  17. Heck yeah...I geeked out big time. I've never seen CGI like that. The extent of those special effects and the way they used audio to enhance the realism was just stunning. Makes me wish I still had my badass subwoofer for when this comes out on bluray. This film would probably take over from Cloverfield as my single best HT experience ever. That 50,000 watt IMAX audio system shook my innards and made it seem like the fighting was breaking out right in front of me. Just a friggin amazing movie experience. I think I've revised my position on 3D...I don't really care for it when I'm at a regular theater, but if it's IMAX then it's totally worth the extra bucks. I think the new Metallica 3D film takes over the IMAX spot tomorrow, so I'm glad I got over there to see it today. And like you, I'd very gladly dish out some more cash to see it again. It was THAT good.
  18. My rating for Pacific Rim... holy SH*T / 10
  19. Heading out to see the 4pm IMAX showing of Pacific Rim...can't wait!!
  20. I thought this show was about the way Bessie the Cow feels when she hears JB unexpectedly opening up the barn door late at night.
  21. Wow, Mexico is almost unwatchable without their snipers...this is embarrassing. And here comes the diving...great.
  22. Mexico and Panama both playing some very sloppy ball...if they don't get it together, we're going to run right over them. Panama fired a warning shot over the bow, but then Mexico hit a nice header for the equalizer. But overall it's been a very unimpressive match an neither side looks up to the task for Sunday. Actually, Panama looks a lot like WE used to look "BK"..."Before Klinsi". An attack that is an uncoordinated, seemingly desperate mess, even when there was no call for it. Check out this goal from tonight...we NEVER saw this sort of score BK.... A coordinated, patient goal where all three of these guys showed fantastic anticipation. This, to me, is a shining example of the Klinsmann era. You know who WOULD score goals like this? That big bald bastard from the Czech Republic or Croatia or whoever he played for...that guy was a damn animal and he completely dominated us. I dont' know why that dude is popping into my brain, cause that was from like 2006, but that was one scary dude...
  23. I'm definitely glad to see Kinnear back...what the heck happened to him? The guy was starting to emerge as an actor. The one that I WAS interested in is just getting crucified in the reviews..."Only God Forgives" has a pretty great cast and looks solid on paper, but supposedly it's absolute garbage. I only put so much stock into the critics, but this one looks like it may be a real disppointment. Any time Woody Allen has a new project it's definitely worth taking a look. I really enjoyed Midnight in Paris. Overall looks a bit thin compared to how the list usually appears, but hopefully some of these will be pleasant surprises. Any of them that you really have your eye on?
  24. Herr Klinsmann says... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VCcvdrhn3M
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