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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. So what were you dressed up as on opening night?
  2. True, I'm with you there. Seems to me the franchise is in good hands, and I know Paramount really wants the things to take off (kinda already has, by the looks of the numbers). I'm excited to see where they take it from here.
  3. He released it into a sealed chamber within the truck.
  4. Saw it on IMAX last night...for me, it exceeded expectations. I thought it was really clever the way they rebooted it, and the characters were more believable than I thought they'd be. Spoiler: Definitely a thumb's up from me!
  5. geez, LeBron is ridiculous lol BTW, one of the benefits of HDTV: You realize how hot some of the women are sitting courtside
  6. If I had to pick one person to take the last shot, it would be Robert Horry lol
  7. LeBron is the most fun player to watch in a long time, for me. Kobe is too much of a punk for me to really enjoy his play, but guys like LeBron, C.Anthony, KG, and even a Josh Smith from the Hawks....all amazing athletes.
  8. Would have been nice to see Garnett vs. King James in the Eastern finals though!
  9. That's one of my two criticisms of basketball....I hate the fact that FOULING is a strategy. The game can be so fun to watch, but then sometimes at the end all you have is inbound pass, foul, FT, repeat. The last two mins of a game can take forever watching this foul/FT crap. My other criticism was the fact that over 60% of the teams make the playoffs, but the way I got around this is to pretty much ignore the NBA entirely until playoff time. If I do that, I'm much more interested in the games, lol.
  10. Wow, the Mavs just choked big time! Carmello Anthony puts the dagger in Dallas with two big hoops in the last 25 secs, even though Dallas had been up by 4.
  11. Rally 'round Reich, baby!!
  12. It was blacked out in Rochester, and my grandmother and I were sitting at the kitchen table listening intently. What a great memory, and what a great team
  13. Absolutely. He was my idol growing up. The guy could do it all on the field...very underrated as a CF. Was good in the clutch, loved the game, etc. When he went to the Phillies I was heartbroken! I don't have the same emotional attachment to baseball anymore as I do the NFL, but if the Murph was inducted, I know I'd be tearing up almost as much as when Jimbo went into the HoF. Inducting Dale would be a great thing for MLB to do, IMO.
  14. They need to just open up another wing of the Hall and call it "The Steroid Era" or something, and put all these juicers in there regardless of stats.
  15. Kirk's balls! That's what they were missin'. You think when Picard hits a planet in sector 9 of the Kraachtaw system and starts whining like a spoiled little girl that it has anywhere near the effect of when Kirk starts swinging his member and givin' orders? Hell no! When it comes to badasses in the universe, you've got Darth Vader and James fuggin Kirk. End of story!
  16. Dale Murphy. In fact, this is the perfect climate in which Dale should get the call to the hall. With all these dishonest cheaters ruining the game, let's put one of the best players AND best people into Cooperstown.
  17. Anyone know how long his neck is?
  18. I was going to hit the 12:50 IMAX showing tonight but the damn thing sold out! Guess I'll be going in the morning....can't wait to see this!
  19. Okay, now that's definitely investigative work....I bet you're exactly correct, Kelly.
  20. If this is legit, it's the strangest way we've ever learned about a signing going down
  21. Wow, Darien Lake....lots of good memories there I can't believe how fast time flies as you get older....things that seem like they were only yesterday were actually twenty years ago
  22. Not that I'm aware of.
  23. Gwen Stefani looked HOT as always last night...she hasn't changed at all in the last ten years. Gokey butchered one of the greatest rock songs of all time, and probably my personal favorite. If there's any justice in the world, next week Lambert and K.Allen will hold Gokey down while Steven Tyler kicks him square in the balls.
  24. Come on, man....they've been beaten over the head for YEARS now that you go to the TEAM DOCTOR. This whole idea of "my doctor gave it to me and I didn't know what it was" is nothing more than a full-fledged admission that you were trying to get away with something. Baseball is a joke.
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