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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. you're in Honolulu? Lucky dog!
  2. Mo Williams reminds me of how Iverson used to go through stretches where his shots got REALLY sloppy, yet he refused to stop taking them. LeBron needs to get these guys' heads back on straight and take this game over. Orlando's little guys are toying with them.
  3. Ah, there we go....thanks! lol
  4. lol, I think you're right! What was up with those last couple shots?
  5. that Rafer Alston guy is just goin' apeshiit all over the Cavs....homeboy is raining three bombs left and right
  6. LeBron is a friggin BEAST tonight. The more I watch this guy play the more I'm convinced that he's able to do things that others just can't do. I just watched this guy do a Shaq impersonation, hit the shot, and get the foul. I don't profess to be a basketball expert, but looks to me that this is by far the most well-rounded, dominant player the NBA has seen in a while. He powers in like Shaq, he can drive and fly like Dr. J, and he can hit from the perimeter like.....aw, who cares....the guy is the KING!
  7. Are you serious?? That's something about basketball I just can't get past.
  8. Have become much more involved with college ball since moving to SEC country. That being said, I will never be as big of a fan as I could be unless and until we have a playoff system. I hate the BCS system.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBh5dvSbgLM
  10. Yeah, well Kobe knows how Shaq's asss tastes, too....
  11. I agree....I'd say it was 95% Shaq, 5% Kobe. Kobe is a punk ass. His reputation is inflated by playing in a watered down league, and he was a beneficiary during his three Laker championship runs. Screw Kobe. LeBron rules!
  12. Dammit man....NOW what the fug am I supposed to watch
  13. Yeah, but Shaq was the leader of those teams, and Shaq has since won another ring....Kobe is the clear leader of the Lakers now, and I expect he won't be able to get it done w/out the big man!
  14. Damn right....I want to see Kobe become the anti-Jordan...I want to see him make the finals over and over and lose every single time
  15. I'm glad to see the Magic win out, too. D.Howard is becoming one of my favorite players, and I think this team has been fun to watch. That being said, I expect the Cavs to win it 4-1 or 4-0 and hit the finals against the Lakers. LeBron v. Kobe would be a great final, and it'll be even greater to see Kobe fail yet again to lead his team to a championship. I think LeBron gets his first ring this year.
  16. Two pages and not a single mention of New Yorkers He also does a great babushka bit!
  17. RJ gets my vote, even though I really appreciate the way that JP has embraced Buffalo. RJ had massive balls and never quit. I've seen JP get frustrated and seemingly go into "fuggit" mode on the field. RJ>JP
  18. Seems like a cool guy....I hope he makes it, too
  19. Skin Deep (John Ritter) Bloodsport (JCVD) Victory (Stallone) Vision Quest (M.Modine) Flash Gordon Grease 2 They Live UHF
  20. His head sort of looks like a penis.
  21. Bring back Anoop, dammit!!
  22. "I told him that the Internet just isn't very popular right now."
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