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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I did find it somewhat satisfying that not long after I posted that, Kobe missed his next few shots, including 2 out of 3 FTs after being fouled outside the 3-point line. So that made up for it I probably wouldn't dislike the guy QUITE as much as I do if he wasn't from my (adopted) home town of Philly.
  2. Enough with the Kobe ball washing from these announcers....
  3. She was pretty amazing, I have to agree. I kinda thought Eliza was cute too, but she never STFU lol. Julie seemed like the total package, and I love chicks that have natural beauty. That Jeff Probst is a lucky guy if he locked her in! I'm gonna watch Borneo and then Australia, so Im looking forward to seeing another lovely, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, in action soon
  4. Of course, Julie from Vanuatu wasn't too hard on the eyes either, but she's been Probsted....ich!
  5. I love girls from my home state She's just amazing....smart, funny, athletic, great hair, great smile... Stephanie LaGrossa
  6. I was late to the party with both Amazing Race and Survivor, but I've since really come to enjoy both. I think Amazing Race is the best vicarious experience on television. It's a bit embarrassing to see how some Americans treat folks in other countries (the Cowboys cheerleader team from last season was pathetic....go figure), but this show is just a rush from start to finish. I've only seen a few seasons of Survivor, but just finished up rentals of Vanuatu and Palau....have Borneo on the way this week. Anyone remember Stephanie from Palau? Wowza!!!! I love Jersey girls
  7. Amen, brother. I hated how Brosnan's Bond almost made a mockery of the espionage thing. I never was able to take him seriously, and I still think he's a scumbag for hooking up with another woman so soon after he lost his wife to cancer. Just cant' get past it....shoot me. Daniel Craig is the perfect Bond to take this franchise by the balls and keep it viable.
  8. I've seen every Bond film, and Casino Royale was easily my favorite. Daniel Craig was a brilliant choice, and I'm thankful they got away from Brosnan, who I felt was awful. I have to admit that my next favorite Bond films were "Moonraker" and "For Your Eyes Only", not cause they were great films, but because they have a huge nostalgia factor for me. T.Dalton was very underrated as Bond, and I enjoyed his brief stint.
  9. Just saw it today....definitely good for a few big laughs, but also a few other, uh, disturbing parts....call me crazy, but not much funny about leaving a baby in a car I felt there were a few scenes when they did something that was more stupid or mildly disturbing that took away from the overall fun of the film. Overall, a thumbs up from me, though!
  10. I'm not giving up yet!!! lol
  11. He still can't beat Nadal!
  12. I think and hope we're going to see a very motivated Orlando team tonight. I'm calling for an overconfident Lakers team who will be surprised at the way the Magic come out ready for them. Orlando 96 Lakers 80 Kobe Rapist
  13. God bless this country and the men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe and free. I feel honored to have spent the first 20 years of my life growing up around great uncles and a grandfather who proudly served in WWII. I'm a better person today because of their influence.
  14. ::plans to fart in thread, but smells Dankenstein bomb:: ::runs away::
  15. If by some chance we don't qualify, Bradley needs to go immediately. There's just no excuse for that happening.
  16. I was thinking the same thing when they were showing the standings....
  17. It's much harder to antagonize John when the games are blowouts like that....C'MON, ORLANDO!!!! THROW US A BONE HERE!!!
  18. Who could blame you after last night? I'm afraid too....very afraid!
  19. Pretty sure the Honduras game is Sat night.
  20. LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!
  21. I missed it, but looks like it's on at 9pm tonight for anyone who wants to see it. Just set my DVR
  22. Did you hear them say how Freddy was "nowhere near making the team"? What is that about?? They've done nothing but hold this kid back and I'm sick of it. You've got guys like Rooney and Ronaldo making an impact when they're teenagers, while we're just dragging things along with Freddy. I'm not saying he'll ever be in the same league as those guys, but I totally agree with you that Freddy needs to be playing. He was one of the only players on our squad who was clearly THINKING about his game and making moves that actually exhibited some sort of skill. I refuse to believe we don't have talent, particularly young talent....we just need someone in here who is able to grow it and bring everyone together into a team. I'm getting kind of tired watching Onyewu pussyfoot around back there too....we need someone to light a fire under his ass. He should be dominant!
  23. Was it just me, or were the announcers saying that our second half SUBS were looking tired and winded? WTF? That's inexcusable in and of itself! I hate the fact that Donovan got to take that PK at the end, too, cause the guy SUCKED (as usual!) and he didn't deserve it. This team better have it's shiit together by Saturday.
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