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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Yeah, that GTi is a nice little car....a bit pricey, though, as you mentioned. I'd be pretty happy going back to a Mazda 3, myself. I often really miss my Protege ES...with the spoiler....and the moonroof....lol.
  2. Just out of curiosity, did you happen to test drive the "sport" version of the 3? It's analogous to the Si version of the Civic, and it's supposed to be a pretty nifty little car. I still like the VW GTi in that class, but would love any one of the three.
  3. I'm not a Donovan fan either, and if not for the fact that I was DAMN psyched about that win the other day, I would have called him out for being a kitty for not taking that shot. As to your second question, it was real. Damn real.
  4. I had a 2000 Protege, which was the precursor to the 3, and I loved it. Very roomy, nice pep, good gas mileage, and not bad in the style department either. I put over 100,000mi on mine and never had a problem.
  5. We have similar taste in women....nice job
  6. That's sad....she was a classy lady. RIP, gorgeous
  7. I can't even tell you how stressed out I was watching that. I was so tempted to FF on the DVR just because I couldn't stand the agony of not knowing if they'd hold up! lol Spain was putting shot after shot on goal, getting nice looks, but Howard and the D were just fuggin unreal. Onyewu would just appear out of nowhere to make the play! There were a couple times where the shot hit a US player just enough to change the trajectory....I thought for sure one of those would catch Howard off balance and go in the net. Wow, they held off the best team in the world, with arguably the best PLAYER in the world, to a shutout....amazing!!
  8. Hey man! Where have you been hiding? Haven't seen you in a long while! You been doin' okay??
  9. Sure does! Fez, you'll love that little guy. Bichons have about as much personality as you could possibly want in a dog. My Bichon will be 14 next month, but you'd never guess it. These are circus dogs in France, and they are a blast when they get going. My brother used to call mine "Barry Sanders" cause they make very quick cuts when they run around. That being said, my suggestion for a nickname since Lana didn't use it for her dog would be "Burger".
  10. Now we've got to deal with Demons who think you look mighty cute in them jeans! http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1
  11. Before today, I felt like what you just said has been nothing more than a theory....but you're exactly right, and they proved it today. This team has GOT to continue using their physical advantage, cause when they do they CAN play with the best, as you said. I can't believe this is the same bunch that was biatch slapped by Costa Rica a few weeks ago....
  12. Holy - CRAP!!!!! YO ADRIENNE....WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sitting here in awe of what I just watched. I want to know what the FUG happened to transform these guys from a lazy, uninspired bunch to absolute world beaters?!? That was one of the best all around performances I've seen in an American team since I don't know when. I know some of you guys have disagreed with me about Onyewu's performance, but if you couldn't see a difference in the guy's play today vs. what he's been doing, I don't know what to tell you. The guy was playing 9' tall! DeMerritt did great too, but come on, Onyewu was a man among boys, and that's the player I've been wanting to see since first hearing all the hype four years ago. He single-handedly shut down half of Spain's set pieces back there! And how about Altidorre? The one thing I was getting frustrated with this guy was his failing to use his stature to his advantage. A week ago you would have seen him take a dive when he was at the top of the box with the defender. What did he do today? He turned into a badass mofo, turned on the ball, and put us up 1-0!!! FUG YEAH BABY!!!! And lastly, what about that second half? Spain was letting loose everything they had in the arsenal to get back even in the match....I don't know how many shots they had, but there were a LOT of them, and they were on goal. What an amazing effort to withstand that for over 45 min, taking a 2-0 lead in the process. Hell, I even saw a bicycle kick in there!! lmao This team had swagger and they were bringing it! What a win!!! U-S-A!!!! U-S-A!!!! U-S-A!!!!
  13. I completely agree...our kids who are playing soccer (as so many of us did when we were kids) need to be exposed to the best players in the world. When I was growing up, I had the benefit of learning from Kurt Kuykendall who was active in the NASL. He played with Pele and a few other notables at the time, and this was a huge deal to me. It's great that we have the MLS, but people in this country should see how the game is played at the highest level, cause I think it will do wonders. I think most of us agree that soccer will always be a second-tier sport in this country, and we're cool with that....just hoping it continues to grow to where we can enjoy as much or more than we do currently.
  14. No doubt....the one scene in particular had people doing a double take. Too funny....
  15. Wow, Transformers is getting KILLED by the critics. Opens today, and I was keen to see it, but may see other stuff before I check it out. I enjoyed the first one, even though I wasn't blown away by it. Very excited to see "Moon"....Sam Rockwell is a terrific actor, and the buzz surrounding this film is pretty exciting. Agree with what WVA said above about "The Hangover". Wasn't as funny as I expected, but definitely enjoyed it....and the credits were hilarious! Talk about a payoff! lol
  16. I don't know if you guys saw this or not, but apparently ESPN has secured the rights to the EPL broadcasts in the UK. This is pretty awesome news! I love how soccer-friendly ESPN has become over the past several years, and this is another step in the right direction. I'm not sure if this means we'll be able to see EPL matches here yet, cause I think it was just for the UK version of ESPN....but I think the more soccer programming the network provides, the better. I would love to see them have a half hour World Soccer news show on ESPN, much like they have NFL Live. Anyway, I hope the US can put forth a solid showing today against Spain....I'm skeptical, but hopeful! U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!!!
  17. Actually, you can find good wings in Philly. I wish I could think of a few places to suggest, but it's been too long since I've lived there and I can't remember. If you're ever up in Warrington, there's a place called "Sal's" that has fantastic pizza, cheesesteaks, and wings.
  18. Speaking of Polish... Pierogies!!! Punchkies!!! Golumpkies!!! Yummy
  19. Same here....I love lo mein, so I'll give the other two noodle dishes you mentioned a shot. Had some shirmp lo mein last night....delicious
  20. And I can't really expose Lana to real wings when she's here in ATL, cause I can't find any that are worth a damn! lol
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