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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I did too! I felt guilty of something every time he came on screen! What a fantastic performance...
  2. That was one of the funniest AND most clever scenes in the entire film. The facial expressions were killin me! What a great scene
  3. Surprisingly underrated film....a lot of people I know who have seen it thought it was boring. I felt just the opposite! I loved the pacing, and the acting was amazing. Casey Affleck was fantastic. I just saw Inglorious Basterds tonight, and it surpassed my expectations. I agree with H&A that it's Tarantino's second best film next to Pulp Fiction. Tarantino used the concept of irony in this film very effectively, and it's not often that I have a cinematic experience that is THIS satisfying. I give this one 94 scalps! PS. Christoph Waltz was awesome in this flick!
  4. Just finished watching the tape...I was pretty impressed with the aggressiveness we were showing in the first fifteen mins, and that goal by Davies was beautiful. Primadonovan should watch that clip, cause that's what happens when you combine the natural gifts God gave you with decisiveness. He didn't kitty-foot around, he controlled the ball, made a nice break, and skillfully put the ball in the net. Primadonovan would have farted around and then made a risky pass, hoping someone would have enough of a shot to make good on it. That first Mexican goal was a friggin RIPPER. I'm less critical of us in this department than I used to be, cause there are guys on this team who will let fly with a shot from the top of the penalty box from time to time, and that's good. Relying on set pieces and PKs won't do it....you've got to be able to create your shot and put the ball on goal from distance every so often to keep the defense honest. This hombre served up a damn knuckle ball with some pace on it, and Howard had no shot. Bocanegra could have done something about it seemingly, but he has a history of backing off in situations like that. Anyway, I thought for a while there we might pull this one out, but just wasn't meant to be....again. Can't wait til next year, though! That's going to be a great WC....I can feel it!
  5. Awesome cast! Depp, Ledger, J.Law, T.Waits....etc
  6. Very cool move on their part. Dang, I wish I still had DTV Thanks for the reminder, Gringo. U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!! U-S-A!!!!
  7. Philster and Hops: You guys both pretty happy with your grills? Maybe I need to go in another direction than what George has to offer. I'm not all that worried about the money factor, I just want a well built, somewhat easy to clean grill that does what it's supposed to do.
  8. lol....she's an idiot. You have one of the best jobs on earth and you walk away from it? I knew she was flaky, but didn't realize she was that stupid.
  9. Paula Abdul-Dunkelman
  10. lol
  11. Thanks, Jack....does yours seem to get hot enough on both top and bottom? Seems like that's the only ding people have given in in the customer feedback. I can't believe how many of these damn things there are now....what's wrong with just one product that works great, like it used to be? This is nuts.
  12. I had a Foreman grill several years ago when I was married and really liked it. I wanted to buy another one, so I went online to see what they were going for on Amazon and there are like FIFTY of these things now. What happened to having just one simple Foreman grill? Now they have all different shapes, sizes, colors, etc. Any of you guys using one of these and can maybe help me figure out which one to buy? I just want something to grill burgers, steaks, chicken, etc on.
  13. God bless you, Captain....may you rest in peace.
  14. So did I, actually....probably one of the top ten most suspenseful films of all time for me. I still remember when I saw it....I was back home in Erie staying up late with my great Aunt. She was always a night owl like me, and I remember "daring her" to watch it with me. She said, "are you sure your parents won't get mad if I let you watch a rated R movie?" We ended up both shitting our pants at what was one helluva intense film. Good times!
  15. I loved the first two Alien films...both excellent. I can't wait to see what the next installment!
  16. Agreed. I haven't paid for a PPV since Wrestlemania 6 back in the day....I'd buy this one in a heartbeat.
  17. One of my nurses showed this to me at work....enjoy!
  18. Gringo, I found a video of another one of your famous headers!
  19. Figures....I had you pegged as a toe-baller!
  20. Dude, you should have that transferred to DVD before the tape disintegrates!
  21. So do you guys have any good stories from the time you played? I have a good one and a bad one: When I was at the Kurt Kuykendall camp back in the 80s, they had me playing mostly defense when we'd finish up the day with our scrimmage. The last day of camp, my dad had apparently arranged to have me moved up to center midfielder since he knew I was a pretty well rounded player for a big dude. I can't recall how I ended up with the ball, but I was somewhere between midfield and the top of the goal box when I avoided a defender to my right and just launched a rocket into the upper left part of the goal. I scored a lot of goals growing up, but that was by far the best. I'll never forget what it felt like to have some pretty talented players look at me like, wtf? The bad one was when I was playing indoor soccer when I lived in KC. Our best player went to turn with the ball, but his foot stayed planted in the turf. All at once I saw and heard his tibia (shin) snap right in half and pop out of his skin. It was absolutely horrifying. He was one tough SOB, though...have to give him credit. He was obviously in agony, and probably majorly freaked out, but he sucked it up, waiting until EMS got there, and left the field like a man.
  22. 60 is way too fuggin young, man...wish we could both renegotiate that deal with the big man.
  23. Really sorry to hear that, man...I dont know if you felt the same way, but I always grew up feeling as if my mom would always be there. It was just unfathomable that one day she'd be gone, especially at 60 y.o. I'll never forget how it felt to have my mom tell me how scared she was that she'd never see my niece grow up, or be there for us (my brother, father, and me) anymore. It was probably the most profound and painful conversation I've ever had with her.
  24. I understand exactly what you mean, cause that's how I always used to feel, too.
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