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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. You might be right, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna crap on the Bills chances and put another team up on a pedestal before we even play a single fuggin game.
  2. Yeah, we looked like crap in our first game this year.
  3. The 46 defense has always been my favorite. Unlike Jerry Gray and Greggo, who could never actually implement the scheme because "they didn't have the right personnel", Rex Ryan and the Jets go out and GET the fuggin guys to run it from day one. If they get their version anywhere near that of the B.Ryan Bears, Eagles, or Oilers....or even the more recent versions of the Ravens...they're going to be very scary.
  4. I think it's Brees himself. IIRC, his last year or two in SD were pretty damn good....he was just a late bloomer and by the time he started lighting it up, they already had drafted P.Rivers and paid him a small fortune.
  5. You guys realize he's playing against Detroit, right?
  6. So true...
  7. Geezus, you're right...I better change that, thanks!
  8. Just finished watching the ATL/Miami game... 1) (EDIT) Even Mularkey thought the Miami OC was absolutely retarded. I've never seen such a ridiculous offense in all my life. Absolutely no rhythm to it whatsoever, and Pat White can't pass a ball to save his life. 2) Phillip Merling is already better than any DE we have on our roster, save for the potential of Maybin. 3) Miami's front seven is very good, and their secondary WILL be within the next year or two. 4) We really could have used T.Gonzales. 5) We really could have used M.Peterson
  9. cause we haven't lost yet
  10. Hmmm....if I were a betting man, I think I'd be tempted to take Carolina, Chicago, and the points for both.
  11. Johnny Mac rules!
  12. Chefs are getting ten EDIT: or maybe 13 lol
  13. Atlanta -3.5 over Fins
  14. HFBD Scott! Same to the rest of ya
  15. Damn right, Stojan.
  16. Except for the fact that we don't have anyone who can throw a punch that well.
  17. I agree. The Blount kid was just minding his own business, taking his beating like a man and walking off the field.
  18. I enjoyed the first film more than most people did, I think, so I'm looking forward to seeing the next installment. It hits theaters in October. Trailer
  19. Considering that last season I was trying to find crappy internet feeds of the game, the PQ here would have to degrade considerably before I'd be dissatisfied lol. I didn't understand why DirecTv wouldn't sell the internet feeds separately, but maybe this is why. I'm just excited that I won't miss any games this year....that rocks!
  20. Mine was like that for about ten seconds, then the resolution gradually improved to where I was pretty happy with what I was seeing.
  21. I lived in Columbia briefly back in the mid-90s and loved it. I really like most of the mid-Atlantic area, to be honest. B-more is a very underrated city. I would move back to Columbia in a heartbeat.
  22. I didn't think Zombie's Halloween remake was anything close to the original (which is one of the few horror films I've ever loved), but I guess I'm in the minority when I say it definitely entertained me. I like how the original focused more on the psychological suspense of the Myers character whereas Zombie went more with the physical intimidation route, choosing an actor who was very physically imposing. I won't see H2 in the theaters, but I'm sure it'll be a rental for me down the road.
  23. Holy crap, this is too good to be true....the NFL RULES!!!!
  24. Same here! When I first realized what this was, I thought I was misreading it. The entire season streamed on my PC for $40?? This is an absolute no-brainer, and a Godsend for those of us who have the DTV tree issue. I work nights and sleep during the day, so this fits my schedule perfectly. FORTY BUCKS?? Are you KIDDING me? I can't wait for the season to start! Thanks for the head's up on this, Scott....you da man! I just fired up the demo to see what it looks like...it's perfect!
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