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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Looks lke the people on Amazon totally agree with you....very high rating for that game! I'll definitely pick it up
  2. Very cool, thanks man! I'll definitely add that to my list So far I have GTA IV, Ep. of Liberty City (on the way), WWE Smackdown v. Raw (on the way), NHL 10, and Top Spin 3. I suck at all of them, so if Burnout Revenge is a bit easier, I'll welcome the change! lol
  3. That game is on my short list. I'm pretty fascinated by the idea of challenging people online (from all over the world, literally) to a round of golf, a tennis match, free mode in GTA, etc. Not many of my friends keep the crazy hours I do, so it's fun to know I can always find an opponent online.
  4. lol, that's awesome! Do you know if he plays online at all?
  5. "...pfffffurrrrrrrt!"
  6. So Fez had been selling me on the idea of an xbox 360 for a while, and I finally gave in. Now, while I am astonished at how much I SUCK at these games, I'm actually having a really good time. Not only is xbox live way cool (particularly the netflix streaming!!), but games have come so far since I last played consistently (playstation 1 back in the mid 90s) that it's almost overwhelming. I'm 37 years old and I grew up on the Atari 2600. Back when I was a kid, it was like a national headline when Pac Man was released on that console. Even before that, I remember my parents had something called "Odyssey", which is where you put these big plastic things that have an image on them over the tv screen and simple lights would correspond with parts of the picture as you played the game. I was huge into the Sega Genesis and Nintendo NES, and then finally got around to the Playstation. Anyway, like I said above, I'm really having a lot of fun with it (particularly GTA IV), but it's also making me feel semi-retarded. There are so many more buttons, triggers, bumpers, sticks, and pads to coordinate that I often feel lost and uncoordinated. With the exception of a match just a few minutes ago on Top Spin 3, I have pretty much been thoroughly obliterated by whoever I've played online. Any of you guys (or girls) get back into gaming as an adult after being away from it for a while? What are some of your favorite games and what did you grow up playing? Did you feel overwhelmed at all when you got back into it, or is it just me?
  7. YOu know me better than to think I'd have a collection of lossy files, man....99.9% of my albums are in Apple Lossless format. Every single bit of music that is on the CD track is on my digital track. The only ones that are compressed and lossy are the handful of MP3s I have in my collection. And no, the example I gave above wasn't a CD to vinyl comparison, but I do have a friend in ATL who has a huge collection of both, and I've done the comparisons there. I don't know which I prefer, but they didn't really sound the same to my ears.
  8. Back in the early 90s when I was looking for my first pair of *real* speakers, I came across a guy who used to work for Bobby Palkovich of Merlin, which is based in Hemlock, NY. (Merlin is a very, VERY highly regarded speaker manufacturer for those who don't know) Anyway, this guy was starting his own offshoot speaker biz, and a buddy and I were over at his place for a demo. He played an LP of Suzanne Vega and we were in absolute shock at how good it sounded. We then listened to about half of the Dire Straights Brothers in Arms LP and were equally impressed. As much as I love my digital music collection and my Squeezebox, I'm often very tempted to add a turntable to my rig and start buying some LPs.
  9. lol, I love that! Every time I see something like this, it serves as evidence that the audiophile community is enough of a target market for mainstream media to cater to. I don't personally have a turntable, but I know lots of people who do and they love the analog sound. I can vouch for the fact that it's MUCH more impressive than you'd ever give it credit for unless you heard a true audiophile rig.
  10. Nah, it was probably about 8 hrs after Lana had taco bell.
  11. Yep, that's exactly why my biggest criticism of Edwards (and JP, for that matter) has been that he can't anticipate breaks. He's gotta see the guy in open space or already breaking to open space before he'll make the throw....that's a big reason why the fugger checks down constantly. If you listen to the first clip posted above, at about the 2:30 mark Merrill Hodge says that one of the best things about the kid is that he's able to anticipate his WRs better than most other QBs and how that's a huge advantage coming into the NFL. I'd love to see this kid hit the playbook for a few weeks and then let him play a bit before the end of the season.
  12. Geezus, I've been holding back a ton of emotion since reading this a few mins ago....I remember when Spielman shaved his head in support of his wife, and how determined he was to go through this with her to the greatest degree possible. There aren't a lot of things in my life that I truly have hatred for, but cancer is one of them. It took my mom too early, and I know it has impacted the lives of many of you guys, too. I didn't know Stephanie personally, obviously, but 42 years old? Geezus, the anger and sadness that wells up in me when I think about this is just unbearable. The Spielman family will be in my prayers, and I hope and pray that I live to see the day when someone discovers a way to prevent this type of thing from taking the women we love away so early in life.
  13. Tahou's closes at 8pm now??? That sucks, man...Nice that they're open at 8am for a hangover breakfast, but 8pm?? Prime business for that place when I lived in Rochester was 2-4am. I can taste that italian bread and hot plate right now...yummmmmmmy.
  14. I didn't know that either....wtf??
  15. I agree with this. I don't why it's always Buffalo that gets singled out with the "it's cold all the time there" stuff. To your list I'll add Cleveland, Minnesota and Denver. It's fuggin cold as hell in these places, too....so what?!! Besides, a lot of these guys live in other places and are only really in town during the season. In July and August, Buffalo is hot just like it is anywhere else. From September thru the beginning of November, you have one of the most BEAUTIFUL places in the country for taking in the Autumn scenery. December and January? Yep, cold as SH*T! But who cares?? You're getting paid millions of dollars and you'll be back home missing out on the worst part of the Buffalo winter anyway.
  16. Only college coach I'd be excited about is Kirk Ferentz
  17. I hope that's not true...like Bill suggested, let the guy be GM. He'd be fantstic in that role
  18. Feels good to actually be excited about what's going on with the team, again!! lol I just hope they don't fuggit up
  19. He really is....he's got the right mentality and vision for a cold weather team....he's a great leader...he's got a history with the Bills....Ralph won't have to pay Cowher/Holmgren/Shanahan money to get him...etc. I'm a big fan of "Marty-ball", too. I love a tough, "wear-you-down" power running game with a dominating defense. That's EXACTLY the kind of team that we need in Buffalo. Find a tough, gritty QB who can manage the game and also throw the deep ball in cold weather, and we'd have a winner for the next five years. I was shocked when Snyder fired Marty after such a short tenure in Washington, and right when they were starting to show significant improvement. Obviously Snyder was smitten with Spurrier at the time, but that was a dumb move. We won't make the same mistake if we get marty. He'll have the time he needs to build the team his way, and I would bet that we'll be in the playoffs by year 2. I've said in the past several times, that I consider marty to be the Larry Brown of the NFL. They both always leave the team much better off than how they found it....they're both successful, and sooner or later you'll win it all. I could see Buffalo being for marty what Detroit was for Larry! Get r' done, Ralph!!!!
  20. I would be thrilled if we brought Marty in here...the guy is a no-nonsense winner.
  21. "This is my team." - D.Bledsoe
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